McCain Surges, Huck Surprises, Mitt Struggles

February 6th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Seems like only yesterday


John McCain came out of Super Tuesday with what he needed most, a big batch of delegates. He now has more than twice as many as his nearest rival, enough to bolster a widespread perception that there is no halting his steady-if-staggering path to the Republican nomination.

Mike Huckabee came out of Super Tuesday with a shot in the arm. His surprising string of Southern victories is hardly adequate to make him president but is more than enough to justify his staying in the race in a Happy Warrior role.

Mitt Romney came out of Super Tuesday with a serious problem. Huckabee’s success means he will not get the one-on-one race against McCain he has been hoping for. And his own failures—he has yet to win a primary except in three states where he has deep personal roots—mean his campaign increasingly exudes an air of implausibility, even desperation.

The best scenarios for McCain had him effectively locking up the nomination Tuesday. He came close, with wins in nine states, including the two biggest, New York and California.

But it was hard to call the night an unalloyed triumph. Not with twelve states voting for someone other than the front-runner, and a string of Southern and border states—Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, and West Virginia—all blessing Huckabee, and highlighting McCain’s weakness with base voters in places that are key to any Republican general election strategy.

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22 Responses

  1. CJW

    Since it seems to be going the way of the shamnesty senator who refuses to enforce the “rule of law” when it comes to those violating our sovereignty, I will be writing in Fred Thompson in November.

  2. Texas Mom

    CJW - I will be writing in also . . . Fred Thompson sounds like a good choice.

  3. John Cunningham

    22 Apr, Pennsylvania, one vote here for Romney.

  4. Texas Mom

    Found this on Ann Coulter’s website:

    A Reason to Vote Hillary
    Think of what she won’t get done!
    By Mickey Kaus
    Updated Monday, Feb. 4, 2008, at 5:48 AM ET
    American Apparel, giant L.A.-based maker of mostly crappy t-shirts, has apparently sent an email to its employees urging them to vote for McCain or Obama because Hillary has shown an insufficient “committment” to immigrant legalization …

  5. Texas Mom

    John Cunningham - You are right - I was thinking too far ahead. I will vote for Mitt Romney on 04 Mar, Texas . . . Time to go to sleep - if I can - I am so darn frustrated this evening.

  6. azbastard

    dont throw away your vote in the general be honest, I didnt know who to vote for yesterday, so I didnt vote..but I will vote for the republican candidate in the general election no matter who it is

  7. Jeff

    Looks like it is official, McShamster won in CA which means tomorrow I will make good on my threat to leave the Republican party.

    Barring the miracle that Romney might still pull it off, (and I NEVER thought I’d say this) I am going to take a hard look at voting for Billary.

    I don’t see Billary bailing out on the war, there is too much at stake and I don’t hear her talking about granting amnesty to everyone who can hoof it across our border. She’ll nominate the same judges McCain will and maybe she won’t go after our First and Second Amendment rights.

    Being a war hero isn’t enough. My uncle is a war hero. He earned the Bronze Star in Korea. Is he fit to be President? Hardly. He is in a mental institution. Two friends of mine were SEAL’s, one was a Green Beret and another was in Marine Recon. I hate to say this (saying it quietly) but they aren’t qualified to be President either.

    Our President should ALWAYS place the interests of his/her own citizens ahead of all else. Bush did it when he stood in New York shortly after 9-11 and said “I can hear you, the world hears you and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear ALL of us soon!” Whether or not you agree with his actions following that statement, he did what he said he was going to do. He took a tremendous amount of flak from all sides to protect U.S. citizens from further asshole murderers.

    For whatever reason, Bush has not taken action to protect our borders nearly as forcefully. That’s part of history, he’s on his way out. Now we have a chance to get this shit right but every time McCain hears someone bring the border up, he scowls like he has sand in his crotch. WTF is the problem?

    This sucks! I’m going to spend some long nights mulling this one over. Billary might get my vote but it’ll be a cold day in hell before McCain does.

  8. John H

    If that’s how shallow your committment is to conservative values, all I can say is don’t let the door hit you on the way out! Sounds like Ron Paul sour grapes to me.

