Brit Poll: Archbishop More Dangerous Than Hate-Preaching Cleric

February 8th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


The Daily Mail asked Brits who they felt poses the bigger threat to Britain’s way of life?

Poll results say:

36% Said Abu “One-Eyed Captain Hook” Hamza posed a bigger threat while…

64% said the Archbishop of Canterbury posed the bigger threat.

The problem with this is that it’s too fucking late, the camel is in the tent and starting to shit all over the Brits.

They might as well ask them if they would prefer to die from poisoning or beheading.

Somebody needs to kill that camel or life for the Brits as they know it will never be good again.


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11 Responses

  1. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :evil: Archbishop the Archenemy of Britain.
    This man needs to leave his position as a leader in the Church of England.
    I hope that the Episcopal Church of the United States breaks away from this insanity.
    God bless my Crusader ancestors.

  2. Steve in NC

    if you criticize the archbishop he won’t order a fatwa against you, so the choice is easy for the bent over brits

  3. drillanwr

    Well … he IS, after all, wearing THAT highly dangerous and offensive “Jesus” [thing] around his neck … He could, at any moment, shoot a lightning bolt out his ass and convert them to Christianity in an instant.

    :arrow: Marc Stockwell-Moniz -

    God bless my Crusader ancestors.


  4. Kafir

    Of course, when Sharia comes to Britain, they’ll all emigrate to the US and Canada. Will they then realize that it was their own PC bullshit that drove them from their land? Nooooo, they’ll then want to accommodate the Muslims in America, too!

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Here’s one for the apostate Archbishop: ….”Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit…”

    This guy is an empty suit full of “empty deceit”. Fire his ass…

  6. Paslode

    The Arch Bishop and the One-eyed wonder appear to be the reincarnate of one Jack Elam or at very least of the same lineage

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    Ok i have to weigh in on this one.

    The one eyed goat raper is a terrorist and the archbishop is an enabler. Both equally bad in my opinion.

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” - Edmund Burke

    Me: see in any case in the course of history when evil has triumphed, or just multiplied or held ground was facilitated by an enabler. Those who should be on the side of good yet for whatever reason choose to change sides,do nothing or just give up entirely. emboldening the evil doers. These 2 are equally guilty. Its almost like people are starting to develop airborne stockholm syndrome and becoming sympathetic to the enemy.

  8. TBinSTL

    The Episcopal Church is going down the same path, only faster in the US. There are many who are abandoning the ECUSA for traditional Anglicanism now and it feels good. We sing the patriotic hymns still too! The future of the traditional Anglican faith that supported bringing civilization to a benighted world is in the Global South now. I attend a church that is part of a missionary organization from Africa TO the US….tells ya something, eh?

  9. JonnyMordant

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel), I was just reading this: As part of its Concordat with the Nazi regime, the Vatican had the huge Center Party, the Catholic Party(which had previously opposed the Nazis),
    voted for the so-called ‘Enabling Act,’ which gave Hitler dictatorial powers, and then dissolved itself.

    :arrow: Bash, speaking of the camel in the tent; here’s some historical photo’s of the church making a deal with the Devil (I guess nothing ever changes):

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    The poll doesn’t take into account the two enemies of western civilization: ie. the near enemy and the far enemy. Instead it makes a choice between which of the two is more of a threat.

    The near enemy is any appearser, or Dhimi, or potential Dhimi like this Bozo or any philosophy that allows the weakening of western society to the point where totalitarian ideas like Isalmo-facism are allowed to flourish.

    The far enemy is the totalitarian, psychopathic philosphy, and Xenophobia of Islam itself.

    You have two enemies Britain. The Archbishop is as big an enemy of freedom as was Chamberlain in WWII. And Hitler isn’t just at your doorstep, he’s in your mosques and walks your streets.

    Get fucking real.

  11. Kurt(the infidel)

    Hey Johnny, Great example man. thats exactly what it is. evil cant take hold without enablers

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