Embarrasment?: SNL Producers Have To Use Hook To Pull Huckabee Offstage

February 23rd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


NEW YORK (AP) - Even though Mike Huckabee is still battling for the Republican presidential nomination despite long odds, he said Saturday he won’t “overstay his welcome.” Then he did precisely that, lingering on the “Weekend Update” set of “Saturday Night Live” despite repeated cues to leave the stage.

The former Arkansas governor appeared in a “Weekend Update” segment in which he described his confusion over whether it is mathematically impossible for him to win the nomination over front-runner John McCain. After anchorman Seth Meyers explained the numbers, Huckabee responded: “I’m not a math guy, I’m more of a miracle guy. So at this point I’m gonna focus on the miracle part.”

However, he said: “Mike Huckabee does not overstay his welcome. When it’s time for me to go, I’ll know. And I’ll exit out with class and grace.”

Then he remained seated at the “Update” desk even though Meyers made it clear it was time for him to leave.

“SNL,” known for its political humor, has been on the sidelines for nearly four months because of the Writers Guild of America strike. The political landscape has changed a great deal since then, with easy targets for the show’s satire, like Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, dropping out of the Republican race, and Barack Obama overtaking Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Democratic side.

The last time NBC broadcast a new episode of “SNL,” on Nov. 3, Obama played himself as a guest at a party thrown by Hillary and Bill Clinton. McCain hosted an episode of the show in 2002; Giuliani hosted in 1997, when he was mayor of New York City.

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20 Responses

  1. KG

    I haven’t seen SNL tonight, but it sounds like it’s all part of the joke.

  2. Don Sharpe

    Just watched the clip, it was funny, clearly a joke . . … but it was weird. Huck makes it clear he’s a goner, why is he still in the race?

  3. Don Sharpe

    As an aside, Tina Feys’ suggestion that a vote for Hillary is a vote for ‘2 really intelligent people as president’ (referring to hilly & silly willy together) in the White House, makes my blood run cold.

  4. Monkey3531

    SNL has gone to crap the last 10 years, Fey used to be somewhat amusing, but that little personal rant of hers was total bullshit. there is a reason people vote for 1 person to be President, not 2, and the horrifying possibility of Billary is precisely that reason. Thankfully Billary looks like it won’t happen anyway so now the osamabamalamadingdong show needs to be shut down

  5. Turambar

    I watched it lastnight. It was clearly a joke.(it even followed the “Rule of Three” Steve Martin mentioned early in the show) The whole show really sucked hard lastnight. I probably laughed two or three times. I can’t believe someone can claim to be a journalist and write about that though, what crap.

  6. jarhead68

    SNL hasn’t been funny since…the original cast all left. Maybe when Billy Cristal was in it, too.

  7. PhilNBlanx

    Hey Pat, give AP a break. You know leftists don’t do humor.

  8. 0311inOHio

    :arrow: Don Sharpe.

    hilly and silly.. :lol: First time I heard that one.

  9. MyKisa

    It was THE part of the skit, wonder why much of news media doesn`t get it, or do they want to make it seem a negative.

  10. Kim

    :lol: The title of the article implies that Huckabee staying on the set despite cues to exit is somehow embarrassing…doesn’t the author get that Huckabee’s actions are part of the satire? Idiot author.

  11. Mike

    It was clearly a joke. This article makes it read like it wasn’t. What douchebags wrote this miserable excuse of copy?

  12. Butch

    Get a life people!!! I’m sorry that humor is lost on the
    hater’s in the media. Maybe you could take a lesson from
    Mr. Huckabee and learn to laugh at yourself and get that
    corn cob out of your butt.

  13. Cathy

    Yeah - why are some media outlets making this a negative when it was clearly (well at least to someone who has even a tiny sense of humor) that it was a JOKE. And it was pretty funny. Don’t you guys realize you lose all credibility when you’re that obvious???? Subtle manipulation is so much more effective. Oh wait, in case you didn’t know - THAT was a joke too.

  14. Mr. Truth

    Wow!!! This article shows yet another example of misguided jounrnalism. Huckabee staying on the stage was clearly a joke. You have to wonder why people want to depict Huckabee in a malicious way. (Hint: The establishments own our media…..)

  15. Tea

    Although our media seem to be losing their ability to understand the way elections go, if anyone is wondering what is really happening regarding Huckabee, go check him out at www.mikehuckabee.com

  16. Ken, Indian Harbour Beach FL

    Well, nobody ever said the copy writers at AP were very bright. This just confirms it.

  17. Brian L

    I have to wonder about the intelligence of the writers who post this without understanding that it was a joke. It’s obvious to everyone, right?


    I guess not. I’m beginning to wonder if the writers of these pieces actually SAW the thing or just depended on an email from McCain’s campaign.

  18. Jim

    I’m embarrassed for the writer of this article like some who have expressed themselves before me. It clearly was part of the joke. I’m really losing confidence in the abilities of these writers.

  19. Bryce

    Just another example of terrible AP writers who are in such a hurry to release the news that they end up making in up. It was all a joke…if it wasn’t the camera would have panned away like they always do on the Weekend Update after guests.

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    […] Huckabee on Saturday Night Live discussing his refusal to concede the Republican nomination for […]

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