Los Angeles Wins World’s Best Tasting Water Award

February 25th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


They must’ve been drunk…

BERKELEY SPRINGS, W.Va. (AP) - Drink up, Los Angeles.

The city’s residents have the tastiest tap water, according to the judges of the world’s largest and longest-running water tasting contest.

The 18th Annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting was held Saturday, with more than 120 waters competing for top honors.

Sparkling, tap and bottled water from 19 states and 9 foreign countries, including New Zealand, Romania, Macedonia and the Philippines, were judged by 10 journalists and food critics.

Judges based their rankings on taste, odor, mouth feel, aftertaste—and checked to make sure nothing was floating in the water.

The title for Best Municipal Water in 2008 is shared by Clearbrook, British Columbia, and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which serves Los Angeles.

“It’s not the first time Los Angeles has won, they’ve won a number of times over the years,” said event producer Jill Klein Rone. “It means they give special care and attention to their water and how it is processed.”

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8 Responses

  1. Erik Marsh

    Sorry dude, they’re full of shit. The clear mountain spring water you get in Colorado front range area (especially Colorado Springs/Manitou Springs) beats the hell out of anything I’ve drank anywhere in the US or abroad.

    Crystal Clear, No Additives just fresh snow-melt with great granite filtering gives you naturally cold water with NO after taste.

  2. John Cunningham

    Erik, sounds good. Then a close second would be Philadelphia Spring Water, not to be confused with city water. For years it’s been known for them not having to fiddle with it because of where it originates somewhere west of the city. It really is one of those why would you waste money on bottled water unless you were trying to impress someone.

  3. POD1

    Los Angeles water = Liberal Kool-aid

  4. DC

    Any large municipality can buy and install a whole-city Reverse osmosis purifier, which will deliver nearly pure H2O, so LA’s water is run thru an R.O.,…..BFD………it sure won’t take out the stench of living there.
    Besides, this is a bull-shit award anyway…..Who administers the awards council? Follow-the-money!

  5. KBar

    Does beer count as water?

  6. kurt(the infidel)

    sounds like a bunch of crap to me. so im guessing a judge went around to every city in America and taste tested the water? or every city and small town in the world? lol

    Although i could imagine Russias water probably tastes like shit. or water from Somalia. yuck!

  7. q_mech

    I’ll second KBar - I live in LA nowadays, and I still prefer my water with powdered beer in it. :beer:

  8. KBar

    Gives new meaning to the term “Water-Board”.

    Actually, I like the old meaning better.

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