February 12, 2008

February 12th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

4:39 A.M.

55,000 Americans are over the age of 100.

Any Rob Zombie fans out there?

5:15 A.M.

General Motors just posted the largest loss ever for a U.S. auto company.

8:18 A.M.

Iraqi cops say they have caught a suspect in the CBS kidnappings…

5:51 P.M.

McCain barely squeeks by a win in Virginia…

6:32 P.M.

Karl Rove: “Obama is now taking less-educated white men.”

7:04 P.M.

Here’s Hussein’s “change” as far as Dem policy goes: Raise taxes, CEO’s are bad, war in Iraq must end now, the Government must take oil company profits. Very refreshing, very groundbreaking. There is nothing new with this man. There is no new political era to enter with him, other than the most acute battle with old-school socialism that we’ve been embroiled in in a long time. He recently made a smart-alec dig at McCain’s age: this is not the “politics of hope” but the politics of “hope you don’t notice what a phony and fraud I am.”

7:21 P.M.

Huckabee just announced he’s fighting on. Video coming…

9:57 P.M.

Hillary should watch the Texas results from the Alamo.

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33 Responses

  1. trustme1013

    Who is this irresistible creature who has an insatiable love for the dead?

    Living dead girl!

    I love Rob Zombie — great musician, and a great director. Halloween and Night of 1000 Corpses were strokes of macabre genius.

    Yeah, $140,000 for the 10-yr+ buy-out … unbelievable!

  2. Erik Marsh

    Considering that “Boomers” make up over 1/4th of US population, we are going to see much more of this GM thing as they continue to get older. It’s proven that older people do not spend as much because they have already acquired that which they need.

    So, what happens?

    Well due to the free love/abortion/birth control society that the boomers have left us with, we are left needing to import consumers to continue economic growth. That’s the big secret, the “big company” trump card that no body notices. The 800 lb. gorilla in the room. What the govt. and companies are betting on is that as this migrant community becomes more tied to the US, they will begin to curtail the export of all the money they make and especially that their progeny will identify themselves more and more as US Americans thereby supporting our economy more and more and sending less and less back to their parent’s home nations.

    So let me be the first to welcome the Dollard Nation to AZATLAN! :evil:

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Damn thats amazing. 55,000 people over 100. we want to eat your brains lol night of the living dead.

    The fallout from GM doesnt seem to be catching up just yet. as of noon est the Dow Jones is up 192 points. thats very surprising. looks like the bowtie is in trouble, but im still glad i have my chevy truck parked outside. best truck i could ask for, its been through hell and still runs like the day i got it.

  4. drillanwr

    Hey Kurt -

    Getting slammed down your neck of the woods?

    Dumping pretty good here. Looks to be coming up from the south, instead of off the Lake and the UP/Mich.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)


    Yeah it started on us last night. We got about 3 inches of snow already and a bunch of freezing rain so far today. Everything is ice right now. my truck, the driveway, trees. its a real mess. supposed to change back to all snow later and get about 3 more inches.

  6. Erik Marsh

    See Kurt and drill, that’s why I live on the Texas Gold Coast. Was wearin’ t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops this past weekend. Still wearin’ a golf shirt today (small rain storm) and will probably be back in shorts Saturday!

  7. drillanwr

    :arrow: Erik Marsh

    I think I speak for my Ohio “brother” Kurt when I say STFU!!! :twisted: :lol:

    You’ll get yours come `cane season … heh!

  8. Erik Marsh

    :arrow: drill

    Dude, I grew-up in Tornado Alley (Wichita) so a cane’s little bit of wind and rain ain’t a big deal. Hell, some of the Kansas thunderstorms are as strong as hurricane’s.

    Anyway, grab some sexy thing and enjoy the snuggle time! :beer:

  9. Erik Marsh


    Tired of this busted beer EMO :!:

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  10. drillanwr

    :arrow: Erik Marsh

    I am “some sexy thing” …

    We get the `naders too … Right after the last drift of snow has finally melted away.

    I too am pissed about the beer emo … Time to roll in a kegger.

  11. Erik Marsh

    Knew you were drill, that’s why I left it non-specific :wink:

    I’ll donate the tap!

  12. drillanwr



    Hey, Kurt …

    Just looked at the radar. Thanks for the fooking ice, man! I got 1/2 a fifth of gin and some really great Pomegranate Juice … Think I’ll make some kick-ass Slushies later to go with the steaks on the grill!

  13. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: Erik Marsh

    Hell in this part of ohio we had tornado warnings just 2 and a half weeks ago and then 2 weekends of consecutive winter storm warnings. We run the gambit around here. How about inviting your 2 friends down to the coast for a while Erik? ha :cool:

  14. Kurt(the infidel)


    Sorry you’re getting the ice now. Im glad its finally turned to plain old rain here for a little while. just got back in from cleaning my 300 ft 30 degree angle driveway on top of the mountain here. just in time for the rain to turn back into snow later this evening ha!

    I was sitting at home wishing i had a bottle of jack or something. but no such luck and couldnt even make it to the store.

    Damn you OHIO!!!

  15. drillanwr

    Kurt -

    Damn you OHIO!!!

    You sounded a little like Chuck Heston (Last scene in Planet Of The Apes) there … :lol:

  16. Kurt(the infidel)

    Believe me, i was going for dramatic effect there. im glad it came through, and sounding like chuckie heston none the less :lol:

  17. drillanwr

    Bobby Cutts, Jr … Canton, Ohio.

