RHG’s “Free Voter Report.Com”

February 27th, 2008 Posted By RightHandGirl.

Right Hand Girl, having just turned 18, will for the first time be Right Hand Voter in the Texas Primary. A little background on the vid: she really did it for her mom, who she said “bribed” her to make it. RHG said she “hates” her singing voice, but I think it’s damn fine. What’s interesting to me about this one, is the funny family dynamic going on. Whose message is she communicating here, hers, her mom’s, or both? I’m betting we’re getting a political message from her mom, given the bribery issue. And I don’t blame RHG for giving in, I’ve met her mom, and she’s huge, a perfectly chiseled body builder with massive biceps and legs that could snap a two by four. She’s also 6′ 8” tall. And with a model’s looks on top of all that sculpted power, she’s a site that leaves one absolutely speechless. She also has a gun collection so large she had a special room built for it, the walls of which are covered with the heads of over 63 animals that she’s killed on five continents. She’s a master marksmen.

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30 Responses

  1. jgee

    I don’t understand the argument that since McCain isn’t conservative enough we should therefore vote for Obama or Hillary… I’ve heard Coulter’s argument that “that way the dems will f’things up so badly that the Republicans will ride in like noble knights to save the day in the next election”

    …with everything that is in the balance right now… so we should invite and embrace catastrophe so that we can have our day in the sun later?

  2. ticticboom


    Although, I’m kind of glad that guy in the commercial is broke. He probably spent all his money on Noam Chomsky books and weed.

  3. Evestay

    ooo good singing!

  4. LftBhndAgn

    RHG THANK YOU!!!! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO much!! :beer:

    You changed the lyrics to a song in a GOOD WAY that I just CAN NOT get out of my head! Lets hope the new lyrics catch on FAST!

    GREAT job!

  5. Righthandgirl

    … What a perfect description of my mom!

  6. TJ (The Kafir)

    :gun: mccain :gun: obama :gun: clinton :gun: nader

    maybe there will be a conservative independant, I had hoped it would be keyes. :idea:

  7. David Combs

    Great song; just the right length for my attention span.

    Personally I don’t think McCain is going to galvanize the party and Obama will be our next president I’m sorry to say. The media pampered McCain into the nomination and is shameless about their infactuation with Barack. Like it or not, people are sheep.

    Mitt will have his work cut out for him in four years but he will triumph! Romney 2012!

  8. James LaMotte

    Great video & I love your spin on the catchy yet annoying “FreeCreditReport.com” song! This primary cycle has been frustrating to me on all sides. Huckabee is likable but his name is his unfortunate downfall. Silly considering it should be Obama’s downfall since his middlename afterall is Hussein. I have heard a number of my conservative friends say that Obama is the Anti-Christ because of the Mayan prophecy. Whether he is or not, he has no business being my President & if Hillary is elected we’ll get attacked relentlessly from terrorists testing to see how big her cojones are. I am more disappointed that Mitt Romney couldn’t get enough support. Who cares if he’s a Mormon? I would much rather have a Mormon who believes in Jesus Christ than a muslim who won’t even salute or acknowledge OUR FLAG! We cannot afford to be the whiney seperatists the Democrats have been known for when it comes down to who’s going to get the job done & who isn’t going to sell us out!
    I hate that the Republicans are throwing this election away. John McCain is this election’s Bob Dole. “It’s his turn,” I hear his allies say. Nevermind whether or not he’s the right man for the job…which he isn’t. I cannot get behind the Republican party for reasons like this & the fact that they act like the minority party when they’re in the majority.
    A republican’s backbone immediately dissolves upon getting elected & then he becomes yet another republicrat. Barry Goldwater had a better term for them, “Dimestore Democrats.” He said they wanted a dimestore version of the New Deal. I will vote in this election & if it’s close I will vote for McCain because he will do his part in Iraq & that will keep us safer from middle-eastern terrorists. As for immigration, let’s hope our southern republican friends can rip him a new one should he try to declare amnesty.
    I pray for either Mitt Romney in 2012 or perhaps a Rick Santorum comeback!

