February 28, 2008

February 28th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

11:17 A.M.

Got a touch of the flu, and the over-workedness. Man, it’s hard to beat sleep sometimes.

4:04 P.M.

Today is Bash and his wife’s 15th wedding anniversary.

4:17 P.M

Despite the appearance of a snowball rolling into Hell, Hillary just had her best fundraising month yet. And the New York Times says John McCain’s citizenship status may make him inelligible to be President.

And lastly, now that he’s been found out, British Commanders are pulling Prince Harry out of Helmand Province.

4:51 P.M.

LAPD say they’ve just arrested the guy who did this. Say he had a specific target, wasn’t random mass murder…

6:31 P.M.

I obviously found this very interesting. And telling.

6:34 P.M.

Crazy. Worse than I thought.

7:22 P.M.

Can’t believe this is still dragging on. How is it that the Democrat party has a shred of credibility left?

8:24 P.M.

Well, they’re bringing Harry all the way home, not just out of Helmand Province.

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10 Responses

  1. James "trust me, I'm a doctor" Hooker

    sleep? People still do that?

  2. A. S. Wise- VA

    Take care of yourself, Pat, there aren’t enough with the balls to get the truth out there.

  3. medfly

    Congrats to Bash and his wife! Wow! 15 years.

  4. Chad

    drink coffee! sleep when you die.

    congrats mr and mrs bash! :beer:

  5. drillanwr

    :arrow: Bash -

    15 yrs? You gots lots of catching up to do with me, bro …

    Congrats! Your wife must be quite a woman to put up with Louie for so long … He eats and lives like a damn pig! :beer:

  6. Chad

    whaaaaaat :?: Louie is hawt. i would jump his bones.

  7. dtodeen

    Why the heck dod Drudge pull a Geraldo? Don’t get it, Drudge may get this guy killed. Go Harry kill some Jihads, and maybe Pat will send you a shirt!! Pat?

  8. LftBhndAgn

    Happy Anniversary to Bash & the Mrs!! :beer:


    Hot cup of tea for you with lemon & chicken soup. Hope the flu passes quickly!

  9. drillanwr

    :arrow: 8:24 P.M.

    Well, they’re bringing Harry all the way home, not just out of Helmand Province.

    :arrow: Pat -

    dtodeen is right on … A Jihadi Killer gear care package for the Prince might be in order. Be sure to mark the outside of the box for the Queen to keep her grubby hands off, though …

    The Lad is responsible for 30 Tali meeting their 72 yr old Virgins:


    “The 23-year-old Household Cavalry lieutenant killed up to 30 of the enemy on his frontline tour by directing at least THREE air strikes….”

    His “get laid” factor just doubled back home … As if he needed it.

    Everyone is blasting Drudge for this (Maybe rightly so) … But I want to hear his explanation before I pass journalistic malpractice judgement on him. He has never put out a story without good reason. However, he’d better get to it within the next 24 hrs. or I pull in the slack.

    Besides, from what I have read, an Aussie publication was first to source this.

    Look, sooner or later he would have been noted MIA at the parties and holiday romps … Where would they suppose he was?

  10. TBinSTL

    Wasn’t it the German mag Bild that actually broke the story? I thought Drudge just picked it up from there. Meh, either way it stinks and he should be ashamed of himself. :mad:

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