Clintonian Lose/Lose Politics
This is what Bill Clinton said was “Clinton’s law of Politics” in 2004:
So why is Hillary running an ad like this?
Oh yeah…Kerry lost in ‘04…
This is what Bill Clinton said was “Clinton’s law of Politics” in 2004:
So why is Hillary running an ad like this?
Oh yeah…Kerry lost in ‘04…
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what,fucked Hildabeast?
February 29th, 2008 at 3:32 pmTypical both sides of the mouth political behavior. No wonder she’s flipping everyone off in that pic. You cant enjoy an Obsidian Stout with a mouth like that.
February 29th, 2008 at 7:06 pmLOL? What part of her 35 years of experience is she referring to? Was it all the years she spent as a paid liar (lawyer)? The years as first bitch in Arkansas? Or the 8 years as first bitch in the WH?
In all that time she has exactly ZERO experience. That’s the sum total of her resume.
Let’s see now who do I want answering that phone?
Is it the Hilda monster? Oh hell no.
Is it the closet racist/socialist/Che-lover Osama bin Hussein? Oh, fuck no.
Johhnie-boy McCain? Lemme see. Admiral, fighter pilot, ex-POW, good on defense. Supports the war AND the mission of the troops.
Hmmmm…it rocket science.
March 1st, 2008 at 5:02 amLast line should read it ain’t rocket science.
March 1st, 2008 at 6:06 am