Hussein’s Shocking Al Qaeda Link

February 25th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.



Thomas Lifson, American Thinker:

Barack H. Obama pictured in Muslim garb in meeting with known Al Qaeda supporter, de-facto member (updated: it’s genuine)

A photo of Barack Obama in Muslim garb has been published by the supermarket tabloid, the National Examiner. This is not the same tab that published pictures of George W. Bush shaking hands with space aliens, as I recall, but I am not entirely certain I believe that the photo is genuine. Sweetness & Light posts a copy of the picture for all to see.

On the other hand, it is not unusual for tourists and visiting dignitaries alike to don local garb when overseas. I have worn some fairly ridiculous outfits myself while in places like Northern Thailand and Egypt. President Bush has been seen in some outfits handed to him at summit talks, and the photos plastered all over the front pages of the nation’s left wing dailies, to general hilarity among the smart set.

Which raises the question of why this get-up, assuming it is a genuine photo, has not been more widely distributed. It didn’t make it into the adulatory documentary movie made about Obama’s visit to his father’s native land.

I anxiously await the verdict of photo analysts able to detect PhotoShopped pictures.


Gateway Pundit found the photograph posted at the Geeska Afrika magazine site earlier.

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20 Responses

  1. kurt(the infidel)

    Hmm the national examiner?

    I wouldnt doubt this to be true for a second. I dont think this story or the blowjob crack adventure will deter his supporters from voting for him though.

    If this is true they should lock his ass up.

  2. KG

    They should wait with this stuff until AFTER he secures the nomination.

  3. PhilNBlanx

    True or not this will be labeled by Hussein as another conservative attack questioning his patriotism, yada, yada.

  4. drillanwr

    Let me know IF it is true … My poor dyed in the wool union/dem Dad is beside himself with HIS choice this election … He might just sin and vote Repub.

    And you thought WE had it bad … HEH!

  5. alyssa

    Read the American Thinker link. It is true.

  6. Arthuraria

    I don’t if any of you have read any of Obama’s, or as I like to call him, the anti-Christ’s issues on his website, but this guy scares the crap of out me. One of his plans is to set up 20 “Promise Neighborhoods.” Providing everything a community needs to sustain itself, like a government-funded cooperative. Educating a whole generation of youth who won’t know how to live without government assistance. That just sounds a little too much like what Mao Zedung did in China in 1958 when he set up communes and replaced wages with work points.

  7. POD1

    looks like photoshop magic to me.

    Look how sharp the focus and the outline of his face are.
    Everything else in the photo has a softer focus.
    Compare the shadow behind his head to that of the AQ puke’s head shadow.

    I hope I’m wrong.

  8. Jimmyb

    :shock: W….. T….. F….. Over…….. :shock:

  9. Kermit

    Why not circulate it earlier? The Dems are dhimmis so why would they want this revealed. The GOP is probably holding onto a lot of stuff until the dust settles in the Dem side.

    I supposed he is practicing meeting with the enemy to negotiated.

  10. drillanwr

    :arrow: Arthuraria

    One of his plans is to set up 20 “Promise Neighborhoods.” Providing everything a community needs to sustain itself, like a government-funded cooperative. Educating a whole generation of youth who won’t know how to live without government assistance. …

    You mean just like New Orleans?

    Yeah, `cause we saw how well that worked out, eh?

  11. franchie

    I suspect it’s a photoshopped pic ; look at how the face line doesn’t fit the neck reliefs

  12. jgee

    I thought this was BS… it just seemed too good to be true… but then I saw this–>

    now if only that guy would take the lie detector test about doing crack and smoking poles… although I tend to agree with Kurt(the infidel) on this one

  13. voice of reason

    picture of Barack Obama and Raila Odinga

    Obama’s cousin Raila Odinga also pledged to the Islamists to establish sharia law in Kenya if they help elect him president and has been accused of genocide.

    Quote attributed to Odinga:

    ‘within six months, rewrite the Constitution of Kenya to recognize Sharia as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared regions’.

    When Raila Odinga lost the presidential election last week (12/27) to Mwai Kibaki, he claimed the vote was rigged, whereupon his tribal followers went on murderous rampages such as in the town of Eldoret, where on New Years Day dozens of people were burned to death in a church set on fire.

    Throughout Kenya, hundreds of people have been politically murdered in the last few days.


  14. voice of reason

    Barack Obama’s cousin Raila Odinga

    * Educated in communist former East Germany, Odinga named his first-born son Fidel Castro. Representing Nairobi’s Kibera slum, one of Africa’s largest, Odinga projects himself as a champion of the poor. But he has a large business empire and is a member of Kenya’s wealthy elite.

  15. voice of reason

    Pat You need to research Barack Obama’s first cousin Raila Odinga. He makes the claim that he speaks daily to Obama.

    The MSM won’t touch this.

  16. POD1

    Drudge posted an article that says Hillary released the photo.

  17. Phid

    Why would he go and do something so stupid like this. He already knows all about the whispers out there about his parternal heritage, his middle name, and how Americans feel about anything Muslim/Arab. It doesn’t matter how or who released this picture, he should have known better. He has no one to blame, but himself, for whatever repacurtions this might bring about….. nothing is hidden under the sun. “Boneheaded”.

  18. Mart (just another infidel)

    Osama has some explaining to do! To me it’s not how he is dressed so much as to who the man in the picture with him is and what he believes and stands for.

    WTF are people thinking wanting to vote for this “wolf in sheeps clothing… empty suit” :?:

  19. kurt(the infidel)

    The news hasnt once mentioned this AQ supporter hes supposedly pictured with, not even Fox that im aware of. seems a little strange but they are just playing it off as no big deal at all

  20. Doom & Gloom Joker

    Hey, get real… Obama is in fact Bin Laden… picture him with no beard and less shoe shine!!

    Who needs bombs if you can just as well fly airliners into the WTC? …and who needs advanced missile capabilities to destroy the White House, if you can just install yourself as the president there?


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