February 4 & 5, 2008

February 4th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

12:42 AM

Meet the new boss?


4:57 AM

Two messages from J.D. Hayworth on Fox & Friends. McCain hasn’t won yet, it ain’t over till it’s over, ( just ask the Giants ) and if you want another four to eight years of open borders, vote for John McCain or either Dem.

5:59 AM


6:43 AM

If McCain were to serve two terms, he’d be 82 when he leaves office. Given the way this job ages people, he’ll actually be about 105.

7:22 PM

Slept most of the day. Backward schedule. Eye’s okay. See the doc again on Wednesday. Big day tomorrow…Mitt and Obama?

7:56 PM

Same as the old boss.





February 5, 2008

6:19 AM

Anybody notice that this race was going fine until Mike Huckabee got in?

3:34 PM

Site got hacked by a sore-butted Limey lefty, back up…

4:56 P.M.

Can someone get Megyn Kelly a valium?

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35 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    They don’t know how good they have it. This change thing. They don’t realize the change they will get is hitting a prayer rug five times a day.

  2. Chalice


  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Ill be pulling the lever for Romney. The only thing i want to change is that freakin open border and all the fence jumpers in this country. Oh and i want all Jihadis to stop breathing. not too much to ask right? other than that i dont think we need change

  4. A. S. Wise- VA

    That’s your young skull full of mush on full display right there.

  5. Jim

    “Oh and i want all Jihadis to stop breathing”

    :mrgreen: :beer:

  6. LftBhndAgn

    Since when did going through “The Change” become a good thing? Ask any middle aged woman how they feel about it.

    I say we call this entire thing with the Democrats Mentalpause.

  7. RememberOurFathers

    If you want Jihadis to stop breathing I don’t know if voting for Romney is your best choice. As massachusetts governor he acted as a pro-choice politician, in his own words believing that it was a decision that should remain legal for pregnant women, he said that massachusetts had tough gun laws and that he wouldn’t do anything to remove them, he has hired illegal workers, and he has called for a “secret” time table for withdrawal from Iraq. And this is the candidate you support? Mitt Romney is a man who crafts positions based on the political temperature of the day. Fuck him with a 155. At least with McCain you, who has advocated for stronger force presence in both theaters of operations, will actually kill jihadis instead act as a servile politician afraid of messing up his greasy glossed over appearance. He is the man endorsed by the NRA, General Stormin’ Norman Schwarzcopz, and mayor Rudy Giuliani, two demonstrated American patriots. A vote for McCain is a vote for dead muj motherfuckers in ‘08 baby!

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah McCain will fight the war abroad while giving our fucking country away here at home. Ill take my chances with Romney. I dont really trust many politicians because they are just that, politicians. But i will never trust someone who will sit back and let all the illegals cross the border like it doesnt even exist. And another thing, I dont think McCain would have went into Iraq to begin with.

  9. A.S. Wise- VA

    On the contrary, Kurt, McCain was one of the key figures on the Iraq Liberation Act (1998). http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/news/iraq/1998/980929-in2.htm. He’s always been one of the biggest cheerleaders for US intervention into Iraq, and would probably be considered the choice of the “Neocon” movement. One reason of many why the “Paleoconservative” movement resents him.

  10. Kurt(the infidel)

    Now if someone could prove me wrong on his immigration stance. I respect his military service, but that aside i dont want to give my country away. And i think thats the reason ‘conservatives’ resent him.

    I dont hate McCain, I actually respect the guy. I dont think hes satan in a suit. and i would argue against anyone who thought that. I just know we need someone to close the border. period

  11. Erik Marsh

    One can sit back and talk all day long about the negatives of John McCain, about how much he resembles a modern incarnation of the Manchurian Candidate, about how wrong he’ll not only be for our nation but especially for our party. The problem is, fanatics like kboomr will never listen. In their righteous indignation to history and fact, they will continue to march forward screaming at the top of their lungs and showing that they really do believe the illusionist made the Eiffel Tower disappear and that they really did walk through the great wall of China.

    Personally, I prefer to do my own research, to base my own opinion on fact and evidence as opposed to a sales pitch from nothing more than a used car salesman.