    McCain is NOT my choice, for the GOP nominee, but you better believe I’ll vote for a veteran, over Mr and Mrs Socialism. In any other era Obama and Hillary would have been too Liberal to be a Democrat, a decade ago only a green party member would spout their nonsense, two or three decades ago they likely would have been considered communist. But because you don’t like McCain for offering a bad answer to illegal immigration, your going to allow the forces of complete socialism to take over this country?….(which I would argue was still a better answer to the current situation of do absolutely NOTHING but bitch about it. As much as I dislike the McCain plan on immigration, it would be an improvement over the current situation, and I have yet to see anyone offer up a tougher plan for a vote.)

    Here’s the important thing folks. The government is about broke, Social Security, and Medicare can no longer sustain itself with the Boomers now retiring. The psychos in the DNC think that means we should add Public Healthcare which would be more expensive the SS and Medicaire combined…..after all why go broke in 10 years when we can go broke in 3? When that happenes they will NOT stop Social Security, Medicare or Public Healthcare (if Hillary or Obama get it in)they instead will use the new Washington buzzward, and “Moneterize the Public Debt”. I.E. start printing money to pay the bills……there will be no other choice, as no tax increase will cover the bill, and politicians are not about to touch the benefits of the largest voting block in the nation.

    So what does that mean? Look up Hyperinflation, and 1920’s Germany. Basically the dollar might end up as little as a dime….and it might get there in just a few years, making your nest eggs worth diddly squat and ruin anyone on a fixed income.

    Is McCain my top choice? Hell no. But as God is my witness I would vote for Brittney Spears for president over Obama or Hillary both who have all but told us their plan is to take this country put it in gear, and head for the nearest financial cliff…….

    In any case I didn’t vote for McCain yesterday, I voted for Huckabee/Norris 2008!

  9. Jeff

    :arrow: John H

    “If that’s how shallow your committment is to conservative values, all I can say is don’t let the door hit you on the way out!”

    It won’t. It isn’t my commitment to conservatism that is in question here. Where are you seeing any conservatism in either Clinton or McCain? That Republican name tag McCain wears doesn’t mean squat. There is no one to commit to. They are nearly mirror images of each other.

    I don’t want to send a message to the Democrats that McCain is the best we have to offer. The Dems keep pulling at us, trying to drag the country toward a Berkeley-like state of anarchy. Every time McCain ‘crosses the isle’ to appease them, he encourages them to take it a step further. This isn’t about the next 4 years, it’s about the next 40 years.

  10. tedders

    John H, you’re absolutely right.

  11. tedders

    But as God is my witness I would vote for Brittney Spears for president over Obama or Hillary both who have all but told us their plan is to take this country put it in gear, and head for the nearest financial cliff…….

    To true! What a sad state of affairs.

  12. Texas Mom

    I am with Jeff . . .

    Side Note:

    RUSH: This is pure anecdotal, but I’m getting lots of e-mails over the course of weeks, lots of e-mails from people saying that. I don’t know how much faith to put in that, how much stock to put in the fact that people won’t vote. I’ll just tell you, there’s far more apathy or anger out there than the Republican establishment knows. Look it, one question I asked myself, if, if, if, if down the road you think that the election of Obama, Hillary, or McCain is going to result in very bad things happening to the country, who would you rather get the blame for it?

  13. jgee

    I think that the “real conservatives” don’t run the show guys… I think McCain’s momentum illustrates that… who is voting for him? people that are tired of the “dey took our jobbbbssss” (great southpark episode) rhetoric towards illegals… all of this crap of “I’m not voting for the republican nominee” is ridiculous… everyone on this site is all about “let the troops get the job done” and “it will be a catastrophe to pull the troops now”… but look, if you don’t vote the R nominee, you are basically voting to pull the troops out… you are all willing to do this just to throw a tantrum that your ultra conservative ideas are not at the forefront?… suck it up… take your shot to the pills like the rest of us have to…

  14. POD1

    1) When McCain grants amnesty and full US citizenship to every human on the planet
    you’ll say, “Oh shit, I voted for that liberal”.

    2) When Hillary garnishes your paycheck to pay for socialized health care
    you’ll say, “Oh shit, I voted for that liberal”.

    3) When Barrak pulls US forces out of Iraq and the wholesale AQ slaughter begins
    you’ll say, “Oh shit, I voted for that liberal”.

