Breaking: Romney To Quit

February 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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32 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    starts with F ends with K

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    Romney said on Tuesday that he wouldnt drop out, he would keep fighting. Any chance McCain had a talk with him about a VP spot?

  3. Wolfman

    wow….now we have the choice between a liberal or an uber liberal…and we have to figure out which one is which

  4. trustme1013


    Guess I should crawl in my hole right now.

  5. Steve in NC

    Kurt(you infidel) I hope your right

  6. IP727


  7. LftBhndAgn

    From the slimes

    Romney to Quit Presidential Race

    Also being reported now On Fox he IS dropping out

  8. Paslode

    Mitt must have seen the appeal in Juan Hernandez smile.

  9. franchie

    is he going to bankrupture ? too bad

  10. John Cunningham

    Someone at Breitbart commented “now, we have a choice between a Democrat and a Democrat”. We’re fucked.

  11. Kurt(the infidel)

    this fu*king sucks!!! seeing him drop out just left me with a bad feeling

  12. cclezel

    It’s time for me to realign my portfolio in my 401k. The next four years is going to be pure hell for this country.

  13. drillanwr

    Steve and Kurt -

    *ditto* on the Veep offer … As I recall, Kennedy and Johnson hated the hell out of each other … So, it could happen.

  14. John Cunningham

    I’m not giving up on the party of Lincoln and Reagan, I have to go along with the program. As others have said, maybe he’ll be given the vice-Presidency. Oh, well.

  15. Mark Tanberg

    The MSM has won this fight, they pushed their man into the lead in our house. This is a cancer in the republican party
    and we need to clean house.
    I will not affiliate myself with this disease.
    Time to regroup and get ready for the next battle.

  16. john

  17. Irish Gal

    Well, there you have it. I personally think he needs to not necessarily be vice president but be somewhere with his finger on the economy. What this really tells me is that even though the media mantra of “the failing economy”, the American people aren’t buying that at all. Mitt will be back. This was his toe dipping session. He’s not done forever, it’s not in his makeup. You don’t become wildly successful like him and give up forever. God Bless him and his family for their valiant effort.

  18. Irish Gal

    Whoever runs in the future will have to figure out a way to manipulate the media. They aren’t that smart, it can’t be that hard.

  19. Robert (U.S.M.C.)

    I have a possible solution, let’s waterboard Thompson and Romney and force them to run together to defeat ALL these libs. My stomach has sunk to the point that I will probably pass it later. All joking aside, this is a black day for conservatism…what do we do guys? Write these two in on the ticket…?!?

  20. Ang

    Most depressing thing I have heard all day. Damn damn double damn.

  21. Robert (U.S.M.C.)

    BTW, I agree with Mark Tanberg, John Cunningham, cclezel, and Steve in NC…This website has the best people on it! Let’s DO something…Open to suggestions…

  22. Jeff



  23. Kurt(the infidel)

    Robert, we need to all form a pact on here..get as many as we can on a seperate thread of the site and come to an agreement on a write in candidate. thats my idea. his campaign is only suspended

  24. Robert (U.S.M.C.)

    Kurt(the infidel), I couldn’t agree more. You know, Pat has some wonderful links to other sites that would be an excellent vehicle for such a proposal. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are in a fight for the future of our country. The “mainstream” media has a strangle hold on the uninformed of this Great nation, time we use this same medium as means to turn the table. Make no mistake, this IS a war for our Republic. The Founding Fathers of this country warned time and time again against the consequents of The United States of America falling prey to Democracy. Democracy, as a functional government, has never stood the test of time, and never will. We need people in office that understand the true meaning of our Constitution and it’s intent, a Republic. The militias in this country right now rest on the twisted spines (or should I say, spineless and shameless) of those in the media, not in the hands of those that the 2nd amendment that has been at it’s core context and meaning. The libs would like nothing more than to transform this Nation into a socialist, p.c., and gutless society. Take one look to Europe and see our bleak future…

  25. Robert (U.S.M.C.)

    Hats off to you to Irish Gal!!!

  26. Monkey3531

    I have to agree with the others saying we need to do something about writing in a candidate. Although not my first choice (Fred, Please come back!!??) I think Romney should lead the ticket. He lasted the longest of all the conservative candidates, so there would be a decent base from which to start. Any other ideas?

