Hillary Says MSNBC Out To Get Her

February 10th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Hillary yesterday

I wonder if she’d agree they’re out to get the Republicans and unfairly cover the war?

Washington Post
By Perry Bacon Jr.

ORONO, Maine — In a press conference at the University of Maine, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton called controversial comments made Thursday about her daughter Chelsea part of a “troubling pattern of demeaning treatment” by MSNBC. “There has been a troubling pattern of comments and behaviors that has to be held accountable,” Clinton said after a rally here. On Thursday in a discussion about Chelsea Clinton’s role in the campaign, MSNBC correspondent David Shuster asked: “Doesn’t it seem as if Chelsea is sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way?”

Clinton’s campaign has also taken issue with some remarks in the past by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. Responding to questions about the potential impact of superdelegates, Clinton rejected any notion that those delegates should back the candidate who has won the most pledged delegates through elections, as Senator Obama has suggested. “We have a system,” Clinton said. She added “I respect their judgment, a lot of time they have first hand knowledge of the candidates.”

The campaign also released the text of a letter from Clinton to Steve Capus, president of NBC News. The full text of that letter is below the jump.

Dear Mr. Capus,

Thank you for your call yesterday. I wanted to send you this note to convey the depth of my feeling about David Shuster’s comments.

I know that I am a public figure and that my daughter is playing a public role in my campaign. I am accustomed to criticism, certainly from MSNBC. I know that it goes with the territory.

However, I became Chelsea’s mother long before I ran for any office and I will always be a mom first and a public official second.

Nothing justifies the kind of debasing language that David Shuster used and no temporary suspension or half hearted apology is sufficient.

I would urge you to look at the pattern of behavior on your network that seems to repeatedly lead to this sort of degrading language.

There’s a lot at stake for our country in this election. Surely, you can do your jobs as journalists and commentators and still keep the discourse civil and appropriate.


Hillary Rodham Clinton

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15 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Boo hoo! the media has been so unfair to the Klintons. yeah right! try being a Republican and hearing the daily onslaught of misreporting, things taken out of context and just complete bashing by the msm. She has had it too good for too long and im glad they’re finally starting to go after her.

  2. drillanwr

    Kurt -

    Try being the military at war and having them constantly say we’re dumb, uneducated, poor, losing, and murdering, and raping, and failing and dying and THE problem …

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    @ Drill,
    Amen to that! they get it from all sides. congress even.

    But what would i know? im just a war mongering racist white republican. another thing the MSM pretty much comes out and says

  4. Phil

    The MSM are objective and don’t use the media to achieve personal political goals,right?

  5. (CAPT-DAX)

    OOOOOH My fking GOD!

  6. RJI

    When Army Gen. David Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker came before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, Clinton said that their claims of progress in Iraq require a “willing suspension of disbelief.”
    “Despite what I view is your rather extraordinary efforts in your testimony both yesterday and today,” said Clinton, “I think that the reports that you provide to us really require a willing suspension of disbelief.”

  7. Steve in NC

    I’ve quit dragging my knuckles long enough to type “HAH HAH”

  8. drillanwr

    Steve -

    And I’m sure that was after you set down your Bible, gun, and removed the hood from your head so you could see the keyboard …

    These people are sooooo predictable it’s like involuntarily breathing …

  9. Mike F.

    More tears from the bitch on this are just another calculating, and calculated, attempt to manipulate her base, especially of women. Shuster got it right. Metaphorically, they (Billary and Bubba) ARE “pimping her out”, in the vernacular, not for sex, but for votes and money for the campaign.

    Having kept her hermetically sealed away from the terror of press questioning (about them) or even from comment by the press about her, up until they got desperate after Bubba screwed it up, now they are sending her out as the new surrogate for Billary and for money, or votes, and suddenly she’ll talk to you about Billary and about “them”.

  10. Alyssa

    I love watching chickens come home to roost.

  11. Alyssa

    The whole anti-war left is out to get her. They want Obama to be coronated to give full and final validation to their narrative. That’s what’s really at stake in this election: the immediate political legacy of this war.

  12. Sandy

    . . . and the show continues! Let the paranoia and tears flow baby. Oh, and FY Hillary!


    Try being the military at war and having them constantly say we’re dumb, uneducated, poor, losing, and murdering, and raping, and failing and dying and THE problem …

    I always love your comments drillanwr.

    Watching the bs fly everyday in the media while our best men and women are far from home giving their all and then some and then the f’rs back here are whining about bullshit is enough to make me puke. :evil:


    Thank you for that! It is amazing how she will talk her smack at Gen. David Petraeus and then get all upset about some bullshit in the press about her kid. :mad:

    God we have to keep her and Osama out! I am beyond caring what any of them say or think. It is downright frightening the position our country is in with this election.

  13. PhilNBlanx

    Breaking — After ten plus years, smartest woman in world finally realizes VRWC is not to blame.

    As long as our culture is presently fixated on apologies isn’t an apology by Hillary Rotten Clinton to the “right wing” in order?

  14. Ivan the Kafir

    Its about time we threw the MSM under the bus and ran over it a few times to make sure it was dead.

  15. Dan (The Infidel)

    Damn, this bitch is falling apart. Her FOB buddies in the LLLMSM are turning their backs on her ass and she’s now crying the blues and expressing (her lack of) depth of feelings to her and zipper-boy’s old shoe-shine boys and girls at LSDNBC.

    Well bitch, now you know whay NBC is known around here as the Nothing But Crap network.

    Oh by the way, could you plaese just get back on your fucking broom and fly away already?

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