    For a little snippet of information on the true blue root of John McCain’s philosophy, go here: http://www.reforminstitute.org/

    I’m sure Sen. McCain and his buddy Sen. John Kerry (the Vietnam veteran) will be glad you did.

    The rest of, we’ll sit back and watch for the rumble that brings down McCain’s house of cards.

  12. Jeff

    I’d like to see the mideast murders get what’s coming to them too.


    There is a war going on right in our backyards. Laws are bring ignored. People are dying. We are losing billions of dollars and McCain wants to look the other way. McCain will get my vote when I see him ceremoniously planting a gold-plated Claymore mine on the border.

  13. Lamplighter

    Today McCain is running radio ads in Cal. towing the line on illegal immigration: close the border, deport criminals immediately, anyone here gets no preference, goes to the back of the line, learns English, etc. So, you’d have to assume he’s lying (which isn’t that hard an assumption for a policitican).

  14. LftBhndAgn

    Im sorry but I don’t think ANY politician can change much in 4 years. McCain would NEVER get a vote from me.

    McCain: I’d ‘entertain’ Democratic VP slot

  15. Paslode

    Vote for Change……….

    No skimpy clothes, No visible flesh, no Hannah Montana, no makeup, no right to vote and as John said you get to pray 5 times a day.

    Reminds me of the movie Independence Day with all the dumbasses welcoming the Aliens on top the building…..they all got fried!

  16. Texas Mom

    From Hot Air:

    McCain grumbles about having to build “the goddamned fence”

    In Milwaukee, in front of an audience of more sympathetic businessmen, McCain had been asked how debate over the immigration bill was playing politically. “In the short term, it probably galvanizes our base,” he said. “In the long term, if you alienate the Hispanics, you’ll pay a heavy price.” Then he added, unable to help himself, “By the way, I think the fence is least effective. But I’ll build the goddamned fence if they want it.”

    Don’t worry; no matter how much we may want it, no one’s building the goddamned fence.

  17. KBoomr113

    I don’t remember Romney ever saying he wanted to close the borders. Whose he going to get to cut his lawn if he did that? Furthermore, thats the last thing the business lobby wants…..and hes pro business more than anything! I honestly don’t think theres one candidate left that really wants to close the border. Everyone of them thinks they can pick up votes in the new latino voting block…which makes your vote worth less by percentage in the future.

    Second, and most importantly….I thought this was a Pro-Victory in Iraq and Afghanistan website. That’s the most important thing.

  18. Erik Marsh

    @ Kboomr —

    This is a pro-UNITED STATES OF AMERICA website.

    What that means is PRO-VICTORY EVERYWHERE be it Iraq, Afganistan, Iran, and yes, OUR SOUTHERN BORDER ALSO. We are pro-DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, pro-CONSTITUTION, and pro-FREEDOM. We believe in the values of not only our fore fathers, but also those of our grandfathers and fathers. Values that created this great nation, defended this great nation, and secured the freedom of millions of people across the globe. These same values drive us and our current generation to make the same sacrifices today as did the “Band of Brother” of yester-year. The same values that brought my grand-parents to immigrate to this country in order to build a future for themselves and for their progeny in a legal and organized way.

    What good is a victory abroad when our society is lost at home? What worth are my sacrifices and those of my fellow veterans and service members over seas if the communities we left are no longer as we left, instead they more resemble the border region barrios from south of the border?

    No victory on foreign soils means anything if we, the keepers of the home flame, surrender our sovereignty without a single shot being fired.

    To validate the sacrifices of those that have given all, I will do what I can to ensure that they have a home to return to. I will vote agains’t McCain, I will speak against McCain, and I will speak against those who wish to spread the McCain propaganda.

    This nation WILL NOT go down without a fight!

  19. Jeff

    :arrow: KBoomr113

    You said: “Everyone of them thinks they can pick up votes in the new latino voting block…which makes your vote worth less by percentage in the future.”

    I say: I agree with you. However, I don’t want 20 million illegals having a voting block. I don’t want them voting at all. I’d like to see some respect for our laws BEFORE they have a voice in making changes to those laws. There is only one candidate who is not for granting amnesty. That would be Romney.

