CPAC Video: Mitt Officially Steps Aside

February 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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10 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    He has the money and the will but dropped out for the good of the party. Anyone who still doubts the he was the only true Conservative should pull their head out of their butt or install a glass stomach. one or the other.

  2. John Cunningham

    Yes, Kurt, I did hear him say he knew it wasn’t all about himself.

  3. Texas Mom

    The best speech he ever gave . . . Romney sincerely withdrew for the good of the country - “in this time of war” - (and for the good of the party, but the party is already done).

    Per Rush just now: “There is no conservative alternative” in the race. Duh Rush.

    We are done. Mark Levin started the new strategy yesterday: Work to get conservatives in the House and the Senate . . . well, I am screwed there, as well. Kay Bailey Hutchison is a back stabber just like McCain (She voted for SCHIP repeatedly) and John Cornyn, who I thought I could trust, well, he also tows the party line and not the conservative line when it comes to the tough votes (He supported Kay in the defencing of Texas) . . . Joe Barton is my Congressman - My goodness - He checks in with Bush on every vote . . . they all are open borders back stabbers. They talk border security to our face, but vote to leave it open for the cheap labor and the bribes. My last hope was the presidency . . . I am done.

    I am done.

    Hide your money and your guns, folks.

  4. LadyAngler

    :cry: What a great man! I’m betting the Republican party heads had a talk with him to diminish any further strain onn McCain’s support from the party’s coservative base. I still am not sure I can cast a vote for McCain in good conscience.

  5. POD1

    Romney’s out.
    No one left to stand in the way.

    So starts the begining of the end.

  6. John Cunningham

    POD1, during the 23 years I lived in Western New York we on both sides of the border got very used to each other’s currency. Everybody had everybody else’s money in their pocket. The values each had against the other varied a lot over that time. Currency values are not carved in stone.

  7. Lamplighter

    Problem is, conservatives are not the MAJORITY in this country. There were more conservatives when Reagan was around. It’s all demographics–more women, young people and hispanics are Dems than conservatives. Just a fact of life–and there are more women, young people and hispanics in this country than ever. We run on majority rule. So, you either get a candidate that isn’t right wing, or you don’t win. I find it astounding how much of the DollardNation can throw McCain under the bus, when he was one of the only stalwarts supporting why this website was created for, in the first place. Wow!

  8. Clayton Newman

    Huckabee Killed Off Romney!

    Huckabee’s strong showing in the South on Super Tuesday prevented the possibility of a surge of conservative support to stop McLame.

    Prediction: We will soon here the reports of a Huckabee/McCain campaign colloborated (whether formal and informal) to block Romney.

    The Republican man from Hope destroyed the hope of conservatives to wrest control of the party back from “big government” so-called conservatives.

  9. Mark Tanberg

    :arrow: Clayton Newman
    Hi clayton, I posted this earlier and couldn’t disagree more. The fact that we have a RINO up front is the issue and how do we save the party from being taken over.

    Our problem is not that Huckabee didn’t throw for Mitt it’s that McCain was even able to run as a Republican!
    At the carnival (and this is certainly a circus) the signs read “You must be this tall to take this ride” so where is the Republican litmus test? and who the hell is voting for this fool?
    Stop the BS about Huckabee the evangelical spoiler, he’s 5 times the conservative by record than either of his opponents.
    It’s McStain that has no right to run on this ticket and proof of that will be when he picks Lieberman for his running mate! Then who you gonna blame?

    If Mitt had Huck’s delegates, he’d still be short wouldn’t he?

  10. Clayton Newman

    :arrow: Mark Tanberg
    I agree that a vote for McLame is a vote for a liberal Repub party, but I would still posit that Huckster killed Romney.

    Of course the larger issue is McLaim is the presumptive nominee, I grant you that. But to the question of how a weird candidate like McLame won the Repub nomination is the following. Despite the reality that the Republican primary majority vote is conservative, Huckster split or caputured that vote, negating an opportunity for Romney to gain traction as the McCain conservative alternative.

    Other issues that hurt Romney:
    1. Did not inspire confidence in conservative base
    2. Mormonism is a drag on voter appeal outside states/districts with large Mormon vote (didn’t think it would matter, but it matters enough with enough people that it impacted him in the evangelical South)
    3. Was not considered an inspirational or ideological conservative proponent, but rather a strong business leader, who has, as he has considered the issues during the last several years, adopted an increasingly conservative set of beliefs.

    Driving through Tennessee last week I listened to a evangelical christian radio show, where Huckster supporting christians raved about his “Christian” beliefs, and how Hannity and talk radio supported Romney because Bain Capital owns clear channel. I am devout myself, but have seen too many fake preachers, to ever assume a preacher/politico is some how “Christian” and god’s gift to politics (hell, Reagan was a nominal Christian)

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