Iraq Is Everywhere

February 25th, 2008 Posted By MullyNWelsh.

The two Marines at the beginning of this clip are Charles Molinare (”Mully”) and Brandon Welsh. They are both now home, and fighting the homefront war on college campuses. My reports from them are that every stereotype about universities being liberal indoctrination centers are just too god-awfully true. Here’s the old credit sequence vid for a refresher/introduction to them, and below is a video they made last week, the first in what will be a series of life on the homefront for two young Marines reintegrating into the civilian world. Kind of a comedic “The Best Years Of Our Lives” for the modern age. Molinare is the one kneeling in the credit sequence vid.

Homefront Vid: “Iraq Is Everywhere”:

Iraq Vid: Mully Conducting Car Searches:

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31 Responses

  1. Leatherneck

    Fuckin’ HILARIOUS! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :!:

  2. Steve in NC

    tell me you guys are gonna get hidden vid or audio equipment into the indoctrination camps, er, I mean college classes

  3. drillanwr

    Molinare and Welsh … Prime examples WHY kids should serve FIRST, and then go to college.

    The Ward Churchills won’t stand a chance …

    I ditto Steve’s idea about the Molinare and Welsh “hidden cams” in the classroom too …

  4. kurt(the infidel)

    That was hilarious!

    “all of these motherfuckers on one tiny fucking airplane”, “actually its pretty big” :lol:

  5. Jimmyb

    Oh sweet jesus…… I guess this means we will all be treated to a monthly, if not weekly trip in to….. The MolinareZone…… huh? God help us all :shock:

  6. KBar

    To Mully and Welsh,

    I served in Iraq in ‘03, returned home to Buffalo, and enrolled at UB in July of that year. UB is your typical liberal college campus, complete with protests outside the Union, etc. These kids protest EVERYTHING! the War, sweatshops, and so on…

    But I noticed that student’s political leanings also depend on their course of study. I majored in engineering, and there seemed to be a lot more conservative(ish) or right leaning nineteen or twenty-something men AND women. They would say things like “you were in the Marines? What was it like? Were you scared?” Somebody actually said “thank you” to me (it was Veterans Day). Better still, several told me they were thinking of joining after they graduate and going to OCS. I know of three that did just that. Two went into the Navy and the third went the Air Force route.

    I was in the Marine Corps for twelve years before I went to college, so I was a “non-traditional” student. Or as USMC Beans has so fondly called me, “Old Bastard”. My point is, as an older person interacting with much younger people, I could still see that there is a lot of good in our country’s youth. This had already been proved to me in Iraq.

    I have, in my time at UB, “straightened” a few misguided liberals out. I clued them in to what is really happening in Iraq, and why it is so important for us to finish the job there. They would say things like “gee, I didn’t know that…”.

    When you are sitting in an english lit./ art history / philosophy / journalism (snicker) class, you will see mostly liberal mind-sets. The REAL majors like engineering, etc. don’t usually have much representation at the protests, because they are too busy STUDYING!! These are people that want to get good grades so they can get good jobs so they can make good money. We call these people Republicans.

    Semper Fi.

  7. John Cunningham

    I’m not going to say anything.

  8. drillanwr

    :arrow: KBar

    My daughter says the same thing … She’s a Jr. at college, pre-med, and says a lot of her co-students/friends in her courses are generally moderate to conservative … And you’re spot-on regarding the courses dictating who is protesting because of “serious” subjects need serious study … Thank Christ! Because I wouldn’t want a doctor or surgeon who spent the bulk of his/her study/class time in school out aimlessly protesting when they should have been studying.

    Somebody once said, “Somewhere is the world’s worse doctor …” … Yup.

  9. John H

    This sounds like the funny version of Indoctrinate U…..

    Which by the way I highly highly recommend and you can now download the film…it’s funny too but in a dry way…….it’s priceless.

  10. will

    i agree kbar. in my school they are mostly liberal it drives me crazy but i ignore them since when and if i do start a conversation they usually dont know what the fuck they are talking about. its all just raw emotion no facts omfg! so i keep to myself and sit in the back of the class room, plotting. ahahah

  11. JonnyMordant

    Frank owes me some money too! When you find ‘em give ‘em a smack for me, will YA?

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: Six Pack Video!

  12. dave

    These guys are hillarious, by the way good job.

  13. warrior1

    That was the shit! :twisted: Stay out of jail felahs.

  14. Liberal Hater

    Gotta be honest….disappointing video……juvenile.

  15. Paslode

    Reminds me of someone I look at in the mirror everyday :roll: Neighborhood OPS missions of Chaos and Mayhem….That was long, long time ago.

    Stay safe, don’t let it get too crazy and don’t get caught.

  16. 1LT JAF

    I am all for fighting the libs, but we need to do it in our own honorable fashion. Blowing off steam is fine, but shooting off pop toys at chicks is just not cool. Hopefully all our men coming back will make a real difference in our war on college campuses here at home.

