February 6, 2008

February 6th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

12:00 A.M.

Wasn’t that fun?

1:36 A.M.

Some buzz. Or buzz-kill, maybe: Bill Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard who has been writing pieces and doing tv appearances asking conservatives to rally around Romney, threw in the towel tonight, saying in fact he expects Romney to give a concession speech this Sunday at CPAC, the consevative convention. McCain snubbed the convention last year, and it was a big deal, so everyone is waiting to see the fireworks when he shows up nearly on his knees this weekend.

2:14 A.M.

Both Hillary and McCain won bigger than expected in California. This is particularly bad news for Mitt, who most exit polls indicated would eke out a slim win. McCain won by about 11 points, Hillary by about 12.

4:52 A.M.

Ann Coulter is at CPAC every year. Can’t wait to see if she has an encounter with John McCain.

5:35 A.M.

I wonder if Hillary will try to back out of her 4-debate challenge to Obama, now that she did alright last night.

7:10 A.M.

Yes, it’s true. Ronald Reagan will introduce John McCain at CPAC.

7:17 A.M.

So, Osama is behind Britney Spears’ mental breakdown.

8:36 A.M.

Today is Bob Marley’s birthday. And Ronald Reagan’s.

11:34 A.M.

I hope any of our readers in the blast zone are okay.

11:51 A.M.

Is it me, or does Obama’s “accent”, or whatever it’s best called, sound completely phony, like a total affectation? I swear to God, this guy reminds me more and more of John Edwards every day.

2:45 P.M.

McCain can’t win without the foundation of the Republican Party, the rock upon which it was built, which is the South. Right now, Huckabee controls the South.

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27 Responses

  1. kyrceck

    What a fucking sad election.

    All 3 Republican candidates were shitheads, we just happened to get stuck with the liberal “Republican” neo-con shithead.

    Now Obama is gonna grab the nomination and we’re done for. Super.

  2. Texas Mom

    KBoom - I responded on Pat’s previous post of you want to go back and read . . . long-story-short: Businessmen making a personal profit is all fine and good . . . as long as no law-breaking is involved . . . that is my opinion, but it appears that I am a minority . . .

    Pat - Kind of depressing . . .

  3. Steve in NC

    How about some silver lining?

    McCain gets the nomination, and because he is in the ‘center’ he can get some d’rats to vote for him that are not willing to vote for hussein obama or billary.

    Hopefully conservatives in Congress can exert enough pressure to keep McCain in line, esp when it comes to Supreme Court and immigration.

    I am fairly comfortable with him as CIC.

    We the People still run this show, and it was shown with the immigration issue.

  4. Faith of Judas

    “I am fairly comfortable with him as CIC.

    We the People still run this show, and it was shown with the immigration issue.”


    He’s the only honest Republican candidate. I don’t like everything he’s done, but the man sticks to his principles, whether you like them or not. That’s what an executive should be. you’re not voting for emperor, he doesn’t have unlimited power. and most people’s biggest bitch with him are the immigration issues, which aren’t within his scope of power anyhow. that’s why he’s the only man I’d be willing to vote for out of all the potential candidates who have come and gone for 2008.

  5. Texas Mom

    I guess closing Gitmo and giving terrorists American legal rights in court is not a problem ???

  6. Steve in NC

    :arrow: Texas Mom,

    It is a problem, but it is what it is, not what I want.

    Romney needs to win 2 out 3 remaining delegates to overcome McCain. (f*ck)

    He is a politician and if the conservatives continue to show power he will have to move to the right more to gain larger support; if the conservatives just throw in the towel and will accept a d’rat as CIC, then McCain will not be beholden to the conservative wing of the party if he wins.

  7. Steve in NC

    He really is not going to do this at CPAC ?!!

    “According to my source, McCain has prepared a video featuring President Ronald Reagan to make the introduction.”


  8. Zeke Eagle

    Civil rights for terrorists? ACLU lawyers at our expense for enemy combatants? McCain & Lieberman closes gun shows!
    Fuck McCain, fuck liberal Republicians, Dhimitude is not on my agenda, to islam, communism or Rockyfellers. I’m buying 7.62. You cannot polish a turd.

