Israeli Assassination? 6 Blown To Shit At Islamic Jihad Leader’s Gaza House

February 15th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - A powerful blast went off at the house of a senior Islamic Jihad activist Friday, killing him and five others, medics and a spokesman for the group said.

At least 40 people were hurt, including nine who were in critical condition, Health Ministry official Moawiya Hassanain said.

Witnesses said the three-story home of Ayman Atallah Fayed was flattened by the blast, and that six nearby homes were badly damaged.

Islamic Jihad claimed Israeli warplanes hit the house in an airstrike, but Hamas police said the cause of the blast was not clear.

Islamic Jihad said Fayed was among the dead, and that the group would carry out reprisal attacks against Israel.

Fayed was a senior member of the Islamic Jihad military wing. Israel routinely targets top militants in airstrikes, but the Israeli military said it had no knowledge of any strike in Bureij.

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14 Responses

  1. Bob

    Pop goes the weasels!

  2. steve m

    Get ‘em first and at home….love it. More food for the worms

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    The thought of dead Jihadis just warms my heart :twisted:

  4. JTS

    Man, Irael is going ape shit on jihadis! Can’t wait til syria and iran try some bullshit in the air, IDF is gonna beat some ass!

  5. ok

    Man I wish USA would bomb these nits back to the stone age. Isreal is the coolest planet on the Earth. They blow shit up with international impunity. That is the carte blanche everyone in the military dreams of.

  6. WarBicycle

    I wonder if the Israelis have a device that can activate a bomb prematurely.

  7. Jarhead68

    Well, more dead rats. Good riddance.

  8. Birdddog

    I gotta bunch of Valentine’s candy I can pass out. Sounds like their cache of rockets got’em. Hit the wrong button they, eh Fayed?

  9. drillanwr

    Now Israel’s speaking a language the terrorists can understand. No translator needed. :twisted:

  10. jerr

    Islamic Jihad claimed Israeli warplanes hit the house in an airstrike, but Hamas police said the cause of the blast was not clear.

    Hamas police?!?!?! :roll:

  11. Kufir Ken

    Idiots probably blew themselves up in a bomb factory

  12. rightangle

    Gotta wonder. Not the first time these extremist sniped their own for poliitical gain.

  13. Dan (The Infidel)

    The Israelis haven’t even started their offensive yet and alraedy they got two big ones. Best news I ever hear is when these jihadi fucks get sent to hell. Doesn’t matter how…just do it…

    It’s going to get even better when the IDF attacks all of Gaza and starts cleaning out the rest of the little rats.

  14. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :razz: :razz: :razz: Thanks Isreal. They didn’t even know who hit them or what hit them.

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