Jihadis Seek “Asylum” In UK, Then Begin Raping Children

February 29th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I kid you not…

This is from The Opinionater:

More outraged inflicted upon the British people by 5 Somali muslims and former asylum seeker who have been found guilty of rape and sexual activity with children.

That in and of itself is abhorrent enough - five perverts go to the UK for supposed safety and return the hospitality by raping their children. But another rape has also taken place - the rape of the UK taxpayers who have to pay for the legal aid and the ridiculous 5 “private” interpreters.

These rapists were allowed into the UK courtesy of NuLabour’s open door policy of coddling any dregs who happen to turn up and whine that they need asylum. Then the taxpayers get to pay for their housing, food, haircuts, clothing, etc etc whilst the government drags its feet in determining the veracity of said asylum seekers - fearful of violating the EU Human Rights laws. In the meantime men, such as these slimes, inflict crime and havoc.

Then, once arrested for their crimes, the taxpayers get to dole out more of hard earned money to solicitors and translators. Cost to criminals? = ZERO ( I won’t even bring up what the phenomenal cost of providing translators to immigrants is costing the NHS & British cities and towns)

Now the British taxpayers get to pay for these criminals whilst they do their prison sentences and one would hope they would be swiftly deported thereafter …………………………..but taking from what Judge Joy’s final statement says - no other country will want these degenerates thus the British can expect these pedophiles to be living off the taxpayers and roaming their streets for decades.

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7 Responses

  1. DC

    Sounds a bit like what the gov does here :mad:

  2. BT

    One can only hope that convicts in the UK would deal with this in the same way it would be dealt with here. Lets hope that they are general population bound. :gun:

  3. Kufir Ken

    So why not deport them back to Somalia? Can an asylum seeker justify legitimacy when breaking British law (and any real standard of morality)? Breaking the law should void any claim that they would have.

    Granted, if word is out that Sharia is the standard of the day in jolly ol’ England then these guys are good to go and should be back to fuckin’ kids in no time (at state expense)…

    Wouldn’t want to infringe on their religious freedom…

  4. Paslode

    Deportation via airdrop without a chute is more appropiate.

  5. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :eek: See what perverted Sharia Law says; its’ ok to rape children.

  6. Ivan the Kafir

    Its one thing if a powerful nation uses another nation to mop the floor with. Its a whole other thing when a nation voluntarily uses itself to mop the floor.

  7. billie

    Where’d you get the photo from? Is that a husband/wife couple? Any idea how old she is? Looks like Warren Jeffs’ type.

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