Liberal-Leaning Primary Process Destroys Republican Party
How the Republican Party Committed National Suicide
By JB Williams on Feb 2, 08
Republicans no longer control the Republican Party and as a result, they can not advance a truly Republican candidate though the current liberal leaning primary process. By the time 99 percent of Republicans get a chance to vote in the primaries, all real Republicans have already been eliminated from the race. Lesser evil choices are all that remain by Super Tuesday…?
How it Happened
It happened by two important factors.
First, Republicans refused to unite behind any of the conservatives originally in the race. They were divided, and all of their candidates failed as a result.
Evangelicals think Pastor Huckabee is the real conservative in the race based solely upon his evangelical preaching from the stump. Fiscal conservatives think that business man Mitt Romney is the real conservative in the race. Anti-war isolationists think that Ron Paul is the real conservative in the race. Border security – national sovereignty conservatives thought that Duncan Hunter or Tom Tancredo were the real conservatives in the race. War on Terror hawks thought that Rudy Giuliani was the real conservative in the race and the base of the Republican Party, those who are fully conservative on all the above, thought Fred Thompson was the real conservative in the race.
As a direct result of these divisions, the one candidate that is by no means a real conservative in the race, John McCain, is currently leading the race for the Republican nomination. Failing to unite early behind one of the conservatives, left the door wide open for the worst possible result, John McCain.
The second factor is a broken primary process. McCain is not being nominated by conservatives or for the most part, even by Republicans. He is being nominated by liberal voters from liberal leaning states who hold the earliest primaries and vote to eliminate all conservatives from the race before “fly-over” Republicans get a chance to cast a single vote.
A Broken Party
Like it or not, the BIG TENT is collapsing.
Continue at A Broken Party
thats total BS. yea McCain is little left, but do you think writing these articles is going to help at all? i’d rather have deit right than 100% left next year. chill out, this race is just getting started.
February 2nd, 2008 at 8:34 pmI said it when JB previewed that on my forums and I’ll say it again… identifying the problem is a good first step, what’s next? Anybody got some serious ideas? I’m getting pretty close to the “it’s too late to work within the system and too early to start shooting” philosophy, personally.
February 2nd, 2008 at 8:41 pmI will be writing in Fred Thompson regardless, “Fuck the IndiPublican Party”, It needs a wake up call! 4-8 years of Liberalism should do it, if not then fuck ‘em (Blood in the streets “From Failed; Economic, Immigration and Terrorism Policies” may have to be that wake up call)! O.K. maybe that’s a bit Dramatic, But…. My question is: Would Fred Thompson take the position if we wrote him into Office? Is this an opportunity to take back the Party for true Conservative values? Or am I just being too Paulinian in my fanaticism?
February 2nd, 2008 at 8:43 pmI agree with Coulter - Hillary is more conservative than McCain - A LITTLE LEFT MY ASS.
TB - Our last hope is Romney. Otherwise, we are screwed.
The Republican Party lost all its resources when it appointed Mel Martinez at the helm in order to spit in the face of the secure the border wing of the party. Even though he finally got the boot because of fundraising, or lack there of . . . it has been down hill ever since.
Rush and the guys are going to have great material for the next four years, but I honestly don’t think they want it along with what we are going to have to go through.
Everyone should try to figure out how to hide your money . . . but then isn’t that what the open border wing of the party has already done with their failure to pay taxes on their cheap labor . . . they are making big bucks and hiding it . . . it is us middle of the road Republicans who are really screwed. We swallowed the Reagan formula, we didn’t cheat, and we are the losers.
It is all just disgusting and depressing.
Go Mitt. I hope my yard sign gets here before Tuesday. Little good it will do in Texas AND I THINK THAT IS THE POINT OF THE ARTICLE. F*CK IOWA, NEW HAMPSHIRE, SOUTH CAROLINA, AND ESPECIALLY FLORIDA.
February 2nd, 2008 at 8:54 pmTBinSTL
“it’s too late to work within the system and too early to start shooting”
Funny you should say that. That is exactly where I’m at.
I don’t have any answers but my best guess is, if we continue to deteriorate (read: allow liberals to shout us down, liberal agendas making their way into our party and ACLU litigation) we are doomed.
I think it’ll take either a gigantic disaster or a Ronald Reagan on steroids to bring this party back. Personally, I’m hoping for the latter of those two.
February 2nd, 2008 at 9:02 pmOVERLOAD!!!!!!!
