Iraqi Special Ops Guys Nail Al Qaeda Leader In Mosul

February 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Pictured: Iraqi Special Operations Forces demonstrate their ability to fight terrorists at a graduation ceremony attended by the U.S. commander in Iraq, General David H. Petraeus, and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Iraqi Special Forces nabbed an AQ propagandist/recruiter and IED team puke. His capture on Sunday also led to the arrest of more Al Qaeda operatives in Mosul.

Gee, didn’t take him long to rat out his buddies.

I’m starting to think that “advising” the Iraqis and letting them “interrogate” captives might not be a bad idea.

From MNF-I:

Iraqi Special Operations Forces, advised by U.S. Special Forces, detained a suspected terrorist leader during an operation in Mosul on Sunday, Feb. 17.

According to intelligence reports, the suspect is responsible for improvised-explosive device attacks against Iraqi security forces in Mosul. The suspect is also believed to be responsible for distributing insurgent propaganda in the city.

And then from VOI:

Iraqi army forces on Monday detained three al-Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq gunmen in eastern Mosul, the official spokesman for the Ninewa operations said.

“A force form the 4th battalion of the first brigade detained three gunmen from the Islamic State of Iraq in al-Intsar neighborhood in eastern Mosul,” Brig. Khaled Abdul Sattar told Aswat al-Iraq – Voices of Iraq (VOI).

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10 Responses

  1. JonnyMordant

    AQI’s falling down like a house of cards! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Surge critics!

    Hats off to the ISOF and Cheers to the U.S. Special Forces for another kick ass job!

  2. tedders

    But Nancy Pelosi said the surge hasn’t worked!

  3. A. S. Wise- VA

    That’s a good sign when they try to emulate our troops’ BDU & equipment.

  4. Jarhead68

    All this is good news but what happens when these towel heads decide to turn on us again (and they will)? They now know how we fight. This could come back to haunt us, don’t you think? I don’t trust any of them.

  5. Bash (the infidel)

    @Jarhead 68…

    Yeah, I hear ya. I ran an article here a couple months ago about the relationships forming between Iraqi military commanders & NCO’s and even grunts, and our guys who are training them, and fighting aq alongside them in the field.

    There are good, solid, long-lasting relationships being formed on many levels between our military and theirs.

    I like to think about Japan and Germany and our relationships with them today when I start thinking about Iraq in the future. But I realize that those are apples and oranges.

    And I also understand the dividing lines between us and muslims, sunnis and shia…

    We can only hope, eh?

    We should inject every one of them with a cyanide chip under the guise of innoculations, the whole Iraqi military. Then, if we ever find ourselves at war with them, flip a switch and watch 2/3 of them drop dead…heh heh. I know sci-fi.

  6. Jimmyb

    Iraqi SOF….Given ‘em the business :twisted:

  7. Ang

    Jarhead 68..

    The same thought has crossed my mind many times. Hopefully Bash is right and we will someday have the same level of cooperation as we do with Japan and Germany. Somehow I don’t think so though. Those war were more political.. this one is too religious.

  8. PhilNBlanx

    Yeah, that’s crossed my mind before as well. My only reassurance is they might know how we fight but nobody can fight like we do.
    Like it or not we’re kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. We can’t just let things keep going the way they have prior to 9/11 . Which IMO only leaves two options — anihilate them all or try and change them. From what I’ve seen from most Iraqis, they are more than ready for some real change, not the phony Obama change. It’s just the doom and gloom demedia and dem politicians that daily bolster the notion that the citizens of the ME don’t want to change. To do so would be akin to admitting Dubya, Cheney, Rummy, Rove, et al were right all along. Egotistical, fucking dems would rather stifle our efforts in partnering with ME countries to bring reform than admit they were wrong. I trust dems less than I trust the Iraqis.

  9. A. S. Wise- VA

    There’s always the remote possibility that our friends of the present, are our enemies decades down the road. Take for example the British and French. However, here’s why I’m still absolutely confident even if the much-improved Iraqis were to turn on us, we’d whoop their ass:

    1) The fighting quality of our troops

    2) The skill of leaders from Lance Corporals all the way up to Four Star Generals; no matter who is POTUS, the military leadership can make victory out of virtually any combat action

    3) Equipment; even our allies that use the same equipment as us generally don’t have the highest, most advanced versions; NO nation on Earth can project power the way we can

    4) DARPA; the advances made within its existence are simply amazing, particularly within the last decade

    5) Our way of life

  10. reaganmarine84

    Great picture. Let’s see. Desert camo M4. Surefire M910 verticle foregrip w/weaponlight. Aimpoint optic. Balacava. thigh rig. chest rig w/flash bangs. Tactical gloves. Camblebak. Good trigger finger/muzzle discipline. If I wasn’t told these were Iraqi spec-ops, I would have thought they were Force Recon or Delta operators.

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