Daytona Cops Testing DNA During Traffic Stops

February 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Police officers in Daytona Beach are swabbing the mouths of persons of interests during traffic stops with special DNA kits in the hunt for an elusive serial killer, sources close to the investigation told Local 6.

Investigators said they believe the same man has killed four women execution style in the Daytona Beach area.

A profiler said the serial killer is likely clean cut and probably has a wife or girlfriend.

And, the Daytona Beach police Chief, Mike Chitwood, said detectives have the killer’s DNA.

“Genetically, we know who he is,” Chitwood said. “We have DNA evidence from the murder scenes — so, we got that. That is never going to go away. And, sooner or later, we will match the DNA to the physical person and bring closure to everything that is going on.”

Agents are using the DNA kits to collect as much DNA as possible during traffic stops and special operations in hopes on making a match.

Local 6 (TV Station in Daytona Beach) showed agents stopping a person of interest from Canada, who gave his DNA to officers on the street using the DNA kit.

The DNA kits are also being used in prostitution stings in the area.

Chitwood said over time, modern technology will lead to the killer.

“I can tell you that we are working really, really hard,” Chitwood said. “I can tell you that there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes.”

(Local 6)

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9 Responses

  1. Cdoginyoeye

    I live in Daytona Beach. The police here dont have a very good reputation for accomplishing anything.

  2. Steve in NC

    nice pic Bash :twisted:

    a reminder to never ever invite a clown to your kids party

  3. Paslode


    that picture of Gasey is just all wrong :shock:

  4. tedders

    “To me, clowns aren’t funny. In fact, they’re kind of scary. I’ve wondered where this started and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus, and a clown killed my dad.”

    Jack Handy

  5. Big

    As much as I hope they catch this bastard, I don’t think I’d be very cooperative giving up my DNA when receiving a speeding ticket…

  6. Doug

    Nor do they have a legal right to take your DNA without probable cause, and everyone should refuse such a request just for that fact. I hope they catch the sick bastard, but would not at any level accept the government taking DNA from citizens and cataloging them for future reference without just cause. And the slim chance you get this guy in a traffic violation is not just cause.

  7. John Cunningham

    A lot of wanted criminals are caught because of something as simple as a traffic stop. Very useful crime fighting tool.

  8. fmder

    I dont think so….

  9. Brian H

    Too bad genetics isn’t advanced to the point that they can extrapolate his appearance from the DNA. Though they can probably already distinguish blonde and kinky hair types, as I recall.

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