CPAC Video: McCain On Illegal Immigration

February 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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7 Responses

  1. Paslode

    Old Mac sounded really strong…he almost had me…..but then he balked on immigration.

    This lady on the Tom Sullivan Show said McCain was physically unattractive, he walks funny and wanted to know what was the big lump on the side of McCain head……I am no McCain fan but that is no way to pick a someone to vote for.

  2. GROM

    Prediction for this year after elections ( if McCain is the president):

    1 He will try to secure the border but due to senate, Washington bureaucrats, Big business, Democrats and the red tape he will only put some UAV’s in few parts of the border. No wall no military at the border.
    At the end he will say “Look I have tried but they didn’t allow me to do it. It’s their fault.”

    2 He will declare amnesty for all illegals here with some penalties but in the long run they won’t matter.

    3 Illegal immigration will continue, the numbers will be lower but not significantly lower.

    This country has build it’s economy on cheap labor and now is so dependent that if illegals would stop coming some businesses would seize to exist.
    We are addicted to cheap labor. :!: :!:

  3. John

    hes a God Damn Butthole

  4. Texas Mom


  5. Kermit

    What do you mean by Big Business? This term is used widely by MSM and I can tell you that it does not those who work in chemical plants and refineries. It has long been determined that those, even the contractors who cut the grass MUST be able to read and write English fluently or it is a safety violation.

    Now by Big Business, if you mean contractors and subcontractor in the building trades for home and commerical building construction then you are probably correct, or if you mean employees in Billary allied meat processing (chicken, beef, pork, etc…) plants then you are probably correct, or if you mean contract employees who have replace municipal workers in many California cities and towns then you are probably correct.

  6. Erik Marsh

    If there is a chance to beat McCain, Romney is still it. He only “suspended” his candidacy meaning he can still accept donations, spend money, and receive votes. If anybody noticed, the results for the Super Tuesday Primaries & Caucuses included the likes of Guiliani, Tancredo, Hunter and Thompson. If you went across the board, these added up to tens of thousands of votes and in some states, would have given Romney a win, or at the least given him more districts in the proportional states thereby increasing his delegate count. Now, there are 1035 delegates still out there and while it’s not likely that we could get him or anyone else enough delegates to win outright we could keep on plugging away and increase his influence in a brokered convention. THIS IS WHAT WE WANT!! The theory that the party or America is helped by having an uncontested primary season is B.S. we can still do this we just need to get the word out. Not just from one person, but everyone. Radio call-ins to both national AND ESPECIALLY LOCAL shows, blogs, letters to the editor, everything and what ever.

    Three things can happen:
    1. We have no effect and simply end-up in the same place we are today.
    2. We slow McCain’s delegate train down, and supress any possible Huckster success atleast giving the delegates a chance to think about what they’re doing at convention.
    3. We go into the convention split 3 ways US-Huck-McC and hopefully it goes to a 3rd Ballot where delegates are allowed to choose themselves (long odds but best outcome)

    :arrow: I’m not talking about running a 3rd party candidate that might steal general election votes away. That tactic won’t work. Too many people check the “Party Ticket” box to be viable. This strategy focuses on continueing to support the candidate(s) we want to anyway. People would vote for Hunter if that’s their guy, or Tancredo, or Thompson IN THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. But we would focus on Romney because of his delegate count. We are talking about an insurgency from within, not an assault from without. Something that I think we have all seen is that people are still voting their personal choice, by the thousands. This is what we need to tap into because ultimately a vote IS NOT WASTED IF IT IS IN WHAT YOU BELIEVE.

    While there would not be anything wrong with a Romney nomination, that is not the ultimate goal. The goal is to deny McCain the required delegates that are needed to get an automatic nomination thereby securing a brokered convention. This is how we ensure that conservative issues get voiced and addressed that will otherwise be ignored because of the McCain lovefest.

  7. Zeke Eagle

    “We are addicted to cheap labor.”
    No Grom, we are addicted to television and stuck on stupid.

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