  9. HBarnhill

    is that an “i love hillary” shirt?

    you have got to be kidding me

  10. HBarnhill

    …and by the way…”no difference between hillary and mccain”? you cant be serious. foreign policy, health care, abortion, views on the greatness of this country, i could go on and on…and not to mention that Y chromosome

  11. Demetrius

    Wow, with a mom like that :shock: no wonder you came out so cool. :lol: :gun:
    And love the t-shirt. Are you really voting for Hillary?

  12. Texas Mom

    Great video RHG - your singun’ is great hun! - I agree with you (erh, your mom!) - Super Tuesday voters screwed us all - liberals cheated and voted Republicans and conservatives threw away their vote on the Huckster . . . anyhow, illegal immigrants vote in Texas, as you know and your mom knows, so a conservative vote doesn’t matter much here - especially now . . . Hillary will take Texas. How do say viva la Hillary in Spanish?

    If we would have run a conservative I would have taken on South Texas myself and verified birth certificates for every damn voter . . . doesn’t much matter anymore.

    We are all screwed.

  13. JonnyMordant

    Yehaw! You tell ‘em RHG!

  14. RHG's Mom

    I think Texas Mom is right. I never thought there would be a day that I would vote for Hillary Clinton, but that is what many Republicans in Texas are doing. The democrats messed around with our primary, so why not mess with theirs! They want Obama, so I want them to have Hillary. Besides, I don’t want to see McCain have to run against Obama and be called a racist every time he attacks him. I also don’t mind watching them slinging mud at each other right now while McCain waits quietly in the background.

  15. RHG's Mom

    By the way, that wasn’t exactly the jingle I suggested. The one I wanted her to sing was from another free credit report.com commercial, but hers was almost as good as mine! :wink: Maybe Pat can talk her into doing the other one.

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    @ticticboom ROFLMAO That was a good one.

    @RHG Your singing voice is pretty darn good. Better than mine!! And I use to sing jody call!!!

    Keep up the good work kid. You got a bright future ahead of you.

  17. JayMS

    Heya RHG..

    love your vids, but you missed the boat on this one. I voted for Huckabee and I didn’t consider it a “wasted” vote in the least.

    Elections are not horse races. You don’t get a prize for picking the winner. Vote your conscience and who you want to win. I didn’t want to vote for Fred and Mitt had dropped out of the race so it was Huckleberry.

    I will say it would be a kick in the nuts to all the fawning Obama toadies to see Hilary get the nomination though.

  18. Liberal Hater


  19. dadeo


  20. HBarnhill

    right on JayMS…hit the nail on the head with that on. i couldnt agree more

  21. Steve

    I am disappointed too. I don’t support McCain but I am cannot allow Obamessiah to be president.
    Its like Charlton Heston said, “Damn you! Damn you all to hell!”
    I guess I have to vote for McCain. A lot of people don’t vote in primaries because they are registered as something other than Republican. Won’t the Obamaniacs be surprised when he doesn’t win?

  22. Brian H

    RHG’s mom may be a sight that leaves you speechless, but I doubt she’s been designated a “site” by the Tourism Board. :lol:

    BTW, agree about Thompson. What a missed opportunity for the GOP and USA!

  23. mike3481

    RHG can sing :!:

    But I’d have to see a photo of her Mom to believe the description :smile:

  24. Steve in NC

    No one through their vote away on Huckabee. On the remaining primaries the conservatives need to go out and vote for him, use his conservative stance on issues to let McCain know about the strength of conservatives in the RNC. I was going to write in Romney or Hunter but that will not get noticed because of the lack of volumne. I am not a big huck supporter, but a strong run up by Huckabee will put pressure on McCain to move back to the right if he wishes for the support of his party. You want to waste your vote? go vote for a dhimicrat.

    RHG, nice tune, I bet you tear it up on guitar hero.

  25. Jon

    RHG Mom!

    You have to be beaming with pride over your daughter. She a wonderful talent (politially and musically). As a parent of a daughter I know what it feels like to see your “baby” grow up and make you proud!

    (Sorry about the “baby” comment Cyn, but hey it’s one parent to another. I know your Mom understands :razz: )

    As always, a wonderful job!

