Muhammed Jolie-Pitt

February 8th, 2008 Posted By Iggy.


Since when did this “brain-child” become the spokesperson for world peace? I know Pat briefly mentioned her going to Iraq, but just take a look at these quotes; do people really look to her for hope and peace? Just look how good it went in Africa!

Or maybe she is using this opportunity to steal another baby…

You would think that she might help out one of her own and adopt an American baby. Guess not.

Film Star Angelina Jolie Visits Baghdad

By Associated Press

BAGHDAD — Note to world leaders: Next time you need instant access to foreign dignitaries and top military brass, forget the usual protocols. Just send Angelina Jolie.

Hollywood’s globe-trotting leading lady swooped into Baghdad on Thursday to highlight the plight of Iraqi refugees, gaining an audience with Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the American Embassy said.

On her mission as a U.N. goodwill ambassador, Jolie also met with Iraqi migration officials to stress that there needs to be a coherent plan for the more than 2 million internally displaced Iraqis who are beginning to trickle back to their homes amid a recent lull in violence.

“There’s lots of goodwill and lots of discussion, but there seems to be just a lot of talk at the moment,” Jolie said in excerpts of an interview aired on CNN.

Jolie mingled with American troops during lunch at a dining facility in the heavily guarded Green Zone, which houses the embassy and Iraqi government offices. She grabbed a red plastic tray at the mess hall, collected her lunch and sat at a long banquet table to eat as flashbulbs from soldiers’ digital cameras lit up the wall behind her.

During the CNN interview, Jolie said the fate of Iraq will have an impact on the Middle East for years to come.

“And a big part of what it’s going to affect,” she said, “is how these people are returned and settled into their homes and their community and brought back together and whether they can live together and what their communities look like.”

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14 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Iggy -

    I heard a couple Madonna quotes re: the UN this morning (maybe on Beck’s radio show … maybe not. Might have been on my local/regional guy’s show out of Pittsburgh … but he’s on XM so his a.m. show is country wide) …

    Anyhow, the fact that she, Madonna, has seen fit over the years to take on this nose-in-the-friggin’-air fake Brit voice is bad enough, but when she shits all over America with [that] voice inside the fucking UN …. GAWD! How I loath these people!

  2. Goodbye Natalie

    My favorite quote of all time concerning the anti-war protestor:

    When you men get home and face an anti-war protestor, look him in the eyes and shake his hand. Then, wink at his girlfriend because she knows she’s dating a pussy…

    ~ Attributed to General Tommy Franks

  3. cclezel

    Give me a break! :razz:

    On a different note you guys need to check out this video called Black Iraq Humor, it’s hilarious!

  4. Irish Gal

    and the rocket scientist speaks….

  5. drillanwr

    :arrow: Goodbye Natalie

    Oh! THAT IS priceless! :lol: :lol:

  6. JJIrons

    It’s a well known fact that if you don’t eat enough that it affects brain function in an adverse fashion. Match her already screwed up noggin to major calorie deficit and voila! Sparks, fritzes and liberal crap comes pouring out at 2-3 X the speed of her normal convoluted “thought?” process. If she cares so much I hope she is planning on opening an orphanage in Iraq with her own money. Bradley will be happy to be let by the nipple to change diapers on her command.

  7. John Cunningham

    cclezel. “don’t run with scissors and drink milk”. Gotta’ love it.

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    Wow cant believe that picture. I wouldnt even nail her looking like that.

    oh and in case you were wondering, thats all i had to say on this subject

  9. Steven D

    “…but just take a look at these quotes; do people really look to her for hope and peace?”

    And you wonder why so many people vote Democrat? Or for McCain or Huckabee?

    Anyone surprised that it is in the best interest of Liberals to keep people poor and uneducated?

  10. POD1

    @Goodbye Natalie,

    You’ve just made my whole day. :lol:

    Thank You.

  11. hegelbot

    :sad: she was so hot about 20 lbs ago, eat eat put a little meat on those bones.

  12. GW

    I was just discussing this with a friend. Since when is Angelina Jolie a spokesperson for the world? It wasn’t too long ago she was making out with her brother in public and wearing a vial of Billy Bob’s blood around her neck.

    I’m sure she boosted the troops’ morale, which is great. I’ve also heard she donates half her salary to charity, which goes way beyond any other celebrity. But trying to lecture Petreaus and Maliki on the refugee problem just doesn’t make sense.

  13. drillanwr

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t these “refugees” Baathist(s) sympathizers?

  14. mindy abraham

    :lol: @cclezel video-have seen it before, always makes me laugh. Regarding angelina, she has the right to her opinions, but I don’t think she knows anymore than I do.

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