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12 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Anyone elses blood start to boil when watching this? telling these AMERICANS to go back to Europe. fuck you

  2. ticticboom

    Let’s see, he was told to go back to Mexico, and he replied that he was “indigenous to this continent.” Then, he started the whole “Go back to Europe thing.” A protestor said “What about you? Your ancestors came from Spain.”

    Then the border jumping scumbag said something about coconuts. I don’t know what the fuck that was about.

  3. DC

    I’m glad I wasn’t there! I would have fucked him up real bad the instant he pushed me, then I’d have to go to jail over it!

  4. John Cunningham

    The indigenous Mexicans are descendents of the Aztecs and Mayans. Those tribes were in what is present day Mexico and Central America. Were as here in the US we are trying to make amends to the descendents of the tribes that were up here when the English-French-German-Europeans got here the Mexican and Central American governments are doing exactly the opposite. The descendents of the Spainish-Europeans are running their governments and are ethnically cleansing their countries by not spreading out the wealth. Their anger is misdirected, it’s not the US’s fault they’re in the mess they’re in. They probably told them to head north, the Yankee will set you up with a casino and tax-free gasoline and tobacco shops. Not. We know who was where because we have eyes. You think we think you all look alike, think again. There’s northern North American Native Americans and there’s southern North American Native Americans. Can’t play that race card here.

  5. Chuck

    My ancestors immigrated legally. I’m sure the Minute Men have no problems with Legal Immigration.

  6. John Cunningham

    It always happens when I post more than just a one-liner. If this comes through twice, so sorry, but, I think the first disappeared.

    The indigenous Mexicans are the descendents of the Aztecs and Mayans. Those tribes lived in what is present day Mexico and Central America. The descendents of the Spainish-Europeans run the governments of those countries south of our BORDER. They don’t spread out the wealth, especially Mexico with all that oil revenue. At least the descendents of the English-French-German-Europeans, most of us, are trying to make amends. Maybe those governments south of our BORDER told them to head north, the Yankee will set you up with a casino or tax free gas and tobacco shops. Not. We’re experiencing a financial ethnic cleansing of those indigenous people. There is a difference in appearance of those that are from south of the BORDER and those north of the BORDER. Can’t play that race card here, we all have eyes and we know (you all don’t look alike). Their anger is mis-directed.

  7. Mike

    I’ve come to the conclusion that open war with Mexico will be the determining factor in keeping American Sovereignty. As long as Washington Politicians continue to give away American rights and make Americans second class citizens in our own country. How much more can Washington shove down our throats before we have had enough? I think Washington is a absolute failure and should be dismantled.

    What a sad statement the govt can’t even protect our borders.

  8. TedB

    @ Mike, but then what would we do with all of the Mexicans after we won? I guess we could send them to Spain…

  9. Howie

    JC I would continue your point that the Mexicans are Aztec and Myans, in which case both races are extinct so there are no Mexicans. As such El Presidente Calderone should deport all of their asses south!!!

  10. will

    i love going to those protests as an asian american , they bitch n whine n then i tell them im a us marine and they cant say shit ahahahahahahah i love it

  11. steve m


    The boy scouts could kick their asses!

    The black and white of it is my ancestors, and most others, came LEGALLY - period. Many still do, made to wait and take part in the official process. That dumbass camerman makes it obvious that he neither knows the difference between legal and illegal, nor does he care. That’s the problem. Those folks, and most Americans, have a respect for the law. And for that they are called racists? - Intellectually vacant argument. The premise is wrong. The law is the law. Don’t like it? Become a citizen, legally, take part in the electoral process, and vote for folks with your point of view. Fucking moron, go back to that fucked-up hole south of the border. That government is as crooked as a hounds hind leg and it’s educational system is fucked up too as evidenced by the camermans lack of knowlege.

  12. ok

    While illegal immigration is a problem, you can’t blame the Mexicans for doing it. Their country is fucked and they just want a better life for their family. That said, I’d redirect some military funds into border security. Make a proper wall, arm it with real soldiers, and have an aggressive ROE where any Mexican cutting or crossing a wall could be shot on site. How’s that for a deterent?

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