February 27, 2008

February 27th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

9:31 A.M.

Was up, working, officer, I swear, until about 6 this morning. Just got back up.

Fucking Bill Buckley died. That sucks. Bill was the best reminder of which side was based on, oh, real rational analysis and thought, and so stood as an edifice of genuine intellectual and practical credibility. He was ‘82. Longtime hero of mine.

See ya, Bill. Hope the martinis are good.

9:46 A.M.

I consider human cloning immoral. Except when it comes to me.

1:50 P.M.

What happens when Right Hand Girl’s mom takes control of the content…I post, you decide.

2:41 P.M.

So the portion of the ceiling that was done in concrete ( dumb-ass style, concrete just layed onto drywall ceiling ) collapsed, and would have somewhat to severely injured or killed whoever would’ve been under it ( in-laws are never around at the right time ), so the solution was mud it, and then buy cement-colored paint. Looks awesome. If I ever write an autobiography it will be called “Dumbass Made It Through Several Decades And Did Some Shit”.

6:07 P.M.

Hussein’s not going to get away with it…no one that far left, and that intellectually bereft when it comes to policy, can ultimately sneak by undetected, unchecked, the press will slowly come to resent him in a way that will begin to challenge their desire for his annointing, as soon enough, they too will feel like disprespected victims of a charlatan….at the very least, as far as the press goes, a civil war is ultimately going to break out amongst his supporters, and his soon to be erstwhile supporters…we’re about to see one of the weirdest moments in the history of American politics…a war between an open book of a very human candidate and a messianic opponent who is the human version of a pop song created exclusively out of computerized sound loops…

6:20 P.M.

Did I just hear the words “Is it fair to use his middle name?” What the hell does that mean? Is it fair for me to piss? Is it fair to sit in a chair, use a hammer to strike nails?

6:34 P.M.

I’m sick y’all, why the posts here were so light today…

7:59 P.M.

This one’s a no-miss.

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22 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    :arrow: Pat -

    6 a.m., eh? Yeah, I was just climbing INTO bed then :twisted:

    Pass the coffee, you beautiful bastard …

    I’m just hearing about Bill Buckley this morning. I know he had lots of influence on many people, NOT the least of which is Limbaugh. And when you think about it, Limbaugh has become an influence in and of himself …

    It’s ALL about passing on the gifts we are given. NOT handing them out … But showing the way. Setting the standard (the Gold Standard, Pat).

    Some people are extremely blessed to have that ability … Bill Buckley was one of the great ones.

  2. LftBhndAgn

    I can see Bill hugging Ronnie in heaven, both smiling as I type this.

  3. Lamplighter

    Amen, RIP Willliam F. Buckley, Jr. He was a gentlemen and a scholar. His command of the English language was something to which we should all aspire. And yes, maybe he will keep RR company in heaven now. I was at the Reagan Libraryfor the first time this weekend, and all I could think all day was “he was a giant among men.”

  4. A. S. Wise- VA

    :beer: Here’s to WFB’s glorious legacy! :beer:

  5. Tom in CO

    :gun: :beer: R.I.P. Bill! We’ll miss you :sad:

  6. kurt(the infidel)

    RIP WFB! you were a true force for good in this country and hopefully your legacy will live on forever :beer: :beer:

  7. drillanwr

    :arrow: 9:46 A.M.

    I consider human cloning immoral. Except when it comes to me.

    Ye-up :wink:

    Just NEVER make a clone from a clone (SEE: Multiplicity)

    Sounds like a great plan …

    Abort our natural born race, and create a whole new race whose rights and place in our civilization/society is questionable, at best …

    And don’t even get me started on “Do they have a soul?” part of the discussion.

  8. ticticboom

    Give the Gipper our best. :beer:

    Drink To The Dead All You Still Alive
    We Shall Join Them, In Good Time.
    Should You Go Crossing That Silvery Brook,
    It’s Best To Leap Before You Look.

  9. dtodeen

    Toast to Buckley! :beer:

  10. ticticboom

    “Dumbass Made It Through Several Decades And Did Some Shit”

    Sounds like a best-seller. Just picture the NY Times review…

  11. Fraser

    I was at my buddy’s house yesterday, when the mail came. I picked up the Rolling Stone when I saw the following article. It tries to explain why the “surge isn’t working”. It made me want to throw up! I suggest you all read it, the link is below.



  12. drillanwr

    I did my part.

    I sent the B. Hussein youtube link around to my email list, even to my college daughter who has sent it around by now herself … and linked to it on another blog that hadn’t put it up yet. But for the most part, most of the blogs I visit do have it posted … thank Smilin’ Bob …

    :arrow: Pat - 6:34 P.M.

    I’m sick y’all, why the posts here were so light today…

    :!: Well, Pat, my very dear elderly physics teacher in high school told us that the colder it is the slower molecules move …

    Pretty fucking COLD here in Ohio-land …

  13. James Hooker

    After more than two months of being offline, I get hooked up yesterday. Hoooray! But what’s the first vid I click on the net? You guessed it - Obama’s solution for world peace. Sonofabitch! After watching it, I strongly stand by my assertion that the left is not as un-patriotic as they seem, but rather just plain old dumb as a dead dogs nut sack.

    Roughly half the country deserve public transportation. Short Buses!

  14. drillanwr

    :arrow: James Hooker! Welcome back, man!

    Hey, enjoy the new firepower :gun: Lock and load!

  15. A. S. Wise- VA

    Julie Banderas is on “Red Eye” tonight, I’m staying up for sure now!

  16. drillanwr

    :arrow: A. S. Wise- VA

    You got class in the morning! :twisted:

  17. A. S. Wise- VA

    Bah, 2 days until start of Spring Break, there’s nothing, as AlGore would say, to take “serial.” Besides my one and only class on Thursdays is at 14:00hrs EST. So with my traditional Thursday brunch (i.e. lunch, no breakfast) with some buddies @ 13:00, I’ll be fine! :cool:

  18. Brian H

    Pat, a clone of you wouldn’t still be you, but he might think he was. :eek: :lol:

  19. drillanwr

    :arrow: A. S. Wise- VA

    You guys go early down there. My Kate’s spring break isn’t until mid-March.

  20. dtodeen

    The Obama video….Yea, indeed, scary!! Wow!!

  21. steve m

    Shoulda’ cloned Buckley.
    Obama will, in time, under scrutiny, be shown for the liberal windbag he is. McCain is an irritable s.o.b. and will not have any problem with “political correctness” while exposing and dissecting “Hope”-bama and his empty-headed platform….I hope

  22. James "trust me, I'm a doctor" Hooker

    :gun: had to do it drillanwr :gun:

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