Gettin’ Hotter: Serbia Demands U.S. Revoke Recoginition Of Kosovo

February 25th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) - Serbia’s prime minister wants the United States to renounce its recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica says this would restore stability in the Balkans. His remarks appear in Belgrade newspapers Monday.

The U.S. and some European countries quickly recognized Kosovo’s declaration earlier this month. But Serbia opposes Kosovo’s independence and says it should remain part of Serbia.

Kostunica says the Americans should “annul” their recognition of Kosovo.

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10 Responses

  1. Erik Marsh

    While I think it’s every person’s right to self determination I really have a problem with us stepping in and supporting a movement that involved separatists supported by Al Qeada then giving them BILLIONs in aid even though we can’t “afford” to make our ports, airports and borders secure. We shoulda just kept our two-cents to ourselves and let the Europeans deal with it.

    Personally, I don’t give a damn about Kosovo’s independence as long as they were no longer being ethnically cleansed.

  2. John Cunningham

    Maybe some populations are best left cleansed. I see it as a leap frog towards the Gates of Vienna.

  3. franchie

    Kostunica says the Americans should “annul” their recognition of Kosovo

    If the Serbs ask that to the Americans, that means their eyes don’t look towards Moscow ; so just say some words of appeasement :roll:

  4. Ivan the Kafir

    The Kosovars are Muslims. The Serbs and Russians kinda have a problem with the Muslims in general (whether they are Kosovars or Chechens). We kinda have a problem with Muslims as well. Hence, we have a common enemy. We should ally with Russia and Serbia. It would do us a LOT of good.

    It would also give us a chance to cut our ties with OPEC and strengthen our relations with Britain (by patronizing British Petroleum), as well as Russia (in the form of Lukoil). If we should a massively increased demand for oil from the Russians, I’m sure the Russians would be quite glad to respond in kind. In the GWOT, I’m sure Russian support in terms of military and energy supplies is absolutely critical. Better to have them as friends than enemies.

  5. Erik Marsh

    :arrow: Ivan

    Even though I like the idea Ivan, I don’t think it would make Putin very happy. I mean, it would totally undermine us as his “whipping boy” for domestic politics and how he has used the Dark Side (so-called U.S. Imperialism) to raise nationalism and galvanize the support of the huddled masses that have seen nothing more than an expansion of the wealth gap since he took office.

  6. fmder

    I personally dont give a damn what the Russians think. Even though they may actually have a point, I would not move one inch to placate those bastards. I for one agree with Eric Marsh’s comments…

  7. KBoomr113

    Best to have just stayed out of it and had the Serbs push the muslims out of Europe altogether. Last time I was in England I watched a BBC documentary where 10,000 jihadists were having a rally in Bosnia on some hill, waving their black flags and shit. All sponsored by Jihad Incorporated of course. It went on to say that the Jihadist veterans left over from that war (because of the dayton accords) are still in Bosnia and have set up corridors of travel and safehavens for Al Qaeda operatives to get into Central Europe.

  8. James F.

    While Kosovo is certainly a Muslim country that has had some issues with radical Islam, it is for the most part very pro-American. It’s government is secular and for the most part practices Islam-lite. Celebrating independence most of its citizens were celebrating by having a couple beers, not something you’d find in other Muslim countries. Hell they were even throwing pro-america rallies in support of the Iraq war in 2003.

  9. Brian H

    And just WHY does Serbia want to hold onto Kosovo again? Rather more trouble than it’s worth, seems to me.

  10. Jack

    Serbia is holding onto Kosovo because the land belongs to Serbia and not a bunch of Muslims who demographically displaced Serbs. It’s what any sensible country would do. Though it is a horrible thing to say, termination of Serbia’s ethnic cleansing policy was not a wise decision. Once Kosovo gets its independence, its support for the United States will die off quickly. It will turn radical and become a lunch-pad for Islamic terror attacks on Europe. Supporting its independence is a huge mistake.

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