Hamas: We’re Allowed To Lie - With Video

February 8th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh…lying.

It’s called “Taqiyya”…

No, you don’t lick the salt and eat the worm…

Hamas leaders spoke to the Arabic language Ash-Sharq il-Awsat newspaper recently and explained that as Muslims, they are allowed to lie.

In an interview printed on Thursday, senior Hamas terrorists explained, “A Muslim is permitted to say things that oppose his beliefs in order to prevent damages or to be saved from death.”

This approach, known in Arabic as “taqiyya,” was behind several Hamas leaders’ recent public expression of support for Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, they explained.

Senior Hamas terrorists in Samaria, who were recently released from jail, publicly expressed disapproval with the Hamas takeover of Gaza and said they supported the PA forces.

The sources quoted in Ash-Sharq il-Awsat explained that the Samarian terrorists’ announcement was not a sign of dissent within Hamas ranks, but rather a permitted use of “taqiyya” to deceive Abbas and avoid prison sentences.


Video: “Taqiyya & Jihad”…

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5 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    “Father, I Can Not Tell a Lie; I Cut the Tree”

    Fable or not, this was taught to me in school as an example of the honor that the founders of this country lived by.

    perfect contrast to these stains

    when are we just gonna quit f*cking around?

  2. Brian

    about about a 10 years ago i read through the koran cause i wanted to get a little understanding of islam and see for myself if what i heard about the religion was true. i found that islam is basically the way of the sword, and the koran orders its followers to lie to non-muslims. i could list the chapters and verses but i through it in the toilet.

  3. warrior1

    A Muslim, a relatively powerful Muslim just outright stated that Muslims are not above lying. Now he stated that it was to “prevent damages or to be saved from death”. Falsifying information for ones own gain is just a step away from that philosophy. I wonder how many times a Haji has lied to get away with something. I’ve met a ton of them in Afghanistan, and many were liars. Why? Because to them it’s a survival technique.

  4. ssgduke54

    Not since the 3rd Reich have I not heard that if you tell a LIE long and often enough then the common people will believe it. Welcome to the Islamic 4th Reich World. Rather we accept this or not the true 3rd World War is coming. May God forgive us for not standing up to petty dictators and tyrants.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Anything that advances Islam is OK in their view of the world ie: The House of War (us) and the House of Islam (them). Along with tagyiya, there is also kitma and hudna.

    Never pay attention to what they say to the western media. Pay only attention to what they say to one another in private.

    Read their translated Arabic texts. They’re a trip. I love to read the stuff that they write about westerners who preach tolerance. They get a big laugh out of those tools.

    It’s all about supremacy of Islam over Western culture and values. It’s all about world conquest until every knee bows to the false prophet and his false god that is at the heart of this Third Jihad.

    And anything that advances that cause is going to be utilized including lies, half-truths and tempoary treaties.

    It ain’t rocket science.

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