    You said: “I don’t remember Romney ever saying he wanted to close the borders.”

    I say: He has said a lot more than that. He wants to go after employers who hire illegals. He wants to punish Sanctuary Cities. He wants a fence and again, he is against any kind of amnesty. Read it for yourself, it’s all on his web site.

    You said: “Second, and most importantly….I thought this was a Pro-Victory in Iraq and Afghanistan website. That’s the most important thing.”

    I say: I don’t think you’re going to get any arguments from anyone here. I haven’t heard a single person here say they want to see goat pounders win the war. But, what good does it do to kill a bunch of them half-way around the world while a bunch more walk right in through our southern border and blow up a WMD in New York City? These guys are everywhere. They are in South America. They are in Mexico. They are probably already here, living in your city. Forget the billions we lose every year to illegals, Forget the nearly 5,000 lives lost to illegals committing crimes every year. Forget all the children sexually abused by illegals. Forget all of that if you wish but don’t tell me the border isn’t just as important an issue in winning the war on terror. It is on the front line of this war.

  20. drillanwr

    I VOTE the little clueless thang in the picture get a job for a year, have a rent/car/credit card/utility bill(s)/food payments, see how big a bite the various government levels take out of her weekly pay … multiply by a President Hillary/BHO and come back and beg to “change back”.

    What’s the saying we all had as kids … Oh, yeah … “No do overs!”

    This IS a fucking Presidential election of THE most powerful nation in the world … during war time, no less … Not some damn rock concert!

  21. Dan (The Infidel)

    Oh yeah and Captain Queeg has a skeleton in his closet now. I hope it isn’t true, because if it is…it means that I should have thrown his POW/MIA bracelet in the garbage can…instead of arguing with my libistan HS buddies about wearing it in HS.

    Be that as it may, McCain’s support of “shamnisty legislation”, McCain-Feingold and his gang of 14 activities is enough to pusuade me that he is NOT my candidate.

    Captain Queeg is a loose cannon on deck, same as he was in the military. Both he and that crazy witch he married can take their money and shove it up Chappaquiddick Ted’s ass for all I care. But he ain’t getting my vote.

  22. KBoomr113

    Erik Marsh,

    Hey, I couldn’t agree with you more. I want nothing more than America to continue being the beacon of liberty in an increasingly democratic and peaceful world. Your sacrifice, my sacrifice, and the sacrifices of all of our comrades in arms in the past and present is not and will not be in vain. However, my point is that not a single one of the four remaining candidates for President has the interest or desire to truly seal the border and enact a legitimate immigration policy. Hillary and Obama are likely to open the border even further. Romney has small business interests at heart that rely on cheap, illegal labor. McCain hasn’t really justified his pro immigrant policies whatsoever. The key to enacting border legislation isn’t with the executive - its with winning back congress. However, that theory proved itself ineffective in the past when our conservative congresses from 1994-2006 hardly enacted any conservative legislation. No ‘English Only’ bill. No permanent tax cuts. No fence. No mass deportations (which I would love). No privatization of Social Security. We all know that list goes on and on. So to be honest, I’m voting for the one guy left that has worn the uniform and who did it honorably. The man wouldn’t even be in politics if he could have raised his arm above his head during his flight physical.

  23. Erik Marsh

    @ Kboomr

    You have an inalienable right to your opinion and vote. But, let’s not dilute the importance of the tasks that would be before our next President by saying that a uniform is the only factor that need be considered. Regardless, have you looked at our nation’s history in regards to putting former generals, etc in charge of the nation? You’d find assassinations, impeachment, the Pan American Union and even one who ordered US troops to fire on civilians at a labor protest. Does this mean that McCain would be of the same ilk? Not at all, but the cards are stacked way high against him in that respect as well as many others. (Just think of all those “West Cadidiots” that come out each year looking to revolutionize the military…that is until that PFC/SPC/CPL shows them that they really don’t know the first fucking thing about being a soldier let alone a leader)

    Anyway, I would much rather put my trust in someone who supports such a US economic fundamental as small business than I would with someone who has a former Mexican Government official and current Mexico City resident (Juan “Mexicans First” Hernandez”) working on his campaign and considers both Kerry (the Vietnam vet) and Kennedy (Chappaquidick Ted) as dear friends.