  17. alyssa

    Sometimes comedy is just comedy, and what’s wrong with a little comedy? I’ve seen plenty of very serious, very sad, and very reverential stuff about troops both there and backhome. Not everything should be somber and serious, and that Mully guy has natural comedic talent, so makig a vid about him and another guy who fought and survived and for the sake of the camera have a goofy good time, against the background of their very serious recent past, seems like an innocuous bit of simple entertainment worth a chuckle, not a deep analysis. And like I said, there’s plenty of the more earnest and serious stuff all over the web if you only want to see that.

  18. John Cunningham

    alyssa, I agree wholeheartedly. The only thing I had a problem with was throwing something from the vehicle. As harmless the thing thrown was it could really be used against them. Just sayin’.

  19. alyssa

    John -

    You’re right. I thought it was just some styrofoam, but even if so, you don’t need to be scaring people like that. Now if they’d been carrying Code Pink signs….


    this is “a killing war and somebody has to do the killing”
    so don’t be mothers of america

    “if the boys want to fight you better let’em”

  21. Sandy

    I think Mully & Welsh are hilarious! :lol: I am looking forward to more vids.

    The “Iraq is Everywhere” vid was supposed to be funny.
    They did not hurt anyone and I think some need to lighten up a bit. They were out blowing off some steam. :roll:

    I am sure they have a very serious side to them when that is their intention, in this case it was not. To me the vid showed how they were able to drive around and have some fun and not have to worry about being blown up. Also, they spent months having to worry about whether or not they were going to get plugged or blown up walking or traveling down every square inch of road they were on.

    I would be f’n giddy as all hell to come back here after that and be able to move freely without the constant threat of death. It is something that most in this country have no appreciation of.

    They served their time in Hell.

  22. Sandy

    Oh, yeah, the Iraqi, Hoss ~ he is great.

    FU Michael Moore :!: :gun:

  23. Demetrius

    I may be reading more into this than there was, but maybe there was a point behind the comedy in “Iraq Is Everywhere”, and maybe the title helps give it away. Notice the prank was not just some random prank, but the shooting of a ( toy ) RPG? I think they were making the point that civilians have no idea what they went through in Iraq, how far away it was from the normal, safe reality here. It was like, look America, look like what it would be like to live in a place where stuff like this happened, where you really were likely to be attacked like a Marine or Iraqi civilian was, just going about your day’s normal business.

  24. Dan (The Infidel)

    One criticism. Hoss was a character on Bonanza.

    Other than that that was some damn funny stuff.

  25. Pat Dollard


    Correct. But given that I’m so young, that show was way before my time and I got it wrong. :mrgreen:

  26. Mully here

    :lol: Mully here….. Me and Welsh made this friggin video as a joke. No old ladies got hurt. I’m not mad at the world. I chose the Marines. I understand a lot of children in my school are pro war and may eventually wanna join our military. Good for them! I hope they enlist as Marine grunts. John Cunningham is light in the loafers….1LTJAF stop crying because you re-enlisted and now your upset..yOU BROKE OFFICERS ARE A JOKE!! KEEP SIPPING TEA ON SHIP…LIBERAL HATER NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU BEING DISSAPOINTED. It’s a joke! Everybody else who didn’t get beat up in high school… Thanks for the comment.

  27. John Cunningham

    Mully, get away kid, you bother me. Throw shit out the window and you’re going to get your ass arrested.

  28. John Cunningham

    KBar, just re-read all the comments. I started at UB in Sep ‘81. I know exactly what you mean. Though the demonstrations on Main Street Campus of the 60s had been well over by then one kid’s father must have told him all about me. His father being a little older than I, and he being 19, he called me a dreg of society. To be expected from someone from Long Giland.

  29. John Cunningham

    Mully, don’t insult those that have been there and done that, especially those of us that are on your side.

  30. Liberal Hater

    Hey Mully,

    No disrespect intended. And thank you for your service to our great country.

    I first learned of while my brother-in-law, who was a Major and is now a Lt Col. in the Army, was leading brave young men in Baqubah. We are very proud of him. He was awarded a couple purple hearts and was awarded a bronze star for saving a soldiers life after the soldier had his legs blown off.
    Pat Dollard and Michael Yon were the only places that I felt I could get good information on what was truly going on there. I have since told countless people, including other fine young men just returning from Iraq, about these websites.

    When the description of your new video reports IRAQ IS EVERYWHERE said…
    “They are both now home, and fighting the homefront war on college campuses. My reports from them are that every stereotype about universities being liberal indoctrination centers are just too god-awfully true.”

    I thought your series would be more of fighting liberals on campus face to face with words of intellect not whatever it was that you were doing from the car.

    For those of us who don’t visit college campuses often or at all, we need to see just how whacked out they are. Thanks to Bash series Berkley: You write the caption we do see to some whacked out stuff.

    I have two boys going to college right now but I am sure I don’t see and hear what they see and hear on a daily basis.

    What about interviewing students and professors face to face and when they spew their twisted views on the war, give them some idea about the truth from someone who has been there?

    Just an idea.
    Thanks again for your service for our country!

  31. ron

    Welsh and Molinare are great. I wish they would post more videos. It doesn’t have to be insightful commentary or jokes, just whatever they think is interesting.

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