Code Pink To Take Recruiting Office Harassment Nationwide

February 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Just got this from Ryan Gill, one of our friends over at Move America Forward…

It seems these Code Pink Cunts and the group World Can’t Wait are planning to target additional recruiting offices in several American cities.

Move America Forward is making plans to counter this.

So many of you have stood with Move America Forward and our efforts to fight the Berkeley City Council’s campaign against our military servicemen and women. It is very sad for us to see that the Berkeley City Council has reiterated their belief that no military offices should be in Berkeley, and that they continue to encourage Code Pink and The World Can’t Wait to harass the Marine Recruiting Center in Berkeley.

Last week alone the Marine office was closed several days in response to vitriolic and hateful protests by Code Pink and The World Can’t Wait. These protests were called for by the majority of the Berkeley City Council who called upon city residents to “impede” the work of military recruiters. What’s more, Code Pink and World Can’t Wait have announced plans to target additional recruiting centers in several American cities. We have to stand up and take action to rally Americans to oppose this violent campaign of hate against our bravest and most selfless Americans - those who serve in the U.S. military.

Since the Berkeley City Council refused to apologize for calling military men and women in the United States “uninvited and unwelcome intruders” and since they are now engaged in cooperation with radical leftist groups to harass and dishonor our troops, we here at Move America Forward are going to send a very powerful message to them: you aint seen nothing yet.

In the next few days we will be launching a TV ad campaign across the nation - including in the Bay Area - that will rally the people of this nation to denounce what Berkeley has done - in part to send a message loud and clear to ANY OTHER CITY IN AMERICA that might be thinking of following in Berkeley’s footsteps. The message to them: don’t even think about it unless you want the wrath of a nation brought down on you.

Just as we mobilized patriots to stand with the Marines in October in Berkeley, and again at the steps of City Hall last week, we will now be sending a message across the television airwaves that the people of this nation stand in solidarity with our troops and in opposition to what Berkeley has done and is continuing to do against our troops here in America.

Let us all stand united in fighting back - let us tell the Berkeley City Council that their contempt for our troops here in America is a notion that is “univited” and “unwelcome” in the eyes of Americans everywhere.

You can contribute to Move America Forward’s ad campaign by going to “Move America Forward’s Campaign“.

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21 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    We have a couple recruiting offices in and around my area …

    OH! BRING IT! :twisted:

  2. Ang

    BRING IT ON!!!

    I would love a break from laundry and baking. hehehehe

  3. Paslode

    We have several recruiting offices in the area and if they arrive I make a point to show them a goodtime. :wink:

  4. Vanessa


  5. Mike F

    Just a preview of what is going to appear at the Democratic National Convention in Denver!

  6. DC

    They’re too stupid to realize that they can’t get away with their commie crap everywhere else with impunity like they have in Berkeley.

  7. dad3-7

    the division of america has begun…the islamofacists have won with their puppet-code pinko…

  8. bd

    Take the war to the enemy.

    Move America Forward: start protesting at CODE PINK LOCAL RECRUITING OFFICES!!


    This is a natural extension of their policy based on the inaction of responsible authorities on the local(State)and national(Federal)level. This type of action is not protected speech under the first amendment and should be handled as a criminal, if not seditious, act. However, since current authorities on both levels lack the courage and fortitude to respond appropriately, our service members, and those seeking to freely serve, will continue to be ridiculed and prevented from exercising their free rights under the Constitution. It is a shameful act of omission on our elected and appointed officials.
    Further, any attempt by resposible citizens to remove this filth from the area, will be met with the full power of the US justice system. All that can be done is a counter-demonstration which will solve nothing. Its disgusting.

  10. mindy abraham

    No recruiting centers near me, BUT I completly support the MAF campaign against code pink. They do NOT speak for me, and I wish they would go away. I have been reading books about the military, and the more I read them, the more I respect our men and women in uniform.

  11. Paslode

    What Co-Pink is doing is in effect no different than the KKK marchers of the 1960’s weilding racially charged signs and violating the rights of Negro’s.

    If they want to protest fine, it is their right. But if I want to walk into a recruiting office that is my right, and if they attempt to hender my free access and infringe upon my rights……their going to find my size 10 up their ass.

  12. Steve in NC

    Please come to Carolina

  13. ticticboom

    Are Our Kids Punching Hippies?

    “After punching a hippie, do you take the time to explain to those around you why you punched the hippie?”

  14. voice of reason

    The pink idiots attempt to shut down a marine recruiting station, then ramble about the military being broken and over stretched.

    What a group of fucking idiots…

  15. momps

    if they even come near cincinnati…

  16. azpatriot

    Please bring it on I’ve been looking for a reason to purchase a new HotShot Cattle Prod and this would be the best $120 I’ve ever spent!

    ZAPP! Takeout the whole hand holding group all at once :twisted:

  17. OntOs

    Bring it PALEEASSEE!!!
    I’ve got a paintball gun thats shoots 25rps and TONS of paint. I’ll scream Semper Fi as I shoot hopper after hopper at these fucktards. Do you think the local Kentucky Police will do anything to me…HELL NO.
    Laugh a lot, slap me on the wrist for firing an airgun in city limits, then im on my way to reload :twisted:

  18. POD1

    Attention Code Pink Members.
    Your personal safety is forfeit if you try this within my reach.

    This is your only warning.

  19. Joe W.

    Yes, World Can’t Wait is bragging about already shutting down 2 New York recruiting offices for at least a day, and Code Pink has a list of cities in California that they were going to target next that they were bragging about.

    The argument they’ve used is that if they can’t stop the funding for the war, they can stop the bodies being available to fight the war.

    God these people are just horrible self-haters who despise their own nation and actively work to embolden the jihadist enemies.

    - Joe Wierzbicki, Move America Forward

  20. ken holton

    Fugly bunch

  21. jam

    Bring it! It has been too long since I cracked a hippie head. They say it’s like riding a bike.

    Here’s your warning, Pinkos: I’m stealthy and I really LIKE this kind of shit. You’ll never know what fucked you up.

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