McCain Proves Hussein Talks Out Of His Ass

February 27th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Great Barbecue in Tyler Texas, by the way…

TYLER, Texas (AP) - GOP presidential candidate John McCain mocked Democrat Barack Obama today for saying he’d take action as president “if al-Qaida is forming a base in Iraq.”

McCain told a crowd in Tyler, Texas “I have some news. Al-Qaida is in Iraq. It’s called ‘al-Qaida in Iraq.’” drawing laughter at Obama’s expense. He said Obama’s statement was “pretty remarkable,”

Obama quickly answered back while campaigning in Ohio. “I do know that al-Qaida is in Iraq and that’s why I have said we should continue to strike al-Qaida targets,” he told a rally at Ohio State University in Columbus. Obama said he intended to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq “so we actually start going after al-Qaida in Afghanistan and in the hills of Pakistan like we should have been doing in the first place.” ( Pat’s note: okay this asswipe is completely contradicting himself. He saying that if Al Qaeda is in Iraq we should send troops there to get rid of them. Then he says he knows that they are already there. But his long-stated policy is that we should remove all of our troops from Iraq immediately. Bottom line: just another old school lying politician passing himself off as a morally superior one. )

While he praised McCain as a war hero and saluted his service to the country, Obama said the Arizona Republican was “tied to the politics of the past. We are about policies of the future.”

Noting that McCain likes to tell audiences that he’d follow Osama bin Laden to the “gates of hell” to catch him, Obama taunted: “All he (McCain) has done is to follow George Bush into a misguided war in Iraq.”

McCain said he had not watched Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential debate but was told of Obama’s response when asked if as president he would reserve the right to send U.S. troops back into Iraq to quell an insurrection or civil war.

Obama did not say whether he’d send troops but responded: “As commander in chief, I will always reserve the right to make sure that we are looking out for American interests. And if al-Qaida is forming a base in Iraq, then we will have to act in a way that secures the American homeland and our interests abroad.”

While he praised McCain as a war hero and saluted his service to the country, Obama said the Arizona Republican was “tied to the politics of the past. We are about policies of the future.”

Throughout the primary season, McCain has repeatedly attacked Obama and Clinton for saying they would withdraw troops from Iraq.

“And my friends, if we left, they (al-Qaida) wouldn’t be establishing a base,” McCain said Wednesday. “They’d be taking a country, and I’m not going to allow that to happen, my friends. I will not surrender. I will not surrender to al-Qaida.”

He said that withdrawing troops would be “waving the white flag.”

For years, McCain has urged sending more troops into Iraq, even before President Bush adopted such a strategy about a year ago.

“I knew enough from talking to the men and women who are serving that this new strategy was what we needed, and I’m telling you, it is succeeding,” McCain said. “So what needs to happen, we need to continue this strategy. It should be General Petraeus’ recommendation, not that of a politician running for higher office, as to when and how we withdraw.”

He was referring to Gen. David Petraeus, the top American commander in Iraq.

As he began a swing through President Bush’s home state, which holds a presidential primary election on Tuesday, McCain made sure to play up a line he always uses: “I also think it might be nice for President Bush to get a little credit that there’s not been another attack on the United States of America,” he said to applause.

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23 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA

    This is what I like about McCain, he won’t take shit, and call it like he sees it. I’m not saying he’s flawless (he’s not), but I do trust him to not fuck this country way up the ass.

    Obama is fucking unbelievable.

  2. Lamplighter

    Based on the exchange Obama had with McCain today on Iraq, McCain will teach the guy some old tricks, and beat him like a drum. Obama will not win the Presidency by talking about woulda coulda shoulda. This isn’t an intellectual parlour game where we all get to say how smart we were 4 years ago. I wish these pols would be truthful and say what happened: the Iraq War was a continuation of US policy set in place by Clinton (look at his speeches on the subject) and probably, earlier, by Bush I.

  3. Paslode

    BHO is wearing the asshat today.

  4. Eric

    Lamp- Of course its fair game to talk about what happened 5 years ago when our politicians voted to authorize Bush to invade Iraq. Being President requires an enormous amount of good judgement. McCain had the wrong judgement and Obama had the right judgement 5 years ago as you can see how they voted on the war authorization. Those votes are relevant because it is in indicator of how they would act in the future as POTUS.

  5. kurt(the infidel)

    This guy opens his mouth and crap comes out. i was just sitting there last night watching the debate and correcting everything he was saying. it was all wrong

  6. drillanwr

    :arrow: ( Pat’s note: okay this asswipe is completely contradicting himself. He saying that if Al Qaeda is in Iraq we should send troops there to get rid of them. Then he says he knows that they are already there. But his long-stated policy is that we should remove all of our troops from Iraq immediately. Bottom line: just another old school lying politician passing himself as a morally superior one. )

    Exactly WHY I refuse to turn over control of our military to this man.

    There is NOT an ounce of CiC mentality or fortitude in Obama, least of all the ability to comprehend the basics of military tactics.

    If you think Clinton’s “cut and run-away-run-away” strategy in Somalia was beyond disastrous and horrific … Obama’s rudimentary perception and understanding of war/battle beyond “people die in war” is early grade school … at worst. The is NO ‘at best’.

