Death Jump Video Opinion? Tell Us How It’s Done

February 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Nods to Hot Air.

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14 Responses

  1. jerr

    :shock: That’s one hard headed dude!

    I think it’s spliced twice. Someone jumps from the roof and 2/3 way down it’s spliced before he hits an airbag or whatever. Then a dummy ‘falls’ the rest of the way an impacts the ground. An instant after impact, it’s spliced again to a real person- and some awesome looking fake brain splatter on the sidewalk.

    Whoever did it did a great job!!!

  2. Birdddog

    The film looks cut about the 14 sec mark when the jump happnens. The dummy is inserted. During the looks weird because the dummy flails his arms. As the camera operator approachs the dummy, his pants go from a dull color to very blue, hence another cut in the film.

  3. franchie

    it’s a “trucage”, (though, the beginning might be real), the last sequence is an insert

  4. drillanwr

    Yeah, dummy and splice … The thud at impact not heavy or loud enough for a real person who weighs at least 150, especially at that height … I counted 6 or 7 floors(?)

    Still, creepy to watch. :shock:

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    I have to agree. it has to be spliced.

    :arrow: Drill

    “Still, creepy to watch” :shock:

    hell yeah! that makes me nervous watching it, even after the 3rd time

  6. LftBhndAgn

    Man jumps up, Splice - lands safely back on ledge - man is removed - replaced with dummy that is dropped -

    Ketchup packet added for effects on dummy before spliced again where dummy is removed and replaced by actor.


  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    just watched it again and that is pretty damn brilliant though

  8. dave

    cool, but ugly.

  9. drillanwr

    Anybody else see the French documentarians’ video inside one of the WTC building lobbies (they had been following around a NYCity fire company … and also had the only footage of the first plane hitting the towers)?

    Anyhow, the lobby footage has the sound(s) of the people hitting the pavement outside that had decided to jump from the floors above. It’s distinctly loud and heavy. The fire dept. priest was killed by one of these poor folks as they landed on top of him. Granted, they were jumping from higher up than this video depicts … But the camera that close would have picked up a sickening heavy thud, and the ground might have even shook a little causing the camera to jiggle … if he was standing close enough to the impact point. There’s actually a physics formula for weight, height and velocity in a situation such as this … but I can’t remember it, heh …

    And, I think they went too much for the brain fluid on the pavement effect, when it would have been more bloody. Looked like a piss puddle.

    These guys might have had a perfect scam video if they’d factored in the sound/weight/physics.

    Problem is … some stupid-jackass kid out there will think this whole thing is real … and try it himself.

    Thinning the herd, I always say …

    Cripes! Am I sick or what, being so damn picky clinical about this? :twisted:

  10. Big

    I don’t know how it was done, I don’t care how it was done. That shit was crazy.

  11. Trevor

    This is proof that zombies exist…


  12. LftBhndAgn


    Anybody else see the French documentarians’ video inside one of the WTC building lobbies (they had been following around a NYCity fire company … and also had the only footage of the first plane hitting the towers)?


    Yes. I’ll never forget it.

  13. JonnyMordant

    Seems like this might have been spliced with footage of a suicide in Poland, Bosnia or somewhere like that from last year… Not sure but I think it was posted at LiveLeak?

  14. hegelbot

    Easy he just jumps up from the ground to the top of the building and then they play the footage in reverse.

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