Hussein Fainters Fake? With Video

February 16th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Click on the Pic to watch video.

From an article in Newsbusters by Warner Todd Huston:

BreitbartTV has an interesting little video called “Fired Up and Falling Down: String of Crowd Fainting Incidents Hits Obama Rallies.” This video shows a series of what appears to be a fainting women right up near the stage at different Barack Hussein Obama campaign rallies. And in nearly every case, Obama says the same things, almost as if rehearsed. This has been rumbling for a day or so on the Internet, but the MSM has yet to pick up on it. I wonder why?

It’s an awful big coincidence that all these women keep fainting at Obama campaign rallies isn’t it? And isn’t it odd that they are always right up by the podium? Also, it is so odd that Barack says nearly the same lines in response and that he stops everything to “assist” the fainted?

So, the question arises, are staged fainting spells being created by the Obama campaign to make the audience think that people are so overheated by Obama that they end up fainting? It also creates the impression that the candidate is “caring” when he stops the rally to call for doctors to attend to the woman and for a “water bottle” to be given to her.

It just strains credulity that so many instances in nearly exact detail have been happening spontaneously.

Breitbart captions their video like this:

Los Angeles Times on one of the six recent fainting incidents: “Barack Obama’s first and only rally on election day came to a sudden and lengthy stop when a young woman in the Dartmouth College gym fainted, and was eventually rolled off on a gurney by emergency medical technicians. At first Obama half-narrated the episode, saying soothing things like, ‘She’s OK,’ ‘She’s talking.’ But the longer she lay on the floor, the quieter Obama got, standing on the podium, arms folded, looking worried as the medical crew worked.”

Starts one to thinking, doesn’t it?

Nods to drillanwr.

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18 Responses

  1. Jeff

    Same woman each time?

    Too funny. Never mind the issues, I can make women FAINT! Vote for me!

  2. Monkey3531

    it definitely looks like he’s taking a page out of the Cunt’s book. she cries and wins a state primary, being a man Osama can’t cry, so he plays the part of the cool, concerned guy. hey, my speech isn’t more important than this person who “fainted”, can we get some medical attention, you guys need some water, are you ok? get the fuck out of here, its some piss poor acting scam and my retarded peers, the 18-30 age group are just eating this shit up

  3. Irish Gal

    Shocking I know…

  4. Gary in Midwest

    Absolutely amazing. I believe their brains are starving for something of substance.

  5. drillanwr

    This guy is the shyster “Faith Healer”…

    Goes from town to town with the cast of “cripples” he “cures” over and over again …

  6. LftBhndAgn

    And for Hussein’s next trick —

    Faith Healing!!!

    Let the body’s hit the floor. :mrgreen:

  7. Kermit

    Oooooo Weeeee

    What type of Moonbat would faint for any politician?

    Such an epidemic of fainting has happened since the Beatles first came to the U.S.

  8. drillanwr

    B. Hussein Obama’s new campaign song:

  9. LftBhndAgn


    B. Hussein Obama’s new campaign song:


    Absolutely BRILLIANT! Kudos!

  10. drillanwr

    Look into my eyes, what do you see?
    Cult of Personality
    I know your anger, I know your dreams
    I’ve been everything you want to be
    I’m the Cult of Personality
    Like Mussolini and Kennedy
    I’m the Cult of Personality
    Cult of Personality
    Cult of Personality

    Neon lights, A Nobel Price
    The mirror speaks, the reflection lies
    You don’t have to follow me
    Only you can set me free
    I sell the things you need to be
    I’m the smiling face on your T.V.
    I’m the Cult of Personality
    I exploit you still you love me

    I tell you one and one makes three
    I’m the Cult of Personality
    Like Joseph Stalin and Gandhi
    I’m the Cult of Personality
    Cult of Personality
    Cult of Personality

    Neon lights a Nobel Prize
    A leader speaks, that leader dies
    You don’t have to follow me
    Only you can set you free

    You gave me fortune
    You gave me fame
    You me power in your God’s name
    I’m every person you need to be
    I’m the Cult of Personality

  11. Ivan the Kafir

    This is getting as cheap as an organ grinder and his little cymbal-banging monkey.

  12. DC

    If I was subjected to one of his speeches, I’d pass out too……………from BOREDOME!!!

  13. John Cunningham

    I hope they pass out on their way to the voting booth.

  14. just posting


  15. just posting

    Complete bullshit

  16. PhilNBlanx

    Paging Mr. Edwards. Oh, Mr. ambulance chaser Edwards…

  17. JonnyMordant

    Statements like YES WE CAN, HOPE and CHANGE are the usual bastard children of Charismania!

  18. Steven D

    Notice that after each “faint” he continues to talk through the microphone, rather than rushing to get one of his aides to assist the “fainter”.

    As my old college buddy Dan used to say, “I call bullshit on that.”

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