  9. drillanwr

    McCain snubbed the convention last year, and it was a big deal, so everyone is waiting to see the fireworks when he shows up nearly ***[on his knees]*** this weekend … Ann Coulter is at CPAC every year. Can’t wait to see if she has an encounter with John McCain.

    Yeah, McCain, IF he is to be the GOP nod, and IF he has any hopes of beating Hill/BHO he has a hell of a lot of ***[on his knees]*** “Lewinsky” to serve-up to the conservative wing of his party … and Coulter happens to have one of “the biggest conservative cigars” to Lewinsky … While I don’t suggest McCain wear a dress, a ‘blue’ suit might be in order.

  10. LftBhndAgn

    President Ronald Reagan would have been 97 today.

  11. Steve in NC

    after reading my own posts, I am full of shit.

    any hope for mccain that was there is gone; the Reagan stunt did it.

  12. Iacobus

    I *hope* Ann Coulter digs in with all the venom she can. McLame deserves it.

  13. drillanwr

    :arrow: Steve in NC

    after reading my own posts, I am full of shit.

    any hope for mccain that was there is gone; the Reagan stunt did it.


    Steve -

    It’s kinda like someone sticking your “educated” ass in a one-way time machine, setting it for 8-6-45 and dropping you at Ground Zero Hiroshima, Japan … and there you are staring up at that shiny object falling from the sky and sighing to yourself, “Oh, FUCK!”

    Well, perhaps my analogy IS a bit over the top … but “Oh, fuck!”

  14. Dan (The infidel)

    Ann Coulter will kick Captain Queeg’s ass. I hope she continues to point out why McLame sucks ass. Fuck him.

    Conservatives will have to hold their noses again as was done in 76, 88, 92 and 96.

    Bearing in mind that Johnnie Mclame is possibly the next comming of Bob Dole. And you all recall what happened in that election?

    However, there is a war on. Does anyone really think that Hitlery or the magic Negro will be better on prosecuting the war than McLame?

    McLame remembers what America did to their troops in VN. I doubt that he would allow that to happen this time.

    I’m not defending Captain Queeg…I hate his ass. But what are the choices? We cast off the only real conservatives early on in the process….so now we are reaping what we’ve sown.

  15. Steve in NC

    :arrow: drillanwr

    That’s an accurate analogy

    thinking a drawn out car crash, where time slows as you brace for impact

    still, i do not want hildabeast or hussein choosing Supreme court nominees

  16. drillanwr

    :arrow: Steve in NC
    still, i do not want hildabeast or hussein choosing Supreme court nominees

    So, you dive into some Hiroshima basement, brace for the heat and blast wave(s), knowing full well you’re STILL going to get damn sick enough to wish you were dead, but calling yourself a survivor …

    And THIS is the ONLY advantage McCain has over Hill/BHO … that enough of the pissed off conservatives will suck and swallow and get off their asses in November and pull the lever for him …

    I think we’re all in a piss-poor state of denial if we think we can just throw this election and the next 8 yrs. to the other party (foolishly thinking/believing we’ll simply just win it back in 8 yrs.) and not understand it’s like letting the MoFo terrorists off the hook for the USS Cole, and then watching the shit hit the fan on the morning of 9-11 …

    Yeah, another over the top analogy, I know … but the GOP could just be on the verge of committing political suicide this election. Those who long for a “third party” just might get their wish, as the conservative branch of the GOP will have to regroup and build one … Sort of like the big split in the Catholic Church … McCain just might prove to be the GOP’s Martin Luther … and Lex Luthor combined.

  17. ticticboom

    McCain was always up there with Huckster and Paul on my “Dear God, don’t let these fucks get near the nomination.”

    But, I resigned myself to voting for him in November, figuring he’d be better than Hillary. Sadly, he seems dead set on proving me wrong. The Republicans would fight tooth and nail against her socialist agenda. Give pretty much the same agenda a ‘conservative’ whitewash, which is what McCain’s made a career of doing, and the best we can hope for is a reach-around.