February 2nd, 2008 at 9:05 pmI don’t alway agree with Patrick J. Buchanan, but this article had some good points:
“Now McCain is running on a platform that says your jobs are not coming back, the illegals are not going home, but we are going to have more wars. If you don’t like it, vote for Hillary.”
February 2nd, 2008 at 9:09 pmTexas Mom- You’re right Mel Martinez is a real asshole.. just like Charlie Crist.
I am sick and fucking tired of electing spineless Republicans. A ticket of Mitt/Thompson is our last hope.
I will have a hard time voting for John McLame
February 2nd, 2008 at 9:47 pmWhat McCain Bandwagon? Listen! Repeat Often!
There have been eight political contests thus far in the Republican primary season, with the total delegate count negligible considering the total needed. Of the eight primary contest Huckster won one, McLame won three, AND Romney won FOUR! [WY, MI, NV, & ME] The last being a liberal leaning Northeastern state (Maine).
If the conservative punditocracy rallies conservatives to rally around Romney, and Romney commits to staying in the race and fighting in all fifty states, this is going to be a fight all the way to the convention. And Conservatives CAN win this thing baby!
Romney has proven he can win states, and the media glare on McLame is likely to burn his support off once again.
Bottomline for Conservatives: The center-right Bush administration approval ratings collapsed and lost both houses of congress because the base considered it too liberal, and the nation was angry about the Iraq conflict. A McCain nomination would mean the party believes a winning presidential candidate post Bush should have an even more liberal domestic policy, and even more stubborn Iraq/Middle East policy (can you say “bomb, bomb, bomb, - bomb bomb bomb Iraaaan”)
It is idiotic to believe that McCain is the winning Republican standard bearer. Republican primary voters are conscientious and will see this over time. Romeny wins, if he stays in and fights………
If the Republican party doesn’t get that McCain is a loser (and a Murtha look-a-like), well, maybe a vote for the Libertarian candidate is not wasted after all.
February 2nd, 2008 at 10:20 pmOh Goddammit to Hell!!! Hilary Clinton more conservative than John McCain?! If you believe that, I have some beach front property in Montana I can sell you–for a good price. McCain isn’t a true conservative, true, but I don’t think Romney is either. Hell, the only truly authentic conservative that ran this race, was Duncan Hunter in my eyes (maybe Tancredo too). Pat Buchanan? Hell, he may say all the right things (except for foreign policy regarding fighting the enemies of our time), but he in my mind, contributed to giving us Jimmy Carter. He after all, did serve in the administration of Richard M. Nixon, thus paving the way for the peanut farmer, because of what Tricky Dick pulled (Nixon also paved the way for the Chicoms polluting our shores with their products).
So you don’t like every single position that McCain has taken? I sure as hell don’t. However, his record gives a lifetime ACU rating of ~80% (not too far off from Thompson’s), compare that with HRC’s 9%, and THERE IS NO COMPARISON. But to say you’d vote for HRC, out of spite? Ask yourselves this: where was John McCain, when HRC was rubbing elbows with the Leftist scum of America and abroad (possibly even burning the AMERICAN FLAG IN RED SQUARE, Moscow)? He was in the Hanoi Hilton, of course. The Clintons produced Chelsea, a spoiled, sheltered brat who does hedge fund work for heavy DNC donors; McCain has produced Jack (currently attending Annapolis), and Jimmy (currently a Marine in Iraq). He did something that neither Clinton, nor Buchanan has every really done in my mind: sacrificed for his country. At least with McCain, we have a decent chance of being heard, with Clinton, she will only listen to the far left. Don’t believe that, there’s no helping you. Dare I say that things won’t be that different from the George W. Bush Administration, if McCain wins POTUS?
At the end of the day, my loyalty is to God & Jesus Christ, the United States of America, and to my family, NOT to conservatism. McCain has America’s best interests at heart that I have no doubt of. So I could give a flying fuck how some pundits resent the hell out of McCain, I’ll vote for him if he gets the nomination.
February 2nd, 2008 at 10:27 pmClayton Newman - I loved your post . . . You are very inspiring. Thank you!
A.S. Wise - We will cancel each other’s votes out - I will never vote for McCain.
February 2nd, 2008 at 10:39 pm@ Texas Mom- I can’t tell you how to vote, nor will I. IMHO, I agree with McCain, more than I disagree, which is why I could see myself voting for him, if it came down to it. I sympathize with your grievances, I really do about McCain; but, I can’t conscientiously surrender my vote to any DNC candidate, after the shit they’ve pulled since 1992, but especially after 2003.
