February 13, 2008

February 13th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

9:26 A.M.

Just got up…McNamee, what a complete piece of shit.

9:52 A.M.

Who thinks what about this whole Clemens thing?

10:06 A.M.

Word on that street is that McCain is now really pissed that Huckabee won’t drop out. He feels that Huckabee is embarrassing him by pulling in such big conservative voting numbers. Frankly, this is exactly what McCain, the Party, and Conservatives all need. The more McCain feels the lash, the more he is reminded both how much conservatives aren’t happy with him, and how much he needs Conservatives to win, the more he is likely to do his job implementing the Conservative agenda and knock of his self-serving “Maverick” agenda.

11:03 A.M.

I have personally witnessed many of the worst horrors known to mankind. I’ve watched a lot of innocent people scream and die in front of my eyes. I could sit in a crowded place and watch as a massacre occured around me and literally maintain my composure and do what I have to do to survive, in a business-like fashion. I’ll go back to war any day of the week, as long as there is a purpose for me being there. But shit like this is still too much for me to stomach, and I really can’t deal with hearing it on tv or reading about it. I’ll change the channel, flip the page. Nothing upsets or freaks me out more than this form of evil.

11:39 A.M.

Jesus, that fuckin’ McNamee guy is as weasly and trashy as they come. “I was not a drug dealer!” He sounds like every stripper and hooker in denial about what they really do. And what a rat. It’s not like he rolled over as a matter of conscience. No one forced him to inject anybody. He was happy to do it as long as he paid. He’s as much of a piece of trash now as he ever was. He’s not redeemed, he’s just angry and destructive, looking to share the pain out of nothing but bitterness.

1:50 P.M.

Dick Morris: “Obama is likely to win this nomination. Obama is about to sweep Hawaii and Wisconsin. Hillary is also likely to lose Ohio. Despite Texas’ high Hispanic population, it’s alos 20% black, and Obama has proven he can win white male votes, women and hispanics. She’s in deep trouble there. I think she is going to lose the Democrat nomination.”

6:23 P.M.

An excellent day in the history of good, righteous killing. And I love the using their own tactics ( car bomb ) angle. I only regreat I can’t personally hear the lamentations of their women.


I’ve never felt much more joy than watching a jihadi die before my very eyes. It’s truly a toss-up between that and witnessing my daughter born. And it’s not an intellectual exercise, it’s an entirely autonomic response, that rush of joy.

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21 Responses

  1. Erik Marsh

    Dude, good morning sleeping beauty! (I’ve been up since 4 am CST)

    Ya, I gotta agree about McNamee. I can’t say whether or not the Rocket took anything but listening to this thing unfold and the long list of where McNamee contradicted, double-backed and denied public statements recently, it sounds more and more like he is trying’ to fabricate circumstances to support his allegations. I mean even faced with impartial evidence that repudiates aspects of his allegations he continues to stand behind his statements. First rule of a liar? Never back track on previous statements because they bring all other things you’ve said/done into question.

    Wouldn’t be all too surprised if the Rocket had done it once, had second thoughts about ruinin’ his career/life with it, told McNamee he didn’t want it anymore then McNamee kept the stuff for future protection realizing he had just exposed his transgressions to someone that did not support the practice and would not go to bat for him. Typical symptoms of a guilty conscious.

    And for all those out there that scream “If the gauze fits then you must convict!” While DNA will last in a blood sample virtually forever, there is the issue of damage from alcohol fumes and bio-contamination from the beer can, and that they will not be able to prove when the chemicals came to reside on the objects.

    Case closed - now let’s get to funding that border fence and improving employer enforcement.

  2. A. S. Wise- VA

    Personally, I think Congress should concentrate on WINNING THE WAR, not on steroid use in pro sports. Of course there is prevalent juicing in the MLB, but I could care less. It’s only a game after all.

  3. drillanwr

    :arrow: A. S. Wise- VA

    Personally, I think Congress should concentrate on WINNING THE WAR, not on steroid use in pro sports. Of course there is prevalent juicing in the MLB, but I could care less. It’s only a game after all.


    They SHOULD look into whatever the hell they’re smoking/snorting/injecting/swallowing over at MSNBC … Those [people] over there are completely fucking out of their collective pea-brain.

  4. just posting

    Fuck congress for giving baseball such a priority. As far as clemens goes, im a giants fan and i dont like bonds, but every fan was on his ass about roids when people from every team in the juice era were using, the mitchell report is just the tip of the iceberg.

    As far as the devils bitch in arkansas give him the pulp fiction treatment.

