CBS’s Morley Safer Says We Should Be More Like Socialist Denmark

February 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Okay, Morley…below is an excerpt from an article by Kyle Drennen:

On Sunday’s “60 Minutes,” anchor Morley Safer did a segment on Demark being ranked the happiest country in world consistently for the past three decades and wondered: “What makes a Dane so happy? And why isn’t he wallowing in misery and self doubt like so many of the rest of us?” Later in the segment, Safer discovered that low expectations of the Danish people was the key to their happiness and he concluded that:

Wanting it all is a bacterium that stays with us from youth to old age — wanting a bigger house, fancier car, more stuff. And when we get more, there’s always someone with even more stuff who’s just as unhappy. Some suggest that the unhappiest zip codes in the country are the wealthiest, like the Upper East Side of New York.

It’s interesting that many liberal media figures reside in New York’s Upper East Side.

Safer began the segment by referring to the Declaration of Independence, just prior to touting Denmark’s socialism:

Tonight, we talk about happiness, that quirky, elusive emotion that the Declaration of Independence maintains we have every right to pursue…the main scientific survey of international happiness, carried out by Leicester University in England, ranks the U.S. a distant 23rd, well behind Canada and Costa Rica. But you’ll be pleased to know we beat Iraq and Pakistan. And the winner is? Once again, Denmark.

Later, while talking to Danish professor Kaare Christiansen, Safer wondered if a nation’s power makes it unhappy: “Do you think there’s some kind of inverse relationship between the more powerful you are, the more unhappy you are, and the weaker you are, the happier you are?”

Full Newsbusters article here.

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9 Responses

  1. Goodbye Natalie

    Keep the faith Bash. One thing is for sure. All of these old American-hating libs at CBS, Mike Wallace, Dan Rather, Andy Rooney, and now Morley Safer, are going to be dead from natural causes soon enough - the sooner, the better.

    And I’ll find myself saying the same thing I did when Molly Ivins found out the Bush’s weren’t really her biggest problem. Good riddance…

  2. Ivan the Kafir

    Its a funny way of looking at things. In a way it works but if someone had no ambition, they would be living in a shack. You need a certain amount of ambition but you also need the flexibility to not be disappointed if things don’t come out to order. Perhaps gratitude is the key here. You can expect all you want, get all you can, and be grateful for every penny of it. That seems like a much healthier philosophy to me - to say nothing of the simple right to PURSUE one’s happiness. I thing this liberal got that mixed up with the “right to happiness.” No one has a right to be happy - simply the right to ATTEMPT to be happy.

  3. Caligula

    people are unhappy when they refuse to take life by the horns and make something out of it… happy people fail, but aren’t made unhappy by it… the journey makes them happy…

    liberals are avoiders by nature, they avoid all responsibility and accountability. they are stuck in the childish immature phase of their lives never becoming adult… since they never have the courage to make what they want out of life they brood over entitlement…

    in Denmark there is no entitlement because there is nothing more to have, everyone is as equally as poor… so people are content… not happy… content…

    contentment never changed the world or put a man on the moon, live or die, rich or poor, live life for the journey under YOUR OWN rules, never sacrifice that and always strive to climb one more rung on the ladder and you will find happiness and freedom in the struggle

    - just my thoughts

  4. Lady Jane

    Did we see the same show?? I think it had to do more with the lack of multicultural integration and the PC BS that comes along with it.
    They are not a very multicultural group.. and that seems to keep them happy.

  5. Lady Jane

    Oh, that and the state takes care of them - WELL - in their older years. They pay a lot more tax, but apparently the benefits seem to be worth it.

  6. drillanwr

    So, I guess Theo Van Gogh died oh so happy over there, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali is just misunderstanding all the “equality” and “happiness” Denmark and her “people” have to offer the individual?


    I watched this too…unbelievable Bash…I noticed he forgot to mention the “Happy” youths rioting in the streets, and burning everything! What an idiot fuck-head. Why does’nt Wally move there and STFU!

  8. Arthuraria

    Liberals in this country will never be happy. Even if this country becomes a pure communist state, they will still not be happy. The reason is that the majority of liberals are always looking for someone else to run their lives, never feeling any sense of accomplishment on their own part. The liberals who do have ambition to lead will forever be unhappy because of their natural disposition toward pessimism coupled with the stress of leadership. I feel sorry for liberals. It must suck to wake up every day hating the fact that you have to do all the work to pursue your own happiness.

  9. denghis (ibm al himar)

    Morley Safer is so old he hasn’t the strength to pull his head out of his ass anymore…

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