Hillary Campaign Is Over

February 20th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


By the way the last 9 primary exit polls have been trending, it’s time to stick a fork in Hillary’s breast. Or eye. She’s done.

‘Course a blowjob and a crackpipe could change everything…plus that freaky, smug bitch Hussein’s married to could keep flapping, but ultimately what she says won’t matter, unless it’s something really big, cos he’s running, not her.

Wisconsin Exit Polls:
Obama Won:
Women (51-49)
All age groups under 65
All education levels
All regions of the state — urban, suburban and rural
Voters without college degrees (50-48)
Democrats (50-49)
Whites (53-46)
White men (59-38)
Voters who decided in the last week (58-42)

Won or tied voters of all income levels
Tied among white women
Tied among union members
Tied among union households

WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama claimed major pieces of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s usual coalition as his own Tuesday, winning a majority of white and working- class voters while splitting women in Wisconsin’s Democratic presidential primary, according to exit polls.

In a potent showing, the Illinois senator essentially split the votes of white women and lower-earning white workers with his rival, who had relied heavily on them until now. He also tightened his grip on groups he has dominated before, winning two-thirds of men and 70 percent of voters under age 30, according to surveys of voters leaving polling places across the state.

Obama was backed by two-thirds of young whites and six in 10 moderates—groups that have been closely contested in past races—while expanding his decisive leads with independents and middle-aged, college-educated, high income and very liberal voters.

Among the few mainstays where Clinton remained strong were older voters and those looking for experience.

Underscoring Obama’s inroads, the two split those with no more than a high school diploma, whom Clinton has carried easily in most previous contests. They were also even among whites who have not finished college—a group she has dominated by nearly 30 percentage points among the 21 contested Democratic primaries held earlier.

Obama won among those earning less than $50,000 a year—and significantly, the two split whites in that income group, for one of his best showings of the year with them. In previous primaries, she led him among whites making that amount of money by 23 percentage points, and had a narrow advantage with people of all races earning that amount.

Nine in 10 blacks backed Obama, similar to his usual margin with them. But they represented fewer than one in 10 voters in Wisconsin, meaning Obama had to do well with whites—which he did.

Clinton had a 22-percentage-point lead among white women in earlier primaries combined. Tuesday, she got 52 percent of their votes—a statistical tie with Obama. He also had a huge margin among young whites.

Two-thirds of men were supporting Obama, including nearly the same proportion of white men. That is a group Obama has done increasingly well with, especially since former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards left the race two weeks ago.

Almost six in 10 liberals and moderates supported Obama, another show of muscle among groups that usually tilt Clinton’s way.

Obama won among voters who said race and gender were not important in choosing a candidate, while Clinton led with those who considered sex significant. They were tied with those who said race was a factor.

In responses that might resonate as the campaign moves next to economically ailing Ohio, seven in 10 said U.S. trade takes more jobs from Wisconsin than it creates. Obama led with those voters. The economy was seen by Ohio Democrats as the country’s top problem, and Obama led with that group, too.

Politico: Wisconsin Exit Polls Spell Trouble For Clinton

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14 Responses

  1. jerr

    Now it gets interesting. The clintons will make this very ugly, mark my words. She and slick willy aren’t going to let some little detail like the will of the voters take this away. Most of the dummy-crats don’t even realize the dem nominee will be chosen by the super-delegates, who are all party hacks. And when the bitch takes the nomination, first they will all go ‘duh, what happened?’ :roll: and then they will go to the polls and vote for the fraudulent bitch anyway.

    If elected, the bitch will screw up time and time again, the media will hide it, spin it and blame it all on Booooosh and Roooooooove. And the whole country will go duh, what happened?’. :roll:

    I’m afraid, very afraid…

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    SO do we know anymore about the supposed crack head blow job yet? any new developments?

    I dont think it would hurt Obama since all of his followers are obviously mindless sheep anyways

  3. drillanwr

    Kurt -

    MOST of his followers want to supply him with one or the other … or BOTH …

    Don’t count the Clintons out just yet. If there’s anything they know it’s “lawyerin’”.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: drill

    Definitely not counting out Clinton. Im just waiting for her to come down on Obama with both barrels filled with mud slinging

  5. devdok

    Clean your guns and pass the ammo. If Hillary gets the nomination stand-by for some civil unrest.

    Remember when seconds matter the police are only minutes away!

  6. Ivan the Kafir

    Should jerr’s scenario play it, it would make Clinton worse than a liar and general scumbag: it would make her a usurper.

  7. drillanwr

    Ivan -
    it would make her a usurper

    Well, she did say that she wanted to “Take those profits …”

    So, she’s not above usurping anything.

  8. Lamplighter

    You kidding? They will have to drag her out kicking and screaming. She’s entitled! They have only begun to fight. Now, the long knives come out. Either way, my money is on the GOP nominee–this country has not changed so much in four years. Look at the electoral map of states, or counties. It’s all red, with a bit of blue in the big city areas. This will be the 1972 election all over again. :smile:

  9. TJ (The kafir)

    I just want to go on the record as saying I gave hillary oral sex while obama smoked my pipe :!: :shock: :lol:

  10. Bob USMC

    TJ, if you have photos that would swing the general election towards the pro-troops candidate. Wait until about 3 weeks before the election to bring them out. :mrgreen: Or if you have more than one, bring one or two for the Demonrats convention, and then the others for the general. :lol:

  11. TedB

    It’s the seriousness of the nature of the charge that Obama is a crackheaded homo…

    As much as I didn’t want McCain to win the R nomination, he will easily dismantle Obama in the debates. And yes, I thought Huckabee should have hung it up long ago, his transparent bid for Veep is actually quite disgusting.

  12. B. Veener

    “ther way, my money is on the GOP nominee–this country has not changed so much in four years. Look at the electoral map of states, or counties. It’s all red, with a bit of blue in the big city areas. This will be the 1972 election all over again.”

    Are you kidding? McCain is as left as Obama or Hillary - the GOP has clearly already lost this election.

  13. el Vaquero

    Hill and Bill will have to resort to their warchest of WMD’s. This is so Lenin (OB) vs. Stalin (Hill) and we know who won that one…this can only help the one quasi rational candidate left. IMO McCain might just be the man in the GE.

  14. Ron

    It isn’t over yet. Clintons are going with one last smear on our new Jackie Kennedy (hood-rat type)

    Michelle Obama’s senior sociology thesis has come to light —the one where she let loose on the “ineradicable racism of white Americans” and called the U.S.A. “a nation founded in crime and hatred.”

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