Code Pink Fatty Pic: You Write The Caption

February 25th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Many Code Pinkos are on some kind of hunger strike trying to urge House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.) to begin impeachment hearings against Vice President Dick Cheney.

Nods to Weasel Zippers.

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50 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    :arrow: Many Code Pinkos are on some kind of hunger strike

    Yeah, guess we can see who is and isn’t serious about “the cause”, eh?

    WTF is that [thing] hanging between her legs?!? Wait … is that a tit …??

    Good Kee-ryst! I gotta puke!

  2. Chad

    dear bash,

    i hate you.

    chad coleman

  3. Erik Marsh

    :arrow: drill

    OMG that’s her fookin’ belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

  4. tedders

    “m voting for Obama but my swollen clit hanging to my sock’s is voting for General Zod!

  5. CJ

    She ate Jabba !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. kurt(the infidel)

    Look closely, right below her dress, thats her belly button guys :mrgreen:

    Caption: “I would love a nice Iraq of lamb right about now”.

    News headline:

    “woman on hunger strike eats protesters”

  7. Steve in NC

    in my world, she would not exist

  8. franchie

    Tedders, seems your conviced that General Zod is the right candidate now :lol:

  9. Chad

  10. GregGS

    I can’t think of anything more than… “Shit.”

  11. KBar

    I threw up in my mouth.

  12. Mart (just another infidel)

    Caption: I can’t believe I ate that whole Marine recruiters office by myself. burp

  13. drillanwr

    Finally … someone even Bill Clinton won’t fuck.

  14. drillanwr

    Dear chad coleman -

    If we had a beer emocon … and a shot glass emocon … she might [look] a little better …

    If NOT … that’s where the sniper emocon would come in handy. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  15. Chad

    :arrow: Drill

    so sassy and demanding! im still workin on it. :smile:
    and all the hard alcohol, crack cocaine and heroine combined, could never make this manatee look better. thats just a cold hard fact, missy.

  16. DC

    “Many Code Pinkos are on some kind of hunger strike”
    ……this one’s in it for about a year! :shock:

  17. Chad

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

    Dear Drill,

    please see here.

    chad coleman.

    p.s. still lookin for a good shotglass emocom.

  18. drillanwr

    :arrow: p.s. still lookin for a good shotglass emocom

    Just as long as it isn’t some pussy Martini glass … :twisted:

    and all the hard alcohol, crack cocaine and heroine combined, could never make this manatee look better. thats just a cold hard fact, missy.

    ME: And that’s where the sniper emo would come in handy, hun … :twisted:

  19. dave

    Oh My God, it’s my sister-in-law!

  20. Chad

    :arrow: drill

    pssh… sniper emoticons… thats for crappy forums, where everyone and their mom posts a slew of emoticons per post. no need to clutter the place up. :wink:

  21. IP727


  22. deathstar

    Im off to tear my eyes out and pour bleech in the sockets. Thats fucking nasty. How much more disgusting and weird can the anti-war left get?

  23. IP727


  24. drillanwr

    Chad -

    Just give us a gun … We’ll be good … promise. You can trust us, guy … :cool:

  25. One Shot

    Guys…that is what you call a “GUNT COVER”.

    Look up what a gunt is in the urban dictionary. The first one to get the answer correctly gets to eat the gunt butter, LOL.

  26. drillanwr

    :arrow: Oh, One Shot … Isn’t the picture bad enough? Must you “put it in motion” … :shock:

    Think she wears a thong or briefs?

    Shower massage or brushless car wash?

  27. One Shot

    Do a Google search for the word GUNT and see what photo comes up…no shit, LOL.

  28. drillanwr

    I sure hope to Hell the FBI never confiscates my computer … shit!

  29. allahlovesporkchops

    “Call me Ishmael…”

    Herman Melville

  30. IP727


  31. drillanwr

    :arrow: IP727

    Ah damn! ROFLMFAO!!!

  32. Eddie in Cali

    AHHHH My eyes!!! :shock: I need a beer! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: Its not working….Bash you evil basterd! :evil:

  33. Ivan the Kafir

    :arrow: Allahlovesporkchops: Looks like Bash gets the gold coin: he found Moby Dick.
    How about that “brains” poster? If we did a body weight to brain weight ratio for this human slug, we’d find that the real slug had a better ratio.
    Caption: More cushion for the pushin’ (?)
    Caption: After losing 500 lbs
    Caption: This ain’t nothin’ - you ain’t seen my wings yet!

  34. Steve in NC

    flesh apron

    imagine, someone calls that ‘mom’

  35. drillanwr

    :arrow: Steve -


    “Man-Made Global Warming Causes A New Species Of Marsupial”

  36. Monkey3531

    GUNT is the combo of a gut and a cunt. when one is stuffed into some trousers it also becomes a front butt.

  37. Rob

    Lets send that fat pig to Iraq or Afghanistan. Instead of water boarding, she’ll sit on their face. Talk about “real” torture!

  38. drillanwr

    You know how when you go over to somebody’s house and you sit down, and their dog puts his nose right smack … uhhh … never mind …

  39. 007

    Bash I said once and I will say again, You need Help! :beer: The beer is back! The beer is back!! COOL.

  40. Dan (The Infidel)

    That hog is so fat that when she steps on the scale it says “sorry we don’t do livestock”.

  41. JonnyMordant

    “Peace takes Brains”?

    I guess that’s true if by “Brains” you mean “Butter”…..A lot of Butter…. As in “$3.99 All you can eat Butter Buffet”!

  42. monkeysdad

    “Roll me in flour and look for the wet spot.”

  43. PhilNBlanx

    So that’s why Code Pinko needs a delivery truck.

  44. allahlovesporkchops

    Is that a blowhole at the hemline?


  45. TJ (The Kafir)

    my vote goes to chad “slabba the slut”
    and then I was blown away by allahlovesporkchops “free willy”

  46. Brian H

    Brains? Is there a functioning brain in that lardhill somewhere? I rather think not!

  47. Gary in Midwest

    Sometimes war is the answer. Remember the Battle of the Bulge!

  48. Dave in Indy

    Damn, too bad peace doesn’t take a large nasty looking stomach dangling down below ones dress …..our boys would be home from Iraq right now!

  49. Jennifer

    “Peace takes brains. I like mine with hot sauce.”

  50. Rain Man

    I heard they had a tank. Now I believe it!

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