  24. Texas Mom

    “The key to enacting border legislation isn’t with the executive - its with winning back congress.”

    KBoom, I would have to agree with you on that one IN PART, but there is also the VETO pen. President Bush, for reasons I will never understand, has left the border open for 7.5 years — He has allowed harsh punishment of two Texas border guards for a clerical error, he has called those of us who called Washington in opposition of amnesty “ugly” and implied racism, and he has not said one word of repremand to the government of Mexico, who encourages the breaking of American laws.

    This time around conservaties want a leader who will defend the United States abroad and at home. McCain is not that person. He is more of the same on the border issue and many other issues outlined eloquently in posts before this one.

    More than that, McCain is a loose-cannon and he hates conservatives. I want a president, which represents all people including conservatives (not despite conservatives). The top three candidates have no respect for conservatives. We are begging for representation and that is not McCain.

    If McCain is what we end up with - we will be respectful - but we are hiding our money, we are hiding our guns, and keeping our face to the crowd expecting the knives in the back. We will except the worst for conservatives because that is what we have known from McCain in the past. He is really angry at Conservatives for not supporting him in 2000 and lashed out, can you imagine how he is going to appreciate us now!

    I am praying for a Romney win.

  25. devdok

    She’s kinda purtty. :twisted:

  26. KBoomr113

    @ Erik Marsh

    To be honest, I hope that your right if Romney wins the nomination. He will definitely get my vote. I’m not one of these guys that is going to throw away an election to the dems because I don’t like our nominee. I’m not going to throw away the war and everything that we’ve achieved over there because of domestic issues. Your also right that the border is a major issue. There is nothing that I would like more than to have massive deportations of all illegals without a care in the world for economic or social damage that may occur. It wouldn’t bother me in the least. Is that likely to happen? Unfortunately, no its not. I’m disappointed that we didn’t build a fence the day after September 11. Its retarded that we waited this long. The fact that drivers licenses aren’t secure, after terrorists used them to get onto jets, 6 years after 9/11 is atrocious. All state ID’s should be CAC cards for the most part, with all that data on them. Libertarians would hate it, but they don’t have to fly on planes if they don’t want the government to have the data. I’d have used the patriotic momentum that our country had after 9/11 to expand the Army back to pre Clinton levels…at least 16 divisions. Basically i’m saying that I would have done things a bit different than Bush and our Republican congress did. They did OK as far as i’m concerned, but not great at all. I am absolutely amazed that we haven’t been attacked at home yet. However, I thank God every day Gore hasn’t been running things the last 7 years. However, my worst nightmare is that I go to bed on November 4th knowing that a democrat is going to be sitting in the White House in January and the Iraq War is lost because we’re going to retreat. I think McCain can get himself in the White House to execute the war effectively. I think he’s earned my support through his service and i’m impressed that so many retired and respected military men are supporting him as well. Schwartzkopf, Bud Day, Bob Dole, and many others. Is he going to do things that I don’t agree with? You bet. Bush has and so would Romney. I’m not going to hate any one of them for it though.

  27. KBoomr113

    @ Texas Mom

    What I meant is that a Conservative Congress would have the ability to write legislation that it wanted accomplished. McCain, to get anything he would want done would sign it much like Bush signed ridiculous budgets full of pork, so as not to waste time fighting with what should be his base. After the first election a president trys to keep his base happy so they can win another election. At least thats how one would think it should work. It doesn’t work that way if you have a democratic congress. In that situation, the government hits gridlock.

    ps. I don’t mind Romney, but he can leave his mandatory health care in Massachusetts where it belongs. That’s my only actual knock against him. Besides that hes a good guy as far as I can tell.

  28. JayMS

    OK, Juan McLame aint my first choice either since he sucks ass on border enforcement….

    But how do you think Hilary or Obama would be on the same issue? At least under McLame states could make their own laws and enforce them. Oklahoma and Arizona did just that.

    If the Dems win, look for laws like OK and AZ have passed to be overturned or countermanded by some federal bullshit “rights” law. I doubt Hilary would pass up the chance to import a new underclass that will vote solidly Democrat.