    I feel the need to tear into some of his ‘conservative endorsements’.

    I never trusted the NRA. Them supporting McCain doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.

    I supported Rudy DESPITE his qualities that are similar to McCain, not because of them.

    Huck, who’s the Republican Jimmah Carter, is still in the race just to make sure McCain wins.

    Ahnuld is hardly my idea of a conservative, and is a walking example of why I think California voters are morons (present company excluded).

    Nancy Reagan…nice lady, but she’s Ronald Reagan’s wife, not co-president.

    Lieberman is neither a conservative nor Republican.

    If the Times endorses you, you’re doing something horribly wrong.

    I can’t stand the guy. Conservatives I respect despise him. He’s as far from a small ‘L’ libertarian as you can get without celebrating May Day. He’s running his campaign from Kerry’s “You can’t criticize me, I was in ‘Nam!” playbook.

    I hate to admit being wrong, but I think I owe an apology to everyone I berated for swearing to sit out the election if McCain’s the candidate.

    I’ll still vote for him over Barack Hussein Obama, who seems to think the fact that his mother got knocked up by a polygamous foreign exchange student qualifies him to be leader of the free world.

    But one of his appeals is that people who like Hillary’s policies but hate her personally are eager to vote for him. This does not improve my opinion of him. He has most of the downsides (We don’t need no stinking Bill of Rights) of Hillary in the White House without most of the upsides (Conservatives hate her enough to mobilize and get active).

  18. drillanwr

    BTW -

    To our more sensitive posters … I just realized the theme of my posts on this open thread has been of an “oral”-leaning. A thousand pardons … but the political situation just plain SUCKS/BLOWS!

  19. Steve in NC

    :arrow: drillanwr

    Definitely a spit not swallow moment this November. :twisted:

  20. drillanwr

    Steve -

    UGH!… forgiddaboudit … :roll:

  21. drillanwr

    Pat -

    11:34 A.M.

    I hope any of our readers in the blast zone are okay.


    Don’t know which “blast zone” you’re talking about, but I’m beginning an ark in my garage this very minute …

    In a rain:snow ratio we’d still be shoveling out from the last 3-4 days with several feet of snow. Instead, been pounded to sleep the last three nights and awakened every early a.m. by lightning, thunder storms and heavy rains. My sister in Georgia could really use some of this rain.

    How about you, Kurt?

  22. Paul in Iowa

    you left out Babe Ruth!! It’s also the Bambino’s Birthday

  23. PhilNBlanx

    drill - I think Pat’s talking about the deadly twisters that hit last night. Some bad shit…

    “Is it me, or does Obama’s “accent”, or whatever it’s best called, sound completely phony, like a total affectation?”

    Everything about Obama seems completely phony to me. But I think that’s a prerequisite for being a dem politician. Think about it…

  24. monkeysdad

    I am starting my survival shelter now. Should be done by Jan O9. The favorite firearm articles helped. thanks guys. I live Smack dab on the border in Texas. A few weeks ago the Mexican Army was shootin it out with Drug cartels. BP get shot at from across the border daily… Arm up ladies and gentleman.

  25. TBinSTL

    Mac as CiC scares the piss out of me. Ask anyone you know who has served what happens when a commander gets a case of “expertitis” and won’t take input because he “knows what he’s doing” …it’s a recipe for a cluster-fuck if ever there was one. He didn’t support the surge until it was a done deal, he just wanted to put a couple of 100k more boots in country and raze it to the ground so they could all come home….until their kids had to go in and clean up the mess. He is a Naval Aviator, not a tactician but I would expect him to erect a dias in the Oval Office from which to issue edicts and piss on anybody that disagrees(especially if they are from his own party).

  26. Kermit

    Obama a phony? I think that only Soros really knows how phony he is, sucking up to Dr. Evil.

    I still stand by his former squad flying mate who said he would not vote JMac for dog catcher. When a brother in arms says that about a squad mate, that speaks volumes.

  27. Wolfman Bill Peterson

    Mccain was not my 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice when all 5 were still there, but he will be fine. You can’t always get what you want.

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