  27. Robert (U.S.M.C.)

    Maybe we should push from within the Romney and Thomson camps to unite these two for a push for the White House. With the combine assets of these two, they could be formidable force in defeating these liberals that have infiltrated our party…

  28. Mjolnir

    I was so disappointed when i saw the video of Mitt suspending his campaign…
    I’m with you guys on this. What’s the plan?

  29. Monkey3531

    Now that I’ve calmed down, and sought some reflection on our little plan to write in a real conservative, another issue has presented itself. Do we as conservatives (I’m assuming most of the readers/posters here are conservatives) actually pursue a write-in campaign and risk dividing the conservative vote in November (I’d still rather have McCain than That Cunt or Hussein Obama), or do we tentatively get on the McCain Train and take the chance that he will function in a manner consistent with conservatism and not like the liberal he has been behaving like for the past few years?

  30. Erik Marsh

    If there is a chance to beat McCain, Romney is still it. He only “suspended” his candidacy meaning he can still accept donations, spend money, and receive votes. If anybody noticed, the results for the Super Tuesday Primaries & Caucuses included the likes of Guiliani, Tancredo, Hunter and Thompson. If you went across the board, these added up to tens of thousands of votes and in some states, would have given Romney a win, or at the least given him more districts in the proportional states thereby increasing his delegate count. Now, there are 1035 delegates still out there and while it’s not likely that we could get him or anyone else enough delegates to win outright we could keep on plugging away and increase his influence in a brokered convention. THIS IS WHAT WE WANT!! The theory that the party or America is helped by having an uncontested primary season is B.S. we can still do this we just need to get the word out. Not just from one person, but everyone. Radio call-ins to both national AND ESPECIALLY LOCAL shows, blogs, letters to the editor, everything and what ever.

    Three things can happen:
    1. We have no effect and simply end-up in the same place we are today.
    2. We slow McCain’s delegate train down, and supress any possible Huckster success atleast giving the delegates a chance to think about what they’re doing at convention.
    3. We go into the convention split 3 ways US-Huck-McC and hopefully it goes to a 3rd Ballot where delegates are allowed to choose themselves (long odds but best outcome)

    Pat & Bash - for this to process to begin, I respectfully request a new strand. I know these are long odds, but it’s time we begin our own insurgency.

  31. Kurt(the infidel)

    Erik Marsh,

    You have spoke on my greatest fear when it comes to writing in a candidate(although i do support the idea). What if we dont muster enough support and only end up dividing the Republican party too much and one of these 2 Dems end up winning. We have to take a long sobering look at what an America lead by Obama or Hillary would really look like.

    1) Complete Withdrawal from Iraq and eventually Afghanistan
    2) Isolationism- Completely reverting inwards and playing defense again as opposed to offense against Jihadists or not at all.
    3) Taking away defense funds. essentially clipping the balls off of our military like Bill did.
    4) Higher taxes, and by higher i mean by about 40% or more

    Anyone else want to add to this list. There is plenty more

    If another thread is put up on this site or elsewhere and we can discuss the numbers we might have and if they seem high enough you can count me in. If not I guess ill have to play it safe and vote for McCain. I wont let the other 2 pull our brave troops out with anything less than total victory. Its the #1 issue for me

  32. Erik Marsh

    @ Kurt

    That’s one of the beautiful things about this idea. I’m not talking about running a 3rd party candidate that might steal general election votes away. That tactic won’t work. Too many people check the “Party Ticket” box to be viable. This strategy focuses on continueing to support the candidate(s) we want to anyway. People would vote for Hunter if that’s their guy, or Tancredo, or Thompson IN THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. But we would focus on Romney because of his delegate count. We are talking about an insurgency from within, not an assault from without. Something that I think we have all seen is that people are still voting their personal choice, by the thousands. This is what we need to tap into because ultimately a vote IS NOT WASTED IF IT IS IN WHAT YOU BELIEVE.

    While there would not be anything wrong with a Romney nomination, that is not the ultimate goal. The goal is to deny McCain the required delegates that are needed to get an automatic nomination thereby securing a brokered convention. This is how we ensure that conservative issues get voiced and addressed that will otherwise be ignored because of the McCain lovefest.

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