February 8, 2007

February 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

6:18 A.M.

Geraldo warned McCain ( in absentia ) on Fox & Friends this morning, that if he abandons his open-borders policy then he would lose the election because he would rightly be perceived as a racist by hispanics.

Bashman is putting together a “Greatest Hits” DVD set which will be available soon.

Bill Kristol just predicted that the Republican Party will “come together fast, right now, over John. He also said the Dems think we’re lucky, because they’re still in a food fight, and that McCain is the most electable of our candidates.

6:24 A.M.

Can’t Obama charm Iran out of nukes?

6:43 A.M.

Two Gas tankers have been stolen in Gainesville (sp?), Virginia…

6:44 P.M.

Huckabee’s about to give some speech, maybe he’ll drop out…

6:58 A.M.


7:00 A.M.

So the two Virginia tankers were stolen at 5:30 A.M. Eastern time, and have 3500 gallons of fuel in them each.

The license plates are:


7:14 A.M.

The brother of the guy who shot up City Hall ( killing 5 people ) just defended him, saying that just as countries have a right to go to war, so do individuals in a conflict if negotiations break down. He said his brother was fighting citations for illegally parked construction equipment, and once he couldn’t prevail in talks, he rightfully went to war as “an army of one”, shooting and killing the enemy.

Video coming…

7:39 P.M.

Seriously, Huckabee should be given a sitcom. It’s where his best talent lies ( glib talk ), it’s the kind of stardom he really wants, he’ll get ratings, everybody wins.

8:44 A.M.

Here’s the video of the city council killer’s brother justifying the attacks.

9:29 A.M.

If I hear that fuckin’ Valentine’s Day teddy bear song again I’m gonna start fuckin’ shootin’…

12:02 P.M.

That idiot brother of the city council shooter is on tv again saying his brother had a right to murder those people, and that his brother was waging a just war.

3:08 P.M.

There is no bigger idiot and piece of slick, phony human garbage as Barack Hussein Obama. “I will end this war and bring our troops home in 2009.” Go die. How anyone gets to spew such babble and get taken even the least bit seriously is beyond me.
Its time for serious people to wise up and start talking about how dangerous this talking turd is. From Iraq to Iran to the Supreme Court, etc.

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15 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Im glad you saw that thing with Geraldo this morning Pat. I watched that and man what bullshit. His obvious slant towards hispanics and even illegal immigrants is getting very old. pushing more towards pathetic.

    And those 2 stolen gas tankers are actually in the beltway area..holding 3500 gallons of gas each. could do some serious damage

  2. warrior1

    I want to put in a serious post, but I can’t. There’s something about a Muslims singles site that is just….. hilarious. :grin:

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Single muslims.com hahahaha!

    Their profiles should say just dont let my dad catch us in public or talking on the internet or i will be buried to my neck and stoned to death. what a bad idea for a site

  4. drillanwr

    FYI - The tankers are in my drive … Come fill `er up for $2/gallon/no tax … First come, first served. Limited time.

    I got an idea … Screw the illegals … Let’s deport Geraldo.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    The trouble with Gerald Rivers is that he thinks that people take him seriously. Smart ones don’t. That includes hispanics.

    Lonely Muslim society? LOL. That’s a good one. Tell me, I wonder are the males issued sticks to beat their girl friends with too? After all, good Muslims follow the Koranic Koloring book, don’t they?

    Wonder if they also sell nice hijabs and burquas for the more discerning Muslim slave…er I mean…liberated??? Muslim woman? LOL :mrgreen:

  6. drillanwr

    :arrow: 7:39 P.M.

    Seriously, Huckabee should be given a sitcom. It’s where his best talent lies ( glib talk ), it’s the kind of stardom he really wants, he’ll get ratings, everybody wins.

    How about McCain’s Pres. Sec?

    As long as he’s not the Veep choice …

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    I have heard that damn vermont teddy bear song like 5 times today already!

  8. TBinSTL

    I’m pretty familiar with that whole deal in Kirkwood.

    The shooter was from a neighborhood that was recently annexed by Kirkwood called Meacham Park and the “cleanup” has gotten ugly. This is the same area where they called the police and ambushed the officer over a year ago and the pizza shop manager that had the two kidnapped boys in his apartment was just across the highway. Kirkwood proper is still a nice area but they kicked a hornets’ nest and now they’ve followed them home.

    I have friends that live in Kirkwood and they are only slightly disturbed but not surprised at all. Many also view the Mayor as a tyrant but annexing this area and trying to bring it to heel has shaken some real nuts loose.

    St Louis is a very odd region, the City proper separated itself from the County in the late 1800’s because the city was pretty wealthy at the time and didn’t want to support the rural areas anymore. Now the City is in the crapper and seriously regretting that move.

    The County has dozens of “municipalities” much like Kirkwood with their own Police, Fire and Schools. Some of these “municipalities” are really just a few blocks square and make most of their money from ticketing commuters coming from the suburbs to work in the City. It’s sort of “balkanized”. Many of them are run as private “Satraps” with one family holding the bulk of jobs in the Government. We could have our troops come here to train for dealing with “advanced tribalism”.

  9. A. S. Wise- VA

    Geraldo is full of shit.

    Those tankers would make an excellent IED, if given the chance. Hope that this isn’t some very sinister act, other than grand larceny. Gainesville is well off to the NE of my location, but within close proximity of DC and the Beltway. One of my good shooting buddies here at Tech is from there.

  10. Evestay

    Hey TB, I live in Kirkwood and you describe it very well. There is definitely a racial divide and this looked racial until we got details about the shooter’s purpose. That Meacham Park resident who killed the cop just got the death penalty in the last week and that community is mad about it.

  11. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :???: What has happened to the St. Louis area? Is it true that it has surpassed D.C., Detriot, Baltimore and even N.Y.C. as the murder capitol of the nation?
    What up with that?
    I think of Mo. and I think of nice middle-class well-behaved Mid-Westerners.
    What the …….!

  12. TBinSTL

    I have lived all over the world(literally), including Downtown DC where I was the only white kid in my school and I have never seen a place where racial divisions and tensions were as high as they are here in St Louis. I live in the city now and it’s still a shock to my system how bad it is.

  13. Paslode


    I thought it was Missouri in general, and with East St. Louis and Kansas City that would not be surprising. Kansas City has one of the worst school districts in the nation and a never ending body count. Missouri is the meth capital of the world.

    The Midwest ain’t as nice as it once was.

  14. rockin robin

    Did anyone see the news clip whee Jeraldo and O’Rielly got into it? O’Rielly got so mad he was spitting and Jeraldo’s veins were poking out of his neck . . . the subject, sanctuary cities. Jeraldo was defending them. I can’t stand that guy.

  15. Akula

    Awesome! Ahahaha! Stop it, you�re killing me! Anyway, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this is great.

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