Live Streaming Video of Berkeley City Council Meeting

February 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Click Here to watch live streaming video of Berkeley City Council Meeting.

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13 Responses

  1. ticticboom

    Just had some ex-Air Force cunt start out by claiming to be pro-military, then immediately start claiming the troops are rapists. Lovely.

  2. Eddie in Cali

    Yah saw that too total backstab :evil:

  3. ticticboom

    Is everyone in Berkeley a teacher?

  4. ticticboom


  5. Eddie in Cali

    Guess thats one Lawyer I can respect! :beer:

  6. Jeff

    Well, at least not every speaker is a hippie, dirtbag commie sympathizer. A few brave people are standing up for the troops…..and Code Pink is heckling them. To his credit, (and he doesn’t deserve much) the Mayor threatened to boot them if they didn’t shut up.

    I can’t watch any more, I am about to put my computer through the wall.

  7. ticticboom

    Had one guy bring up Lincoln’s view of what should happen to elected officials who aid the enemy.

    Another guy used one of my favorite lines, “If you won’t stand behind the troops, feel free to stand in front of them.”

  8. BlueOval8950

    It seems that many of the people of Berkeley have become so diluded with there own self Righteous beliefs, that they have forgotten the sacrifice of those that ensure they continue to enjoy the freedom they seem to take for granted.

    It is also a liberal/communist trait, in that they believe that rights only apply to those that agree with their opinion and not to those that dissent. This day will go down as a classic example of the liberal/commie double standard, in that they attempted to deny people the same rights they so vehemetly depend upon, to the point of outright violence.

    MAF and their fellow patriots stand as shining example of all that is right and good about America and Americans, while Code Pinko and many of the Berkely citizenry, Government and Law Enforcement community stand as an example of what will become if we ever become complacent in our duties of protecting and ensuring freedom.

  9. ticticboom

    The business community is royally pissed at the council; they’re really hurting because of the Pinkos antics driving everyone away from the area.

    Some dumb cunt claimed that recruiters coerced children to enlist by giving them cookies. I think she has them confused with the Taliban.

    The next said she didn’t want to join the military and get raped and murdered. Try working in Hunt’s Point.

  10. ticticboom

    Some muj cocksucker is talking about troops committing suicide. Must be Baghdad Bob’s kid.

  11. Ivan the Kafir

    As an inhabitant of the “ivory tower,” I get a bellyfull of this bullshit every day. Going to class is like slipping behind enemy lines. Listening to what they say is like tapping a phone-line. These pacifist nutcases actually believe they are morally justified.

    But as one girl said when asked whether force is justified against someone like Hitler: “I don’t know…I have to say I wouldn’t know WHAT to do.” Well if she doesn’t know what to do when put against a wall, looking down the barrel of an AK-47, she can do us a favor and bite the bullet….literally.

    In a perfect world, people wouldn’t want to fight; wouldn’t want to steal or take by force; wouldn’t covet what wasn’t theirs; would simply be content with what they had. But people simply aren’t like that and CAN’T be made like that. One has but to look at liberals to see what kind of self-righteous moral ground they stand on.

    We all have flaws and must accept the fact. We must accept that pragmatic and practical solutions must be found to the world’s problems. Theory NEVER works in practice. But humanity has had thousands of years to put inter-personal/international relations to the test.

    The one solution which has persistently worked is war. When all else fails, war doesn’t. Its not pretty and no one goes looking for one but when two parties demands are irreconcilable and neither party can relinquish its demands, war is the only conceivable answer.

    Rather than see war as wholly evil or heretical, war can be seen as a purging, refining fire. Something so destructive and horrible should see as much good come from it as possible. This good should come in the form of personal purification as one realizes the overwhelming value of life and the need to defend it at all cost. Someone who starts a war has forfeited his right to life. Its that simple.

  12. ticticboom

    Just had three Marines in a row tear them a new one. They’re taking a break, and I’m calling it a night.

    I really cannot think of those Code Pinko and ANSWER scum as fellow citizens. They are as much the enemy as the muj.

  13. Kampfgruppe Cottrell


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