February 2nd, 2008 at 11:02 pmI’m voting for McCain hands down. I can’t believe you people….i’m as conservative as they come and i’m willing to sacrifice to get a republican that is dedicated to winning the war into office, no matter what the cost. I thought the people that constantly read were as dedicated to winning in Iraq as I am. Isn’t that the most important thing?????????
February 2nd, 2008 at 11:41 pmHilldabeast & Obamaramadingdong have a love fest in their last debate and they see the Republican Party having a knock down drag out fight.
If we don’t rally behind the GOP nominee I feel sorrow for my country.
If McCain is the all inspiring leader that he is claiming then he better do some inspiring of the base because a lot of the base is NOT going to hold their nose and choose him.
February 3rd, 2008 at 12:49 amThat is the best article I’ve read in a LONG time.
I’m in one of those ‘highly’ Republican states (Nebraska) and we don’t vote until the middle of May! By then there’s no point in voting at all.
February 3rd, 2008 at 3:54 amAnything is better than allowing the dems free reign in Washington. THINK about that.
February 3rd, 2008 at 5:52 amThe President’s primary mission is to defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. McCain has forgotten what those are.
February 3rd, 2008 at 6:04 amI think some of us see it like this.
The War on Terror is going to be a very long War. Some of us are looking long term, not solely this Presidential election.
If we hold our nose and Vote for McCain, it may fracture the party to the point that we splinter into 3 main groups, Hawks, conservatives and evangelicals. There is already serious talk of third party groups forming because we are so sick of the current state of the Republican Party.
However, some of us are still deciding the long term strategy. Strategic Withdrawal to fight again on better ground, IE, we surrender this fight and come back fighting mad with a real conservative in 4 years.
Why do we think this? Because we know Jimmy Carter got us Ronald Reagan.
Sure we don’t want Hillary or Obama, the thought of them as POTUS is frightening. But more frightening to some of us a destroyed Republican party and 2 or 3 smaller Right of Center groups all vying for scraps at the table because we are no longer one party.
So for me, I’m still deciding, do I hold my nose now and risk destroying the party and thus ultimately losing the war on Terror, or do I take a stand now and withhold my vote for McCain and demand a real candidate in 4 years who is part is part of the 3 groups I listed earlier?
I live in California, I’ve seen first hand what voting for a Rino gets us and if I could turn back time, I would never have voted for Ahnuld. I’m ashamed I did.
February 3rd, 2008 at 8:45 amTBinSTL
“it’s too late to work within the system and too early to start shooting”
February 3rd, 2008 at 9:15 am“Everyone should try to figure out how to hide your money…”
That’s some damn good advice Texas Mom. I’ll be adding that to the top of my to-do list if McCain gets the R nod because if scenario becomes reality, no matter who wins the general election, the tax-man will be coming with a vengeance.
“And Conservatives CAN win this thing baby!”
That’s a much-needed shot in the arm Clayton. Thank you.
“The President’s primary mission is to defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. McCain has forgotten what those are.”
Write-on Hugh. You must be referring to those glorious documents that have propelled America light-years ahead of every other nation in the western hemisphere.
February 3rd, 2008 at 9:43 amThe documents that should be championed for their timelessness but instead are referred to as living/breathing (i.e. - open to interpretation) by those McCain wishes to “reach across the isle” to. But as long as McCain is liked by the dems isn’t that what’s really important here?
WHEN ARE YOU SO CALLED CONSERVATIVES WITH CONVICTIONS GOING TO WAKE UP??!! JB Williams is exactly right! All I heard from my so called conservative friends and family is oh, I like Duncan Hunter but he has no chance so I am going to support Mitt! We have ourselves to blame for the Republican Liberals that have taken over the party. I am from Florida and I didn’t vote for that liberal Crist! Again, oh I like Gallager he is the conservative but he can’t win. So, what do we get a stinking liberal Republican for eight long years and that is what we are going to get with Huck, Mitt, and McCain! By the way so what if Thompson is on the ticket! VP means nothing, look at Cheney the conservative of the two and he could not control the liberal Bush!! Wake up!!
February 4th, 2008 at 6:01 amI agree with Huckster when he says Mitt is a Phoney Conservative. He has no conservative record. He VOTED for Clinton in 92, Mondale in 84, Dukcokfest in 88. That is not Conservative. He forced a type of Hitlery-care, gay-marriage, and taxes on Mass. He will be creamed by ANY democrat in a General Election. As for running a business?
February 4th, 2008 at 6:39 amOsama runs a business too, but I wouldn’t vote for him either!