Liberal Left Idiots Playing Cards

February 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Remember the pentagons deck of cards with all the faces of Saddam and his regime?

There’s a new deck out…Gotta get one…

The Pentagon’s Iraqi Most Wanted “Deck of Death” playing cards was a huge hit with Americans.

Now, is raising the ante – with the Deck of Weasels, depicting the 54 worst leaders and celebrities who opposed America and were key members of “The United Nations of Weasels.”

This hot new set of playing and informational cards – which will surely be a collector’s item – depicts the enemies of America and Iraq’s liberation in a satirical way while revealing the evidence of their hatred – their own quotes against America!

No doubt the Deck of Weasels will enrage those included – including Michael Moore, Tim Robbins, Jacques Chirac, Barbra Streisand, Teddy Kennedy, Kofi Annan and many more.

You’ll laugh out loud looking at the faces of the world’s greatest weasels – each wearing the beret of Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard – now dubbed “Saddam’s Weasel Brigade.”

Under each photo is each Weasel’s quote revealing his anti-American, pro-Saddam ranting!

There will be enough in the Deck of Weasels to keep you laughing for years!

The Deck of Weasels is not only great fun, it’s also educational. Check out the cards and learn:

which rock star raged: “We [expletive] deserve to get bombed … Bring it on, I hope the Muslims win!”

which Hollywood has-been whined: “This is a racist and imperialist war. The warmongers who stole the White House (you call them ‘hawks,’ but I would never disparage such a fine bird) have hijacked a nation’s grief and turned it into a perpetual war on any non-white country they choose to describe as terrorist.”

which movie star ranted: “I believe he [President Bush] thinks this is a war that can be won, but there is no such thing anymore. We can’t beat anyone anymore”

the shocking pro-Saddam comment that escaped the lips of the self-styled sweetheart of morning TV “news” (and she refuses to retract her statement!).

-why three U.S. senators and eight U.S. congressmen made the cut.

-which prominent American political figure lied: “Far from being a threat to the United States, or any other people, Iraq has been a victim of U.S. aggression for 12 years.”

-the identity of the congressman, given a pass by most of the media, who disparaged U.S. troops in Iraq as baby killers.

-which congressman blamed Operation Iraqi Freedom on the Jews.

-why Carter and Jackson became the infamous jokers they are – one a disastrous former president who continues to damage his country and the other a failed president wannabe compelled to poke his greedy fingers in every pie.


Nods to One Shot.

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2 Responses

  1. jasjfarrell

    Why do people vote for these nitwits?

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Deck of Weasels? ROFLMAO. That’s priceless. :beer:

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