Killing Hussein

February 10th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


(AP) Nobel Prize winner Doris Lessing believes Barack Obama would be assassinated if he were elected U.S. president, the British writer said in a newspaper interview.

Asked whether she supported Hillary Clinton or Obama in the presidential race, Lessing told Stockholm daily Dagens Nyheter “it doesn’t matter,” but suggested the two Democrats should join forces in the election.

“It would be best if they ran together. Hillary is a very sharp lady. It might be calmer if she wins and not Obama,” Lessing was quoted as saying in comments translated into Swedish.

“He would probably not last long, a black man in the position of president. They would kill him,” Lessing said in the interview published Saturday.

She did not specify who she believed would kill Obama.

Her agent in London did not answer phone calls seeking comment on Sunday.

Lessing, 88, who won the Nobel Prize for literature last year, is known for her fierce statements.

In October, she told a Spanish newspaper that the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were “neither as terrible nor as extraordinary” as many people think.

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8 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    who are they? you elitist bitch, the clintons? The KKK? Both are from the democrat party, so who knows? will he be found in the arkansas river or from a big oak tree in pulaski tennesee?

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    LOL. So which is the old geez suffering from? Alzheimers, Parkinsons, or one too many tokes on that bowl?

  3. Mike

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    This woman was born in Iran and dropped out of school at age 13. she may be a writer and nobel prize winner but her opinion means shit. Im with Dan, she must be suffer some affliction. Having lapses back to the 1950s when she was about 75 haha

  5. John Cunningham

    Such a stupid thing to say. There are nut-jobs that want to shoot a President and their reasons are as varied as there are those that want to act on it. If, God forbid, Obama wins he’s going to have a target on him and not just because he’s black, it will be because he’s the President. Welcome to the club, Obama.

  6. deathstar

    Proves what a waste of space the nobel prize is. Last year those cross eyes butt fuckers gave the peace prize to “scientists” who advocate for global warming.

  7. dave

    Hildabeast might do it and blame it on the VRWC group.

  8. chay

    IF Hussein gets assassinated, the Clintons would be behind it.
    Its more likely he’ll have to drop out for “personal family reasons that would prohibit him from performing his presidential duties to the full extent of his abilities.”

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