Iran/Syria Nervous, They Don’t Know How Mughniyeh Was Found Out

February 14th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


There is much speculation, even though Israel denies it, that it was Mossad.

Regardless of who actually carried this out, what is so cool about the assassination of this plastic-surgeried, golden-piglet, is that it was pulled off in Damascus, just down the street from, and thusly, right under the hairy nostrils of the Syrian intelligence agency “Mukhabarat”’s headquarters.

Hah! Fuck you, you ignorant pukes.

Be afraid, be very fucking afraid.

I’m telling you, Hezbollah, Syrian Mukhabarat, the IRGC, and the Iranian Intel agency VAVAK have all got to be looking at each other with a certain degree of mistrust and uncertainty today. Because for this puke to get hit, someone high up, somewhere had to have finally been water-boarded enough (works everytime) to start talking, or the aforementioned intelligence inner circles have been seriously infiltrated.

Pajamas Media blogger Meir Javedanfar has a great write up on this aspect of the recent transformation from overly-confident puke piglet to rat food of Hezbollah terrorist mastermind Imad Mughniyeh.

Here is an excerpt:

The successful findings, tracking, and assassination of Mughniyeh come on the heels of a number of other major Western intelligence coups against Iran over the last several years.

First was the elimination of Iran’s long-range Zilzal missiles by the Israeli air force, in the space of 30 minutes, during the 2006 Hezbollah-Israel war. These missiles, which were imported from Iran via Damascus, had been guarded carefully under the supervision of Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah intelligence operatives. The very fact that Israel was able to locate and eliminate them early on in the war showed that Iran and Hezbollah’s counter-intelligence operations were seriously compromised.

Then came the defection of General Ali Reza Asgari in March 2007. He was Iran’s former deputy defense minister and a senior contact man between Iran and Hezbollah. He was a highly valued Iranian asset. Despite that, Western intelligence agencies managed to recruit him and helped him defect while he was on a trip to Syria, without the Iranians being able to do much.

Last but not least, the recent 2007 NIE report by the U.S. intelligence agencies could be taken as another sign that the West is making successful inroads in its efforts to penetrate Iran’s intelligence community. The 2007 NIE report, which stated that Iran had stopped its weaponization program in 2003, was in complete contrast to the 2005 report which said that Iran was continuing with its weaponization program.

If the new NIE report is correct, while President Ahmadinejad was celebrating its results, he should have considered the strong possibility that to reach such a new conclusion, the West, especially the Americans, had probably managed to get their hands on new, highly valuable intelligence sources inside Iran.

The assassination of Mughniyeh is likely to lead to a major restructuring of Iran’s intelligence operations abroad, and even at home. Mughniyeh was a man who traveled frequently between Tehran and Damascus. Therefore it is very possible that his assassins were tracking his movements inside Iran as well. The worst case scenario for Tehran would be if he was compromised by someone inside Iran, a scenario which Iran’s intelligence agency, known by its Farsi acronym as VAVAK, would quite likely be looking into.

Read Javedanfar’s full blog here.

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7 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    I heard an interesting take on this on fox this morning. Saying that it was probably done by an inside group in Syria at the behest of Israel. Money talks in Syria and this is why that speculation has come up. If thats the case then they should all be watching their asses because someone on the inside is watching them at all times.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Scared huh fucktard Terrorists? You could be next. It’s only a matter of time. Are ya listening OBL?

    This was a sweet operation. Not only because it did little damage to the surrounding structures, but that it killed only the intended targets.

    It’s too clean an operation to be Syrian or Iranian. Must be Mossad.

    Be afraid Islamofacists…be very afraid.

    From Frontpage today:
    “The case for targeting him is compelling - legally, morally, religiously, and militarily. By any reasonable definition of that term, he is a combatant who has declared war on the United States, Israel, France and other countries whose citizens he has killed. Although he did not wear a uniform, he was a general in the terrorist war. Under the laws of war any combatant is a proper target, so long as the means used to kill him are “proportional” — that is, he can be killed without disproportionate harm to non-combatants. When that condition is met, targeted killing is highly preferable to more conventional military means that have been employed over the centuries.”

    This is what we need to be doing too. Then again, maybe we WERE involved. I certainly hope so.

  3. Mark Tanberg

    I don’t know, looks to me like faulty spark plugs, and too high of octane in the gas. What a shame.

  4. tom

    Absolutely Mossad. If they want you dead, you might as well eat a 7.62 from your AK now b/c otherwise they will choose when and how and its only a matter of time. :twisted:

  5. dave

    mark, it probably backfired.

  6. franchie

    as I said before it’s a deep shit less

    the Drakkar

  7. Ang

    “This was a sweet operation. Not only because it did little damage to the surrounding structures, but that it killed only the intended targets.”
    Excellent point.

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