    THIS man WILL cause more military (and civilian) deaths …

    And has anybody ever heard him say he would “consult” his Generals and Joint Chiefs?

    I’m “HOPING” that he “CHANGES” that.

  7. Firebad

    Lamp- Of course its fair game to talk about what happened 5 years ago when our politicians voted to authorize Bush to invade Iraq. Being President requires an enormous amount of good judgement. McCain had the wrong judgement and Obama had the right judgement 5 years ago as you can see how they voted on the war authorization. Those votes are relevant because it is in indicator of how they would act in the future as POTUS.

    OBAMA wasn’t even in office then, he has spent almost his entire time in the senate running for president! Has voted PRESENT more often then actually voting YES OR NO!

    I’d rather have someone who at least takes a stance on something.

  8. CJW

    All Barrack Hussein Obama wants to do is to get back to the failed misguided policies of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton where you try to reason with irrational leaders and, if you can’t, you make believe they aren’t there and that they’re not going to try and kill Americans. And oh by all means give away the house in the proces and you try to appease them so that they will be sure you are dealing from weakness and fear.

  9. alyssa

    Eric -

    Barack Obama did not vote not to invade Iraq. He didn’t vore either way on the issue He wasn’t a Senator at the time, so he gets no credit for not voting to invade Iraq. We will never know how he would have voted on the issue, as it was a challenge he never faced.

  10. Paslode

    :arrow: alyssa

    Eric -

    Barack Obama did not vote not to invade Iraq. He didn’t vore either way on the issue He wasn’t a Senator at the time, so he gets no credit for not voting to invade Iraq. We will never know how he would have voted on the issue, as it was a challenge he never faced.

    So would you say that B-HO is mis-representing himself and his stance on the Iraq War?

  11. Paslode


    Eric -

    Barack Obama did not vote not to invade Iraq. He didn’t vore either way on the issue He wasn’t a Senator at the time, so he gets no credit for not voting to invade Iraq. We will never know how he would have voted on the issue, as it was a challenge he never faced.

    So would you say that B-HO is mis-respresenting his stance on the Iraq War?

  12. mindy abraham

    this is why I am not an obama fan.

  13. NMMI 83

    The Magic Negro hasn’t a clue. :beer: :gun: :shock:

  14. Monkey3531

    @Paslode, I think you have the next call sign for hussein, B-HO is fantastic.

    Everything else aside from these two probable candidates, party affiliation, age, race, voting records, plans for “changes”, all of it, McCain has spent his adult life serving this country. This alone is enough to make him a better President than B-HO could ever even dream of being. B-HO has done what for the United States? Anybody got anything? That’s because the answer is nothing. B-HO has done zip, zero, zilch for the United States. I’m not a fan of political parties and their processes and crap, but if you want to be the leader of America and the free world, you had better pay some freakin dues and prove that you are worthy of the job.

  15. GF

    I smell BO.
    And now the NY Times is trying to take McCains citizenship away, gawd these guys are going to lose. Here’s a hint you pinkos a guy born to U.S. citizen’s on a U.S. naval base is a natural born U.S. citizen, EOS. :gun: :shock:

  16. ron

    Eric I have some new for you. Obama wasn’t a US Senator five years ago so he NEVER got a chance to vote. So we really don’t know if he would have or if he is just running those big purple lips of his. dy-NO-mite!!!!

  17. ron

    :gun: :gun: NYT is just showing their ignorance. the canal zone was US terrority. Thus he was born in the US. These pinkos commies pukes will try anything!

  18. Terry Gain


    Whether B.O. was right 5 years ago is less important than whether he is right today. And he is spectacularly wrong when he wants to withdraw U.S. troops and allow AQI to get up off the mat.

    You have also not taken into consideration that if Saddam Hussein had not been removed he would now be well on his way to developing buclear weapons. Read McGrory and Bhattia’s Saddam’s Bomb. It will give you some insight as to why the decision to remove Hussein was the right one.

  19. drillanwr

    :arrow: GF -

    And now the NY Times is trying to take McCains citizenship away, gawd these guys are going to lose. Here’s a hint you pinkos a guy born to U.S. citizen’s on a U.S. naval base is a natural born U.S. citizen, EOS.

    Gives new meaning to the term “anchor baby”, huh? :lol:

    Let’s see, McCain’s citizenship is in question (despite the obvious facts GF stated)? … BUT illegal aliens flooding across our sovereign border and dropping babies as fast as they can squat … well, THEY’RE indisputable citizens?

    One of the best things to come out of this election cycle is the NYTimes has finally been shown for the idiot rag that it is.

  20. Texas Mom

    drill - Excellent point . . . AND remember how McCain does not want to discuss anchor babies at his townhall meetings . . .

  21. deathstar

    If that fucking chimp obama had been president Iraq would have never been liberated and Saddam would still be working on his WMD. It makes me wonder where the uneducated little shittard was on 9/11.

  22. dwallu

    how do we get McCain to start wearing the flag pin?

    Can McCain stop saying “my friends” every third sentence? Old, old expression.

    Bashing the Swift Boaters cost him a huge numbers of conservative votes. How is it he does not know his base?? The Swift Boaters are patriots that saved our bacon with the truth.

  23. shortfuse

    Keep on talking and saying nothing, and he will find himself saying nothing as a city councilman in Illinois.

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