    Piece of filthy shit.


    The son of a bitch was in uniform and ON DUTY when he killed this woman and her baby.

  18. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah i watched him on the stand yesterday crying like a bitch. it doesnt look good for him

  19. 007

    Why do’s the MSM let Obama ramble as long as he wants? Makes me sick!

  20. Firebad

    here is an interesting fact speaking of the living dead. medicare and medicade double what is spent on our national defense. not saying we need to toss out all the old people onto the street corner by the cemetary, but get yah thinking on we really do have a crisis on our hands with the whole socialize medicine for everyone.

  21. Lobo3

    I wonder how many times Bill Clinton will privately use the word “nigger” over the next few weeks.

  22. drillanwr

    :arrow: 7:04 P.M.

    Here’s Obama’s “change” as far as Dem policy goes: Raise taxes, CEO’s are bad, war in Iraq must end now, the Government must take oil company profits. Very refreshing, very groundbreaking. There is nothing new with this man. There is no new political era to enter with him, other than the most acute battle with old-school socialism that we’ve been embroiled in in a long time. He recently made a smart-alec dig at McCain’s age: this is not the “politics of hope” but the politics of “hope you don’t notice what a phony and fraud I am.”

    Yes, but with that MSM created empty celebrity/rock star, black-face JFK, Jesse Jackson “keep hope/change alive” packaging for the lazy-assed, “where the hell is MINE … the government owes me” masses of the 21st Century.

  23. Texas Mom

    My husband, who only knows about politics, what I tell him because he refuses to watch news . . . period . . . which is a good thing . . . anyhow, I was walking through the living room just now and a Obama commercial played regarding healthcare . . . “He said, damn, Obama sounds just like Hillary” . . . I said, yeah, but he is African American . . . and then I had to explain to him the Lunz group on Hannity and Colmes who could NOT name any accomplishments by Obama except that he is African American . . . I repeated my daily chant to my husband that we are all screwed . . .

    Sorry you guys are so cold up there in Ohio . . .

    Erik Marsh - I live in DFW . . . what Texas city do you live in near the coast? We love the coast. In my early years of marriage, we lived in Bay City while hubby worked for Halliburton . . . that was in the 80’s prior to the oil field shut down.

  24. Kurt(the infidel)


    Im starting to think we’re fucked man seriously. I had no idea there was such a large population of dumbasses in this country, i swear i didnt. Seems like Obama is riding them like a wave right now. just a HUGE dumbass wave.

    wake me up in 2012. son of a bitch!

  25. ticticboom

    The ragged they come and
    The ragged they kill!
    You pray so hard on bloody knees.
    The ragged they come and
    The ragged they kill!
    Down in the cool air I can see.

  26. Mark Tanberg

    Hey guys three months ago I warned the dollard nation about what my two kids in two different colleges here in the NW were saying that Obama on campus was frikin huge and the facebook myspace links across the land were the same way. My kids are republican die hards and they say they’re pretty lonely out there.

  27. Erik Marsh

    :arrow: Texas Mom

    I live in Dickinson (about half way between Galveston and Houston). Stays nice and warm but I’m just far enough from the bay and gulf to avoid anything but a cat 5 storm surge. Pond out the back door and golf course out the front yet it only takes me 10 min to get to work!

    :arrow: drill and Kurt
    Got down to 38 deg. this morning, actually had to put on a sweatshirt. Sunny and 60’s this afternoon though!

    Definitely think Obama’s theme should be Cult of Personality by Living Colour.

  28. drillanwr

    :arrow: Erik Marsh

    drill and Kurt
    Got down to 38 deg. this morning, actually had to put on a sweatshirt. Sunny and 60’s this afternoon though!

    :arrow: ME: Gonna have to come down there and hurt ya, Erik :twisted: Digging out from 4-6 inches this morning. School(s) have yet to attend this week. They get 5 “snow/weather days” … most have 1 left.

    :arrow: Definitely think Obama’s theme should be Cult of Personality by Living Colour.

    ME: I am in complete agreement with that, Sir.

    :arrow: You a “South Park” fan?

  29. monkeysdad

    We were in the low 80s yesterday. I also live on the gulf coast of Texas. I can literally throw a rock and hit the illegals swimming across the Rio Grande. We get the pleasure of having her hineass in Mcallen today to pander for the hispanic vote.

  30. Erik Marsh

    :arrow: drill

    occasional viewer but can’t say I’m a hardcore fan. Caught part of the sex-ed episode last night while waitin’ to see if Jericho was going to be worth a damn to watch this year. Since ‘24′ is going to the crapper I need to find something to watch after the kids go to bed.

  31. Kurt(the infidel)

    Im a south park fan. thats some funny stuff. always has a pretty good point to the story also, just uses a funny and offensive way to get that point :lol:

  32. drillanwr

    :arrow: Erik Marsh -

    I ask because every time I see your name I am reminded of the episode (”ASSPEN”) where the South Park families were invited to an endless timeshare-sales-pitch weekend at a ski resort. And for some damn unknown, random reason the local uppity ski bum jerk had it in for Stan Marsh … and through the whole episode he kept stressing, in a snobby manner, the name , “Stan Marsh” … and the two get into (much to Stan’s annoyed resistance) a fierce skiing competition. Was a good one.

  33. Erik Marsh

    :arrow: drill

    ya, I get the “Stan Marsh” and “Eric Cartman” thing all the time, especially when I was stationed in (you guessed it) Colorado.

    Thanks for reminding me! :mad:

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