Hillary Clinton Is Dead
She died tonight, committed suicide after being beaten severely by a tall black man over a six month period…
Politically, I mean.
You could see it when she actually proved Hussein right five minutes after he said she was a whiner.
She whined…
“Why do I always get the first question at these debates? I don’t mind, but I find it curious…did you see Saturday Night Live? Maybe we should get Barack a pillow?”
This woman wants to lead this country?
er…”wanted”…past tense…it’s over for her.
I saw the final nail with the Farrakhan issue, it wasn’t even really the Farrakhan issue itself, but how they both reacted to the question posed to Hussein.
Russert asked Obama if he would outright reject Farrakhan’s support and Obama said he denounced Farrakhan but he couldn’t reject, or stop someone from saying he was a nice guy.
They were going to move on and Hillary had to chime in… she gave some anecdote about when she ran for senate in New York she outright rejected any support from the anti-Israeli Independents at great risk to her campaign, because she not only denounced the anti-semites, but she also rejected them. Not knowing what fate would befall her.
Russert asked her if that was a jab at Obama, because he said he denounced but did not outright reject Farrakhan.
She said “Well…he didn’t outright reject Farrakhan…blah blah blah”
I have to tell you, she seemed so fucking desperate…
Russert shot over at Hussein… “Would you reject Farrakhan.”
Hussein basically said “Yep.”
I don’t know if this fucking guy can do any wrong in a debate against Hillary, man. She’s just so desperate and he knows it.
Everybody knows it.
This is the night Hillary Clinton died…
But I must add…God help us if that man becomes president…
If he by chance does become president, hide your wallets. Hey look, new icon
February 26th, 2008 at 9:49 pmNice.
Maybe conservatives should all whine about moving to Canada or some shit if he does win.
The stuff that I have seen on Youtube, taxes, nafta, health care… seems to he is actually arguing the points (he doesn’t give any specifics ) but still he talks about it and if there is a simple answer such as yes or no he just says so.
Hillary on the other hand doesn’t and to get a straight answer from her Russert has to ask her 3 times about NAFTA support and finally got an answer. It’s so hard to get stuff from her even on the simple stuff. She is just not LIKABLE and OBAMA is. I feel like on the health care issue he can say the same thing as she but because of his likability and votes goto him. Its like the Clinton vs Dole. Clinton said the same thing as Dole but he was more likable, better looking etc. so he got the votes.
Also I have to say as far as the Health Care issue I really don’t know what the hell were they talking about. None of them said anything specific and were going on about how to provide universal health care which to me is impossible until government will pay portion of it for the so that you won’t have to pay for it all.
February 26th, 2008 at 9:51 pmHow are you going to do that without raising taxes is beyond me.
Don’t forget to hide your s and buy as much ammo as possible, before it’s too late. That’ll be me on November 5th, if shit hits the fan the night before.
February 26th, 2008 at 10:18 pmI wanted to use it for once
February 26th, 2008 at 10:22 pmI think the new icon is a hit…..
February 26th, 2008 at 11:26 pmBummer… She didn’t stand a chance against ANY Republican candidate!
Now we’re forced to sell our guy as John “McWayne” in order to defeat the “AL-OBAMA” Porch Bomber…
I have a bunch of McCain jokes in the bag, but that’s where they will have to stay until he secures his throne as the “Liberservative party’s” president! After that the gloves come off… I’ll be all over him like cellulite on a code pink member!
I was hoping for Hillary to get the nomination though, there is so much shit stored up on her that not only didn’t she stand a chance, but defending McCain would have been unnecessary! But reasoning with Obama supporters is like reasoning with a Ronulan; only there is a shit ton more of them!
“OH SHIT, FUCK IT! My candidate, my NASCAR driver, my football team all came in fourth last year… My souls inward striving toward forward visions of hope, yaw quickly forward toward endless despair…”
February 27th, 2008 at 1:52 amYep, Hillary is done!
but I can only be happy for the moment. When Obama al-Kenya does start getting specific in his programs YOU WILL WISH you’d never had asked!
Start preparing for the absolute WORST of times to come!
Those of you who have some money in the bank GET READY FOR THOSE NEW TAXES!
Those of you who were going to put some money in the bank, better WAIT & SEE first.
February 27th, 2008 at 3:14 amYou thought carter was bad, just wait.
I bet a new campaign slogan of hussein will be ‘peace at any cost’
February 27th, 2008 at 4:19 amObama bin Laden will lose. We just need to strip the bark of him and show him for what he really is “a tax and spend liberal.” See I am insulting him and I am not at a McCain rally!! This is all we have to do. I like to say Obama is the black version of Jimmy Carter. the white one sucked, so what make us think the black one will be better!!! Sheeple
February 27th, 2008 at 4:29 amThis time in history is an earmark, When a politician will lead the public educated(morons) to the promised land of communism. Their is reason True America history is not taught, and communism is glorified. The left has become European Socialists just as all of Europe is fighting for its life against Islam.
The left will have this country on its knees in submission to Allah before Obama is out.
Buy your guns and shells.
February 27th, 2008 at 5:14 amwe need 50 cal icon for mass protection.
February 27th, 2008 at 6:31 amawww I wanted Hitlary to win!
February 27th, 2008 at 6:46 amKlintoon will stay in the race till the end. It’s in her jeans- yikes man buldge alert.
February 27th, 2008 at 7:34 am“… I’ll be all over him like cellulite on a code pink member!”
February 27th, 2008 at 7:45 amMe, if Hussein leads this nation.
February 27th, 2008 at 9:43 am“is impossible until government will pay portion of it for the so that you won’t have to pay for it all.”
The government CANNOT give you anything that it doesn’t first take away from you.
February 27th, 2008 at 2:06 pmObummer will get his come-uppance. The question is: Before or after the election?
February 28th, 2008 at 1:22 am