  5. Iacobus

    Yep, that’s the pressing issue of our time, the use of steroids in baseball. Our taxpayer dollars at work, folks. :roll:

    It just goes to show me what a bunch of fucktards they are. Western civilization is in a struggle with Islamofascism and all they can do is waste everyone’s time trying to get a pro baseball player to admit he juiced (*if* he juiced). Wow. Just wow.

    And as far as the daycare incident goes, my flesh literally crawls at the thought. Hang the fucker.

  6. Kermit


    I agree with you about McCain/Huckster. Huckster is correct in saying we don’t have a winner yet the voters still need a choice.

    If our candidate cannot make it through the training camp campaign known as the primaries, then how in the heck is the candidate make it through the final campaign.

    How good would troops be if they only had a half term boot camp/basic training? I am not aware of what the military exactly does these days, but isn’t there a case made for the preparedness of the Marines because of the longer boot camp than the Army, especially in the area of mental toughness?


    I for one am quite happy that Clements is fighting the allegations. And to even look at a photo of Waxman makes me want to puke. If he ain’t pantywaisted he sure missed a great opportunity to being pantywasted. He looks like he sure be in casting as an annoying idiot to the world professor in an Akroyd/Belushi film.

  7. B. Veener

    I have no love for Waxman, but I think that Clemens story is so incomprehensibly contradictory that I can’t help but to think he’s lying.

    Clemens? Liar.

    McNamee? Liar

    Andy Pettitte? Very honest guy - and his story directly implicates Clemens and give more credibility to McNamee.

  8. LftBhndAgn

    ” Nothing upsets or freaks me out more than this form of evil.”


    You and me both. I fear for my children every minute of the day. This story and TONS more like them are the reason I “choose” to give up my career and a LOT of money to be a stay at home mom. When they are old enough to TELL ME EVERYTHING (and yes I am raising tattle tails) I will feel a little more comfortable putting them into someone else’s hands for a few hours of the day.

  9. ticticboom

    About that guy in Arkansas, look in the KSM thread for ideas.

  10. LftBhndAgn


    About that guy in Arkansas, look in the KSM thread for ideas.


    Amen! Use that on the dumb ass liberal judges that let these monsters out early or never give them jail time too.

  11. Texas Larry

    ” Nothing upsets or freaks me out more than this form of evil.”

    I could not agree with you more! I cannot even watch a TV show/movie where a child is harmed in any manner. In my opinion, all convicted child molesters show be mechanically force violated (read raped here) and a double tap to the genitalia and then after about 5 minutes of suffering, double tap to forehead. Betcha you would see a decrease in these atrocious crimes

  12. Texas Larry

    BTW, how is your eye doing?

  13. Sandy


    ” Nothing upsets or freaks me out more than this form of evil.”

    Could not agree more. The only way to deal with them is to sentence and execute them. There is no treatment or cure for evil like that. (Eventhough there are those dim bulbs that claim there are.) That is why there are so many child victims and their ages get younger and younger - the acts more heinous every year. The evil pukes just keep progressing everytime they get out on parole. They also know they can get away with it. I say kill them all. Then at least there will be a hell of alot less victims. :sad:

    I am also glad there is more pressure on McCain.

  14. Pat Dollard

    Eye’s doin good, Larry, thanks.

  15. Chad

    death cures child predators the first time.

  16. Kermit

    Paraphrased quote from new LA Gov. Jindal.

    When told of how great it was that we can look up the addresses of sex offenders on the internet and find out where they live, he replied, “The best way to find out where sex offenders live is if they were all at he same address in Angola, LA (state prison for lifers and death row).

  17. TBinSTL

    Jindal for Veep! Jindal 2012!!

  18. Mike in CA

    Screw term limits, scrap the whole lot and start over. These assholes just look for new and different ways to screw us out of our hard earned money. This whole baseball thing will result in extra taxes in every ticket to pay for some watchdog comittee to have these guys pee in cups every week.

  19. 007

    Pat? Question? Are you still working on giving the world the Movie? I am hopeing that it is still on.

  20. Pat Dollard

    Yeah, man it’s an 8 part Showtime series. ‘Parently you ain’t been following the drama as I’ve slowed own on it for three weeks cos I’ve my big eye surgeries, but the work goes back into high gear next week.

  21. Kurt(the infidel)

    Glad you’re doing better Pat. I have a feeling with all the progress in Iraq we will be seeing a big offensive against them Taliban goat fuckers here soon.

    You’re putting YA out on DVD too right? something i have been wondering about. I have Showtime too though

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