Huckabee Trounces McCain In Kansas

February 9th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


“This is a huge win for us,” Huckabee campaign manager Chip Saltsman said. “This is a state that both candidates competed in. This shows that Washington pundits don’t pick the nominee. The folks in the states and outside the Beltway pick the nominee. So not so fast, we still have a long way to go until the nominee is picked, with 20-plus states left.”

Fox News:

Mike Huckabee won the Kansas Republican caucuses Saturday, FOX News projects, demonstrating the lingering rift in the party after rival John McCain was minted the clear front-runner following Super Tuesday.

With 65 percent of precincts reporting, Huckabee had 61 percent and McCain had 24 percent. Texas Rep. Ron Paul had 11 percent.

Both McCain and Huckabee were wooing conservatives in the state Friday. Huckabee had the support of anti-abortion activists , while McCain had the backing from conservative Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback.


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8 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Damn, he destroyed McCain. Kansas doesnt live in a vacuum, any chance we should expect more of the same in other states to come?

  2. Paslode

    Despite Brownback being somwhat limp, Kansas is very conservative, the issue of right and wrong aren’t quite a blurred as in other areas.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Good point. but I think something was said in this race today. Kansas is clearly a more conservative state but he beat him by a huge margin. guess we will have to see what happens in the next states to come. anybodys guess at this point.

  4. Paslode

    McCain would be considered as brown noser around here, Pro-Life carrys a big stick here and we don’t care for Illegals…..that is why he blew McShame out of the water her in Kansas.

    And yeah, more than us folks in Kansas may have had our fill with McCain.

  5. Texas Mom

  6. deathstar

    [[Pro-Life carrys a big stick here]]

    McCain is pro life!

  7. Paslode

    Yeah, but McCain is open borders and he isn’t a true conservative.

  8. Dannyboy

    If given a choice between an open-borders, pro-amnesty McCain and a guy like Huckabee who has pledged he wouldn’t support this kind of legislation, it’s really no contest to me. Huckabee gets my vote this Tuesday (but only because a vote for Romney would do nothing to keep McCain off the ticket).

    I think there are many in Kansas that came to this same conclusion.

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