Freed Cubans Expose Castro’s Brutal Regime

February 23rd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Omar Pernet Hernández had his collar bone broken

By the way, the hope for change is a myth. Castro’s brother is known as a Stalin-worshipping, clinical psychopath who makes Fidel look like a pre-school teacher.


Four dissidents freed this week after five years in inhumane conditions in a Cuban prison have revealed the dark side of Fidel Castro’s regime.

The four - José Gabriel Ramón Castillo, Omar Pernet Hernández, Alejandro González and Pedro Pablo Álvarez - described regular beatings, humiliation and arbitrary punishment with long periods of solitary confinement in cramped cells with cement beds.

They said they were deprived of food and water in conditions which resembled “a desert”.

Arriving in Spain to be reunited with their families, they exposed the routine abuse of political prisoners which marked Castro’s five decades in power.

The four were part of a group of 75 dissidents who were jailed in 2003 by Castro’s regime in a move which caused an international outcry. The official reason given for their release was “health reasons”.

But behind the scenes pressure from the Spanish Government on Havana is believed to have been the key to setting free the long-term opposition activists, who all have relatives in Spain.

Mr Castillo, 50, a journalist who wrote articles critical of the regime, told The Sunday Telegraph: “It was terrible. It was like being in a desert in which sometimes there is no water, there is no food, you are tortured and you are abused.

“This was not torture in the textbook way with electric prods, but it was cruel and degrading. They would beat you for no reason even when you were in hospital.

“At other times they would search you for no reason, stripping you bare and humiliating you. There was one particular commander at a jail in Santa Clara who seemed to take delight in handing out beatings to the prisoners.”

Mr Castillo, who claims he was denied proper medical aid for diabetes and heart problems, added: “We are nothing more than a reflection of the human cost of the fight being waged by the Cuban people.”

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2 Responses

  1. drillanwr


    1) Gitmo is the worst place in Cuba for prisoners

    2) Hollywood worships Cuba and adores its leaders

    3) B. Hussein says he’d meet with Raul/Cuba with NO pre-conditions …

  2. James

    “It’s important for the United States not just to talk to its friends, but also to talk to its enemies,” Barak Hussein Osama oops Obama

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