McCain Says Call Him Obama Not Hussein

February 26th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


How about, No, John? And let’s see how you feel when they start throwing these tactics at you.

CINCINNATI - Republican John McCain quickly denounced the comments of a radio talk show host who while warming up a campaign crowd referred repeatedly to Barack Hussein Obama and called the Democrat a “hack, Chicago-style” politician.

Hussein is Obama’s middle name, but talk show host Bill Cunningham used it three times as he addressed the crowd before the likely Republican nominee’s appearance.

“Now we have a hack, Chicago-style Daley politician who is picturing himself as change. When he gets done with you, all you’re going to have in your pocket is change,” Cunningham said as the audience roared.

The time will come, Cunningham added, when the media will “peel the bark off Barack Hussein Obama” and tell the truth about his relationship with indicted fundraiser Antoin “Tony” Rezko and how Obama got “sweetheart deals” in Chicago.

McCain wasn’t on stage nor in the building when Cunningham made the comments, but he quickly distanced himself from them and the talk show host after finishing his speech. McCain spoke to a couple hundred people at Memorial Hall in downtown Cincinnati.

“I apologize for it,” McCain told reporters, addressing the issue before they had a chance to ask the Arizona senator about Cunningham’s comments. “I did not know about these remarks but I take responsibility for them. I repudiate them.”


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15 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Come on, Mac … You got bigger fish to fry, so get with it.

    Besides, Ronald Wilson Reagan was considered the antiChrist because the letters in his three names came out to 666 …

    Just like the septic tank … Comes with the territory.

  2. dwallu

    what a wimp - missed a chance to start the attack,, subtly

    will have to take it to the unifier eventually, hil is not getting it done

  3. CJW

    That from John Manuel McCain?

    He must be part Mexican or he would try a whole lot harder to do something about our trespassing neighbors to the south.

  4. hegelbot

    “hack, Chicago-style politician” john your making me home sick, if only i could vote early and vote often for you…lol

  5. Mark Tanberg

    I just caught Bill Cunningham on the nightly news and he was awesome, BASH THAT WOULD MAKE A GREAT VID if you can get it.

    McCain denounced him for doing it and he then denounced back.

  6. Texas Mom

    And McCain expects us to all come around and kiss his ass in November . . .

    Juan is acting all like he is taking the high road with his “friends” the democract . . . well, I am not going to forget the shit and lies he pulled on Mitt. Yep, voting for Juan McCain will take several shots of Tequilla for me and then I will have to eat the damn worm.

  7. Zeke Eagle

    The maverick is a pussy. I’m beginning to fret that McStain is in the tank for the D’rats.

    Remember that stuff about the Clinton’s CIA moles having the evidence of McCain’s capitulation to the commies in VietNam, courtesy KGB files?

    If he fights the D’rats they’ll turn him out. Why worry John, you’re already a whore?

  8. Zeke Eagle

    The maverick is a pussy. Screamin’ and cussin’ Republicans and kissing D’rat’s asses. It’s a joke. Why aren’t we laughing?

  9. John Cunningham

    We have the same last name, wish I could say we’re related. How’s this, related in spirit.

  10. RememberOurFathers

    By the way Zeke, how did McCain capitulate to the communists during his 5 1/2 year stay in Hanoi?

  11. mike3481


    The Soviet GRU ran the Hanoi Hilton and every other POW camp for the NVA.

    The claim or rumor is that all of Mac’s injuries happened during the 26, October, 1967 shoot-down and bail-out from his F-4 Skyhawk.

    Again rumor… upon recovery from his injuries, in July 1968, he accepted special treatment from the Soviet GRU because he was the son of a USN Admiral who was the newly appointed Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command (CINCPAC).

    AGAIN,it’s a rumor… special treatment included a private apartment in Hanoi, which some former U.S. POW’s, claim explains his absences from the Hanoi Hilton. (They say he was gone for weeks at a time)

    It’s all rumor until authentic GRU documents are produced…even if that happened do we really know, for shit sakes they’re Commies!

    Don’t hold your breath, I’m not, but ya’ never know.

    God help us, please!

  12. hegelbot


  13. Ron

    I for one agree with McCain. We can not resort to the liberal tactic of name calling. McCain needs to stay to the high road. Look at how bad hellary is now doing since she started calling Obama names. labeling him as the black candidate didn’t work for her and John needs to stay on the high road. Now we can call him all the names we want, but lets not get him involved because it make him look bad to the democraps and Independents he will n eed to win in November.

    By the way Zeke Its Viet Nam NOT VietNam. Two words My Friend.

    I highly doubt McCain was living the high life North Viet Nam and mike3481 your wrong buddy!!! Please get some facts not hearsay. Maybe he was in the box???

  14. RememberOurFathers

    If you doubt McCain, ask Bud Day.

  15. Brian H

    Ron, you’re right. But note that “you’re” is two words (you are), abbreviated with an apostrophe, not one (your). :roll: :lol:

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