British Hungarians Stand Up To Jihadis With Knives & Machetes
Dude! Hungarians! Yeah, baby! Slaughter them fucking pigs…
“A MAJOR police alert was sparked after up to 40 Hungarian and Pakistani yobs brandishing machetes and knives clashed in Ravensthorpe.
Tensions boiled over in the multi-racial community on Tuesday night amid claims that an Asian girl was “touched” by the Hungarians.”
It looks like the throngs of Eastern European immigrants that have recently arrived both legally and illegally in the UK may be the flashpoint of what many feel will be street warfare against muslims trying to enforce their suffocating and vengeful Sharia Law in Great Britain.
Apparently these Hungarian men decided they were not going to cowtow to muslims nor be punished for an action that in western countries is an everyday normal behavior - talking to a young woman.
Muslim men need to “wake up and smell” the Western world that they have chosen to live in. Great Britain IS not a muslim nation (yet) though it frequently seems that the British government, multiculturalists and muslim leaders are trying hard to make it so.
Fears that violence may escalate again are justified as it is not just the Hungarians who are fed up with the overbearing, whining, demanding, controlling and vindictive muslim presence in Great Britain.
(The Press Newspaper)
These Hungarians need to get up to speed with the Muslim program:
Talking to women….bad.
February 26th, 2008 at 11:00 amStoning women….good.
Well damn.
At least as far as England goes, immigrants really are doing the jobs that Britons won’t (can’t).
February 26th, 2008 at 11:05 amWHY do yunz think I’M such a bitch?
I’m HALF Hunky! And look at the French Prez who also has Hungarian blood boiling through his veins.
My aunts and uncles had BOTH our family trees (G-ma and G-pa) traced back to Genghis Khan (Kerry’s fave!) AND Atila The Hun … Yeah, we were bad-ass MoFos back in the day …
Also, I have read that the Hungarian language (Magyar) is a derivation of Arabic. (Sinfully, other than one or two words, I did not learn the language from my Grandparents.)
So, if a Hungarian says “Fuck you, haji!” in Magyar, he might just understand it!
February 26th, 2008 at 11:37 amAnyone care for a big bowl of muslim goulash? A nice glass of Tokaj for dessert will wash the goat taste away.
February 26th, 2008 at 11:43 amHungarians wanna get some too!… pirítós!
February 26th, 2008 at 12:38 pmI didn’t know Great Britain was in the Middle East. Blame it on public education.
February 26th, 2008 at 1:13 pmYet more bollocks about the UK.
“Great Britain IS not a muslim nation (yet)”
Yea, right! 2.8% are Muslim, two thirds have no religious affiliation at all. 60 million Britons are going to convert to Islam?? Bit of a credibility gap there mate!
Erik Marsh
“At least as far as England goes, immigrants really are doing the jobs that Britons won’t (can’t).”
So you think we should slaughter the 2.8% with machetes? It’s so nice to live in the civilized west!
February 26th, 2008 at 2:05 pmLondon Calling
‘So you think we should slaughter the 2.8% with machetes? It’s so nice to live in the civilized west!’
Never Mind the Bullocks, Here’s the Facts…
I would prefer a mass deportation, but deem 2.8% Mooslims using a machete on the 60%….so Fuck Yeah!
Go Hungarians! Those chaps are deserving of citizenship and knighthood ny the Queen!
They keep pushing us in the states and Game and Wildlife might issue a Jihadi Tag or Jihadi Pelt Bounty.
February 26th, 2008 at 2:44 pmLike … why do they, like, wear those scarf, like, thingies, like, all the time … Can’t they, like, buy, like, one of those, like, ‘blurry dot’ thingies, like, like they use, like, on, like, TV?
February 26th, 2008 at 3:16 pmPaslode
” … Here’s the Facts. I would prefer a mass deportation …”
I thought the enlightened folk of the west were supposed to be against ethnic cleansing?
PS. Facts aren’t the things you’d “prefer”. It’s a little less convenient than that.
February 26th, 2008 at 3:39 pmdrillanwr
” … ‘blurry dot’ thingies … ”
Now that’s funny! Bravo.
… and no, I’m not being sarcastic.
February 26th, 2008 at 3:41 pmHungary was on the pointy end of the spear in the defense of Western civilization for a very long time. It’s not really that surprising that Hungarians in Britain wouldn’t mind tussling with muslims.
London Calling, besides being a one of the best albums of all time, you bring up a good point. When one looks at least at the numbers you have presented you make a valid argument. The idea of 60 million people suddenly deciding to become hajjis really stretches credulity.
I think the real problem a lot of us have when reading news stories in this vein, is that as a minority the islamists seem to be very good at getting government to accept their aberrant behavior, even if it violates Western Civilizations basic tenets.
February 26th, 2008 at 5:04 pmlondon calling, this is america calling,
wtf does mass deportion of people who had no intention of assimilating have to do with ethnic cleansing? Idont know what your citizenship tests are like but in america you must take your your new country as your own by attempting to assimilate not expect the country to adopt your peculiar religious or societal customs. Is it a crime in the uk to touch a woman? perhaps I’m just not educated about the UK as you are?
February 26th, 2008 at 5:42 pm