  26. Steven D

    RHG - awesome video! (as usual!)

    For those of you who don’t understand why Conservatives don’t want to vote for McCain in the general election, I’ll try and explain it.

    McCain politically sides with Democrats on a large number of major issues. He calls it “reaching across the aisle”, but Conservatives see it as surrendering issues that are important to them, and McCain’s response has been to give Conservatives “the finger”.

    There has long been a struggle within the Republican Party between those who stand on principle and those who believe we ought to “get along” with Democrats. In the Senate, as in any legislative body, it is seen as important to compromise in order to advance legislation, as voters like to see that Congress is “getting something done”, regardless of whether what they are getting done is good for the country or not.

    Unfortunately, Republican leadership has found themselves in the position of surrendering on issues of principle, while Democrats give up nothing of value in these “compromises”. Consequently, it is no wonder that Liberals are constantly complaining about “divisiveness” in government; “getting along” means that they win.

    McCain has been part of this Republican leadership, content to surrender on issues that are important to Conservatives in order to get along with Democrats. He is part of the “surrender” wing of the Republican Party. (And I don’t mean in the Global War on Terror; I mean in legislative matters.)

    What this boils down to is a struggle within the Republican Party. If Conservatives allow McCain to win in November, they are conceding leadership of the Republican Party to the “surrender” wing. And for the long-term, that is extremely bad for the country, because it would further weaken the cause of Conservatism.

    Will a Democrat win in November be bad for the country? Without doubt. Are Senators Clinton and Obama completely incompetent when it comes to leading America? Absolutely.

    But Conservatives know that in order for conservative principles to triumph over the long term, the “surrender” wing of the party must be defeated in the general election.

    I will admit that I am conflicted at this point as to what to do. The thought that American (and other) lives will be lost as the result of a Democrat being in office weighs heavily on my decision. But I know that having McCain as President will be little different than having Clinton or Obama (there will be a difference, but very little), and certainly worse than Bush.

  27. Steve in NC

    :arrow: Steven D
    I will admit that I am conflicted at this point as to what to do. The thought that American (and other) lives will be lost as the result of a Democrat being in office weighs heavily on my decision. But I know that having McCain as President will be little different than having Clinton or Obama (there will be a difference, but very little), and certainly worse than Bush.

    >>>> There will be a big difference. Conservatives need to go out and vote across the entire ticket. That includes the CIC. You really think that hillary or obama would be about the same as Commander in Chief.? Clearly you think that?

  28. Steven D

    :arrow: Steve in NC
    You really think that hillary or obama would be about the same as Commander in Chief.?

    Let’s see. On Iraq, neither Hillary nor Obama will pull out, despite their rhetoric; to pull out would be disaster, and lead to either civil war or takeover by Iran or others. Neither Hillary nor Obama is stupid enough to be saddled with losing a war that we were winning when they took office.

    On North Korea, McCain accused Bush of not having a “coherent” message. He has, at separate times, condemned both bi-lateral and multi-lateral negotiations (it has to be one or the other), and has insulted and threatened China, who has the most leverage against North Korea, and with whose help we have the best chance of succeding against North Korea.

    With regard to Iran, McCain’s position seems to be very close to Bush’s, and vastly different from Hillary or Obama. Points to McCain here.

    Last, the job of Commander in Chief is to protect the nation’s borders, and McCain is clearly off the reservation here. McCain says he “heard the people” and that we want to close the border, then give amnesty to illegals currently here. Personally, I think he’s lying saying he thinks we really want to offer amnesty, and when he says that amnesty really isn’t amnesty, and if he’s sincere, then he’s deluding himself.

    Will there be a difference between McCain and Hillary or Obama? Sure. Will there be a big difference? No.

  29. Dennis

    Why dont you move to Iraq and open up a CLub there if its so Safe Young Lady ?????????

  30. PeaceBySuperiorFirepower

    GREAT video…I’m glad I came to this site…You’ll be seeing me around more than just today. You know the commercial that runs that tune bugs the shit out of me, and it stays stuck in my head 24/7…I like this version better.

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