BREAKING: Missile HITS Potentially Killer Satellite! Updating Regularly

February 20th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


They gotta be going nuts on the USS Lake Erie, man…

So they say the satellite was traveling at 17,000 mph, that is actually faster than an ICBM…AND it was cooler…

We own the sky…therefore, we own the world. The Russians and the Chinese and, yes, especially the Iranians, are shitting their pants right now…fuck ‘em.

This feels better than…anybody remember in Desert Storm, when we found out how many of the SCUD missiles the patriot system was slapping down? This feels kind of like that, only better.

WASHINGTON - The USS Lake Erie, armed with an SM-3 missile designed to knock down incoming missiles—not orbiting satellites—launched the attack at 10:26 p.m. EST, according to the Pentagon. It hit the satellite as the spacecraft traveled at more than 17,000 mph.

A defense official says a missile launched from a Navy ship in the Pacific hit the U.S. spy satellite it was targeting 130 miles above Earth’s surface. Full details are not yet available.

It happened just after 10:30 p.m. EST.

Two officials said the missile was launched successfully. One official, who is close to the process, said it hit the target. He said details on the results were not immediately known.

The goal in this first-of-its-kind mission for the Navy was not just to hit the satellite but to obliterate a tank aboard the spacecraft carrying 1,000 pounds of a toxic fuel called hydrazine.

U.S. officials have said the fuel would pose a potential health hazard to humans if it landed in a populated area. Although the odds of that were small even if the Pentagon had chosen not to try to shoot down the satellite, it was determined that it was worth trying to eliminate even that small chance.

Officials said it might take a day or longer to know for sure if the toxic fuel was blown up.


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32 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn


  2. drillanwr

    Hell, yeah!!!!

    You go, USS Lake Erie!!!

    Anybody else watch the lunar eclipse? There was “blood on the Moon” …

  3. Corey Wayne

    God bless America-its great to be a part of the winning team!

  4. Mr. Standfast

    That will give the chinese, russians. and iranians a moment for reflection. :mrgreen:

  5. Archinfidel

    Hell Yeah :!: Iran now what?! Looks like checkmate. missile Defense operational in Israel now too. HAHA Iran is going down.

  6. Mart (just another infidel)

    Don’t want to put damper on the celebration, but didn’t the Chinese do something similar a few months ago?

  7. A. S. Wise- VA

    I had the pleasure of touring a Ticonderoga class cruiser in July 1997. It was the USS Monterey, damn fine warship, I saw the USS George Washington the day before. Every time I visit Norfolk (or any other city in the Hampton Roads area), I feel energized by the displays of our nation’s military might!

    Take note China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. We shall have the technological edge for generations to come! Outstanding job, squids! :wink:

    ^ Mart:

    We’ve possessed ASAT technology since at least the 1980s. The real shock with the Chinese test, was that they didn’t notify the international community beforehand. Right now, their overall military technology is probably 20-25 years behind ours. Which is why they’re always trying to steal it from us.

  8. Archinfidel

    :arrow: Mark
    Yeah but we did too in the 80’s. This is different because it was our anti-missile missile. China is at least 3 decade behind right now.

  9. POD1

    Tehran = Dresden 2
    Damascus = Dresden 3
    Gaza = Dresden 4

    Dresden never gets old.

  10. PhilNBlanx

    Damn, that’s got to piss off Hillary, Hussein, Harry and Nancy.

  11. Kurt(the infidel)

    So damn awesome! :twisted:

    Next use for this missile will be Ahmedinejads lead enema.

  12. One Shot

    One shot…one kill :wink:


  13. LftBhndAgn

    In regards to China:
    A land based missile only has a limited window to attack the target.

    The SM-3 missile will be deployed fully on every US Ageis Cruiser and Destroyer by end of 2009.

    That is the difference folks.

  14. deathstar

    Nice, looks like missile defense is working, shove that where the sun dont shine democrats.

  15. CJW

    I wonder if Michelle Obama is proud of this. ???

    Ah, who cares what she thinks.

    I just know it’s awesome. Well done.

  16. LftBhndAgn


    Nice, looks like missile defense is working, shove that where the sun dont shine democrats.


    God damned Democrats will cut the funding to save polar bears.

  17. Egfrow

    Begun, These Star Wars have! China has been swallowing Intellectual property and engineering data for quite a while. I doubt they are three decades behind like we suspect. The Clinton’s have transfered allot of space and navigation technology to China and they successfully stealing allot more. They have already cloned our F-16 called the J-10. The Russians have copied the F22 called the Mig-50. China has already beat us to being the first to shoot down a satellite from orbit. Though this good and long overdue news this is not a decades long lead by far.

  18. GradualDazzle

    An adult-diaper moment for the creeps of the world. How’dya like them apples, Pooty-Poot? Kimmy Jong? Ahmadumbass? Little Hugo?

    Wankers. PWN!1!!1!

  19. drillanwr

    :arrow: Egfrow

    Begun, These Star Wars have!

    May the fucking Force be with you! :twisted:

    (Nice touch, btw!) :beer:

  20. Lamplighter

    The Chinese did it a few months ago, but they didn’t tell anyone until afterward. Also, theirs was in a higher orbit, so they left lots of space junk. Our junk theoretically was supposed to all fall and burn through our atmosphere. Good shot!

  21. drillanwr

    They had better have video of this for us junkies.

  22. Mike in CA

    :wink: Hey Iran, hey Acchhhmmeedd…

  23. drillanwr

    Hey, anybody else feel Ronnie smiling down from Heaven tonight? :wink:

  24. Norm

    I have a sense of the feeling one gets when such accomplishments are made. I was stationed at Edwards AFB, California when the very first space shuttle was tested…what an exciting feeling it was! The USS Lake Erie sailors must feel that same exhilaration.

  25. GBU43

    I promise someone has already painted a Kill silhouette on the side of the ship.

    But remember the liberals cant be wrong.

    “The missle defense system is a failure.. It doesnt work…”

  26. Tom in CO

    Preemption preemption preemption! Who says it didn’t work in this case? Where’s Ron Paul and the anti-war crowd when you need them? :twisted:

  27. mindy abraham

    :mrgreen: Good shot guys

  28. Texas Larry

    US technology kicking ass again and again

  29. 0311inOHio

    And they said Reagan nuts…

  30. steve m

    The ChiComs shot was an easy high orbit, slower moving shot. This sucker was coming in fast, 4-5 km per sec, had no heat signature like a warhead upon re-entry. Think of it as the ChiComs thew a rock @ a moving car. We threw one at a Roger Clemens fastball.

  31. Gary in Midwest

    American know-how, it’s a beautiful thing!

  32. Tom in CO

    steve, pre- or post- steroid Clemens? ;)

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