College Newspaper Denounces “Regan” - Calls Reagan Admirers “Necrophiliacs”

February 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Journalism student can’t spell Reagan, calls reagan admirers “Necrophiliacs”. The “Daily Collegian” bills itself as “New England’s largest college daily”…

This irreverent puke rants:

Ever since the ex-president kicked the bucket in 2004, it seems that every man, woman and child in politics has rushed to make a comparison between themselves and Reagan. Oddly enough, they somehow mean it in a good way. The problem I see with this is that, to put it lightly, Reagan was not a good president. More than any other administration, present included, Reagan’s was the most forwardly corrupt. Anything that brought shame to the nation could be brushed away with a sheepish grin and a timely invasion of a third world country.

If this is indicative of the new wave of American journalists, then it’s just par for the course.

Read the whole article here.

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7 Responses

  1. Lamplighter

    The newsbusters guy makes mincemeat of the idiot who wrote the “Collegian” article. How embarassing for that school, that they have such stupid people prominently displayed.

  2. John Cunningham

    To be expected from someone going to school in the people’s republic of massachusetts. kennedy has been masterful in re-writing that time period to deflect his attempt to do an end run around President Reagan when he was running for his second term. teddy actually thought Reagan was going to loose. Those kennedy’s. Wouldn’t be surprised to find that papa joe had a hand in JFK’s assassination. JFK’s not wanting to get along with the communists must have set him off.

  3. trustme1013

    I guess that makes all Christians necrophiliacs, too (I just crossed myself) … :roll:
    Of course, that would be completely acceptable to that author…

    What a sick world we live in.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    does this theory apply to anyone who has died that you admire? this dickwad is probably guilty under the same principles for his love for Hitler. College = liberal training camp. only the good get out with their brain stem still attached

  5. DC

    Aw, he’s just a dip-shit college student…..what’d you expect?

    Rogers is a prime example of the mental-defectives that colleges are turning out these days.

  6. Ivan the Kafir

    Academia’s credibility would be far stronger if they could acknowledge the weaknesses which liberalism has given birth to and the strengths which conservatism has proven. Fair and balanced has nothing to do with academia. Dissident opinions are what academics decorate their bathrooms with.

  7. drillanwr

    THIS from the fucking segment of the “not yet entered the REAL world and began paying bills/taxes” corner of our society that believes Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (Che) was the shittin’ second coming of Christ …

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