    If one of these three George Soros influenced scenarios is the inevitable future,
    at least have a clear conscience when it goes down.


  15. Wendy

    I guess I am a conservative first after all. I will never vote for McCain. I will write in a name, but I see nothing but disaster when I see either Billery, Obama(Osama), or McCain in office. I would rather have the collapse of the USA and 2nd Civil War laid at the feet of someone with the letter D behind their name rather than someone playing R behind their name with D values!!!!! We should have a campaign for write in; I refuse to believe there are that many idiots out there.

  16. Lamplighter

    With all due respect, even if the dead body from Weekend at Bernie’s was put up, it would be better to vote for it with the chance that it would appoint better judges to the Supreme Court than Billary. You know for sure Billary will appoint far left liberals, who will basically change life as we know it in the US for you and your kids and your grandkids. Look at what happened in the 60’s and 70’s with the decisions made by the Supreme Court. 30 years later, we have chipped away at some of the excesses, but there is still alot more work to be done. You could trust McCain to possibly appoint better judges than Billary. On that basis alone, it is extremely ignorant to “write in” anyone or “stay home.” If you do, it’s because you don’t understand how this country works, and/or you really don’t care about what happens to the country. :shock:

  17. POD1


    With all due respect,
    how naive are you that you think McCain will nominate originalist judges?
    McCain said Sam Alito is too conservative.

    Clinton = McCain = Obama.
    In all the ways that matter they are all the same liberal, just three different bodys.

  18. Lamplighter

    @POD1: the chance of McCain appointing conservative judges is better than Billary. McCain has always been pro-life. Billary is gung ho on partial birth abortion. McCain would have a greater tendancy to appoint someone he thought would uphold that value alone, than Billary. On that basis alone, it is worth voting for him. Billary will have an overwhelmingly Dem Congress. I don’t know if you realise it, but I think it is expected the GOP to lose at least 28 more House seats. I like the way all you anti-McCain people trust BILLARY more than a man who spent 5 years as a POW for this country and could have gone home early because of who his daddy was, and didn’t. Embrace the horror: McCain may not be the nominee of conservatives, but if he is the GOP nominee, Repubs have a duty to support its candidate, if only because of the Supreme Court.

  19. Lamplighter

    Look: McCain wasn’t my candidate. But, I like the way alot of the Dollard Nation throws McCain under the bus when he was the ONLY guy in DC who consistently called the Iraq War right: we need more troops, early on. And he put his neck on the line when almost NO ONE else was supporting the “Surge”.

  20. POD1


    You are missing the point.
    No matter what he “says”, McCain is a liberal.
    Liberalism is just as big a threat to western civilization as jihadism.
    I and most conservatives won’t vote for a liberal. Period.

    I will vote for Romney.
    He’s not a traitor. McCain is.
    Romney has no George Soros ties. McCain does.

    Why has the thought of Romney as POTUS never entered your mind?

  21. Joe

    I would like to know how many people here actually know McCain’s stance on immigration or can tell me the provisions of his bill that failed to pass. If you think that it was to grant all illegals a free pass to be a citizen; You. Are. Wrong. and should stop talking about it.

    Whoever said Hillary=McCain=Obama, you are just letting the immigration debate get to you. What about their stances on the Iraq war? Completely different. But hey, if you all want a communist as a president over a moderate/conservative then go ahead, vote for Hillary. Or even worse, waste a vote on a write-in name.

    What kills me here is that all of you bashing McCain for some of his more liberal values seem to want more division in government. You want the president to be constantly fighting with Congress? You want more debates that will divide Republicans and Democrats even more? You can believe that all democrats are whack-jobs if you want and republicans all know what’s right for the country but that’s not how it works.

  22. franchie

    uh, to dip the shit :

    “Mitt Romney offers a valuable lesson for ambitious without backbone who try their luck regularly Republican side, believing that their personal fortune, and as a pure political composition, will excite the electorate. Mitt has spent the last two Super account tuesday, more than a million dollars a Republican delegate. “A rather expensive hobby” concluded commentator Chris Matthews on NBC. Romney, who had done his experience in the business the key to its credibility in the economic, fell on a bone. “When we talk about economics, McCain said about his rival, it is better to look like a co-worker that guy who comes to turn.”

    this McCain seems to have a good sense of humor :lol:

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