Brattleboro Says Emails Have Turned Supportive

February 6th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Brattleboro. Not kidding.

BRATTLEBORO, Vt. (AP) - The tone has changed in e-mails this Vermont town has been receiving on its proposal to issue warrants for the arrests of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, according to its Town Manager. Now, more people are supporting the resolution.

Brattleboro’s town offices have been flooded with 7,000 e-mails since its selectboard voted Jan. 25 to include the item on its Town Meeting Day agenda.

Some of the earliest messages received were so full of vitriol that town officials said they were worried for their safety. Some writers called Brattleboro a bastion of “liberal appeaser wimps” and “wackjobs” for even considering the warrants.

Town Manager Barbara Sondag said any threatening emails are passed along to the police, although she said Tuesday that the nasty messages have subsided, replaced by ones supportive of the resolution.

Sondag’s office is reviewing every e-mail received and the issue is taking up 60 percent of her workers’ time.

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12 Responses

  1. Goodbye Natalie

    In looking at those four young rubes laying around naked like some throwbacks to Woodstock, sane people can’t tell me if I could somehow magically blink these four into oblivion, anybody would really care.

    I know for a fact all women would be appreciative, including their mothers.

  2. Dave M.

    It isn’t easy to fight a war, and it is especially difficult
    if you are naked and cold.

  3. POD1

    I really hope someone hosed down that sidewalk.

  4. jam

    I know it is a little bit off topic, but not so much when you think about it. From the editorial pages of The San Francisco Chronicle, this lame attempt at damage control over Berkeley: (I especially like the shot at Senator DeMint)

    There’s nothing surprising - or objectionable - about an anti-war protest outside a Marine Corps recruiting office in Berkeley. Bullhorns, locked arms, chanted slogans: Bring it on if that’s the way demonstrators want to oppose the Iraq war.

    But what is the Berkeley City Council doing by endorsing statements denouncing these recruiters as “uninvited and unwelcome intruders” and reserving curb space for the convenience of weekly protesters?

    Berkeley’s leaders have taken the worthy notion of political protest and shoved it over the cliff. While playing up arguments of free speech and organized protest, the council has loaded the deck with insulting language that denigrates the military and embarrasses the anti-war cause.

    The motion approved by the council includes a number of remarkable statements: “The United States has a history of launching illegal, immoral and unprovoked wars of aggression” and “The military recruiters are sales people known to lie to and seduce minors.”

    The move has provoked an uproar. South Carolina Republican Sen. Jim DeMint wants to yank some $2.1 million in Washington money bound for Berkeley schools, food programs and ferries. Sorry senator, we don’t see the connection - or sense of fairness.

    Two Berkeley City Council members, Sharon Olds and Laurie Capitelli, are hurrying a resolution for the council’s Feb. 12 meeting to paper over the harm done. Their idea is to state Berkeley’s opposition to the Iraq war and support the troops, no-brainer notions in local politics. The measure would also attempt to undo the damage by also dropping the offending rhetoric of the original resolution that singled out the Marine recruiters. That would be a welcome ending to a foolish crusade.

  5. drillanwr

    Okay … ewww!

    If you’re gonna have a town where guys (and even girls) are feeling free to stroll around town like this at the very LEAST work the hell out and visit a tanning booth, for cripessakes!

    (MUST call my Dad and my Mom and thank them for ’strong-handing’ me at age 12-13 during the hippie days to keep me as far out of it as possible … although I didn’t think so at the time …)

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    What would those 7,0000 letters be from? The last hippies in America? Or is it the dope the town is smoking. I call shennanighans.

  7. PhilNBlanx

    “If dogs run free, then why not we
    Across the swooping plain.”

    Er…except for Bush and Cheney that is….

    If by some odd chance I ever get up to Brattleboro I’ll be sure to pack some stink bombs. Would the sit-inzens notice?

  8. Lamplighter

    Gross! I thought those people in Vermont were enviromentalist tree huggers! What’s with the skanky human debris polluting the sidewalk? Yuk!

  9. A. S. Wise- VA

    Thank God I didn’t encounter any nudists when I was up there.

  10. Dbo

    I’ve got a friend (former jarhead like myself) who goes to school up there.

    Its really funny how when I, from Maryland, visit small towns like brattleboro in the Northeast I get treated like I am an ignorant redneck when their towns are so rural and backwood and “liberally reactionary” (if that term I just made up makes sense). I mean seriously the one bar in the town closes at 1230am. and you cant buy alcohol anywhere after nine pm. In baltimore I can party my ass off and drink and find arts and entertainment and culture all night.

    These people just walk around naked drinking moonshine and playing acoustic guitar and pretend to be smarter and more hip than everyone else in the world.

    Oh and btw, these people are breaking the law, you are only allowed to walk around naked in brattleboro if you are going somewhere.

    The people in the Northeast really live in a huge fuckin bubble.

  11. Kermit

    Doesn’t really matter about the hippie era. I was interested near the tail end most of the college guys involved were in it for the easy access to liberal, on the pill gals, and more pot.

    There was an old poster about draft dodging with two attractive coed type saying, “If you say no, we will say YES.”

    The history professors don’t teach what really happened.

  12. Jim

    “Brattleboro Says Emails Have Turned Supportive”

    Means anything less than a dearh threat!

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