  29. KBoomr113

    @ Jeff

    Sorry it took a while to get to ya, but I’m getting teamed up on and its taking a while to respond here…damn. OK, I will say I haven’t checked up the Romney page until today. I don’t really remember him being that explicit about it, but I’m glad he has. If hes going to go after any sort of conservative vote, its good to get it out there. We’ve been promised this so often its hard to believe it. However, I actually disagree with his stance on going after employers of illegals. I don’t like that the justice dept is doing it now. Its the Federal Governments job to keep out illegals and I think its not fair to incarcerate or fine small businesses or even corporations when the government is doing such a crappy job. I’m not saying its right to employ illegals either, don’t get that idea. But thats not the answer.

  30. Jeff

    :arrow: Hey KBoomr113

    Definitely did not mean to gang up on ya. :beer:

    To be honest, I don’t know if going after employers is the right answer. To suddenly go after employers when the Feds have had years to put a stop to this problem, and done nothing, certainly does not seem fair.

    We have a serious illegal alien problem, a serious drug problem and a seriously dangerous threat to our security in the form goat pumpers sneaking in with WMD’s. None of these threats are new and yet our government sits around with their thumbs up their asses and does nothing. Either they are the most ignorant human beings alive or…the dumbest….or someone with power wants things to stay the way they are. I don’t think the small businesses have that kind of pull so who does and what are they into?

  31. Texas Mom

    Employers who hire illegal immigrants are cheating the tax system. They are driving down wages. They are employing those who drain our entitlements. ALL FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL PROFIT.

    Dry up all of the above and a lot of the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT problem is solved.

  32. PhilNBlanx

    I’m already burnt out on the campaign. Yeah, Huckabee’s impersonation of a wrench in the conservative machine deserves mention Pat. Hell, even space-cadette Kucinich had enough sense/scruples to get out when the writing was on the wall. Someone please explain to me how Huckabee, that has no chance of winning, yet is staying in just to screw up the works is benefiting the Republican Party or the country? Ask not what Huckster can do for his country, ask what the country can do for the Huckster. What in the hell is in the water in Arkansas?

    Glad to hear the eye is feeling OK Pat — Good luck with the Doc visit tomorrow.

  33. Sandy

    Damn, what a day. Cast my vote after work today. Pulled the lever for Romney since my first pick Hunter is no longer in the game.

    I am glad to see you back online! I kept checking back when I could at work and it was really weird when I could not hook into the Dollard Nation. :eek: Felt lost!

    @Texas Mom

    I am with you on the whole illegal imigration thing!

    Good luck at the doc tomorrow Pat.

  34. KBoomr113

    @ Texas Mom

    Last time I checked, private businesses are in business to make a personal profit for the owners of said business. Considering minimum wages are liberal nonsense, it only makes sense that businesses would go for the lowest wage workers they could get their hands on. I’m more surprised that the big liberal labor unions wouldn’t see illegal immigration as much of a threat to their current base as we do. Once illegal immigration is eliminated, wages will equalize to the talent that is hired.

  35. Texas Mom


    Private businesses making money is not a problem for me; especially when I so strongly believe the conservative ideology. It is the ** cheating on the taxes and the breaking of the law by hiring said illegals ** that I have a problem with. Furthermore, the drain on entitlements since the illegals don’t make enough money to pay or don’t choose to pay for food, housing, healthcare. Obviously, it is really not fair to other businesses, who are following the rules, paying the taxes, and like I said it drives down wages.

    I am sometimes surprised with the labor union positions, as well; labor unions are for the most part corrupt and I think it has a lot to do with which special interest (or the US Chamber of Commerce) is paying them the most bribe money. I really don’t think they care that much for the workers they represent.


    The following article is an interesting read from the point-of-view of the businessman trying to follow the rules:


    “Can I sue rivals for hiring illegal immigrants?
    A contractor suspects he’s losing jobs to competitors that undercut pricing by relying on illicit labor.”


    Looks like it is all over for now anyway - Clinton, Obama, McCain - all wish for the cheating to go on. So those who don’t mind cheating, will continue to make personal profits . . . it is all good, right?

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