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Berkeley Protester to Marines: Live Like Pigs Die Like Pigs
February 29th, 2008 at 9:07 pmdeathstar
Did you see the bottom of the sign?
What do you expect from …
The fact is, we make fun of all these “peace/antiwar” groups as just plain idiots … In reality most, if not all, are neo-communists who don’t give a flying fuck about the troops (obviously) … but more honestly, do not even care if the war is fought or we leave. Their ONLY purpose and goal in their miserable little meaningless lives is to complain … about anything and everything, and in doing such, make others miserable. They pretend to care about what they are “protesting” about … but they don’t.
The turn of the century Bolsheviks in Russia would have laughed at these fools … viewing them as weak, committed to nothing, useless to “the cause”, and a needless drain on “the state” … before finally slaughtering them.
Pretty much what the Islamists would/will do …
February 29th, 2008 at 9:23 pmIf I came face to face with that I would honestly beat his face in, old senile shit or not I dont care, jail time, I dont care, felony I dont care.
February 29th, 2008 at 9:27 pmUmmm, did anyone else notice the pint-sized, shriveled up little hermaphrodite on the right side of the top pic?
WTF? Were they casting for the Wizard of Oz Part 2: Rise of the Gender-Confused Midgets??
February 29th, 2008 at 9:46 pmTJ’s Anti-contrarian Blog
A result of global warming???
February 29th, 2008 at 9:48 pm[[Ummm, did anyone else notice the pint-sized, shriveled up little hermaphrodite on the right side of the top pic?]]
Its shirt says “fuck bush”. I suspect it desperatly needs to fuck something, anything, but nothing will have it. Yuck. Are there any normal people in the anti war movement?
February 29th, 2008 at 9:52 pmI was there, in the belly of the beast, with my “I’m Proud of my County, Proud of my Military” sign. Some pretty tense moments throughout the ordeal.
February 29th, 2008 at 10:12 pmI am relieved to finally see a group,the College Republicans, finally call it like it is. The World Can’t Wait provided massive amounts of T-shirts and orange bandanas to all the high school kids (that teachers brought to the demonstration during school hours!). The group was founded by C. Clark Kissinger in 2005, a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party, a Maoist flavor. Code Pink of course, co-founded by Medea Johnson, endorses World Can’t Wait. I’m with you Drillanw- we marginalize these groups when we call them idiots, wackos, stinky hippies, etc. The leaders of these groups have a very specific agenda, weaken America from within. How to get the most bang out of their commie buck? Attack America’s military. (look up the website) and they use the “useful idiots” that are shown in the video to advance that agenda. I just recently read that “useful idiots” was coined by Lenin himself.
Part of me thinks that the terrorists can do quite well without the help of geriatric mutants like these.
February 29th, 2008 at 10:21 pmThese weird shits just inspired me to send money to the McCain campaign. Nice work you leftist scum.
February 29th, 2008 at 10:25 pmI would absolutely love to see a large group of marines charge this crowd and thump on each and every one. Bring it to middle America and see what happens, better have good security.
March 1st, 2008 at 12:09 amFirst, I am so sorry to the Marines who have to deal with this-wish I could help. Second, people like this make me ashamed I once called myself a liberal-at that protest I would have sided with the republicans. Third, these people prove darwin was wrong-they ar devolving, not evolving.
March 1st, 2008 at 3:50 amFolks, this is the same shit these hippie-retreads and wanna-bees pulled during the VN war. Same tactics, same commie rhetoric.
You ain’t going to beat these fucktards with counter-rhetoric. You beat them using the same tactics they use.
You kick their asses. Start with that Code Pinko bitch and her dyke buddy…work your way from there.
Should I go so far and use Marxist rhetoric and call for a counter-revolution against these neocomms? OK…I will.
BTW, to the dude that was holding up the sign “Forced Sterilization For Christian Fundamentalists” ? Big talk for a college puke.I wonder what he’d do if some crazy fuck like me dared him to try? Tee-hee…
March 1st, 2008 at 3:53 amIt is very easy to protest in a country thats protect your freedom of speech. BUT let see how long this kind of protest would last in Iran, Somalia, Pakistan, Parts of the Gaza strip, and China. You see it is very easy to protest in a democracy country then it is in are REAL POLICE/TYRANNY COUNTRY. For those country would kill or in prison you. Then they would truly know what it is like to live in TYRANNY.
March 1st, 2008 at 7:02 amThose who have the guns makes the peace….
hey TJ, i noticed that oscar meiner on the right too, about two weeks ago, bash posted another pic of her wearing the same shirt, i guess she’s waiting for someone else to wash her clothes!!!
March 1st, 2008 at 7:52 amThe funny part is, she wasn’t even part of the protest…This pint-sized dike walks around all the time cruisin’ for a date.
That shirt just advertises her desire.
March 1st, 2008 at 9:19 am“Shame on you!” At least they’ve finally monikered their school….Che-mon U. What a pathetic bunch. Great footage as always Zombie. I don’t know how you keep your composure on some of your expeditions.
March 1st, 2008 at 9:34 amCheck out Medea’s (real name, Susan Benjamin) tuff-guy girl friend with the F___ Bush T-Shirt.
March 1st, 2008 at 11:07 amScarey isn’t it? Ain’t she pereeety?
Congratulations. You’ve succeeded in making it clear that you are the enemies of everything I care about. I see you only as traitors actively working to destroy this nation. You seem eager to start a civil war. Strange, considering which side has the most guns, training, and will to use them.
March 1st, 2008 at 1:22 pmrightangle “Che’ mon U”
LOL! Good call! Hehe… Laughter and Respect for the law are the only things I poses that keeps me from driving to Sacramento, Breaking off a couple hundred Willow switches and heading to Berkeley to distribute them to the Marine supporters…
When I was growing up and we acted even remotely like these spoiled hippie brats, we had to break off our own willow switches!
March 2nd, 2008 at 12:51 amHey JonnyMordant, You just reminded me of one of my neighbors kids when I was growing up. They had to do the same thing when they were being disobedient. Laughter and respect for the law definately aid sanity. I am torn between ridicule and sorrow/shame for these “revolutionaries.” I think too many deceptive educrats have robbed them of the true blessed history of our nation.
March 2nd, 2008 at 3:07 pmrightangle “these “revolutionaries.” I think too many deceptive educrats have robbed them of the true blessed history of our nation.”
Exactly… It’s what I like to call the “Ward Churchill effect”, With every University Professor that becomes acclaimed for his own personal revision of History, we see another piece of academics ripped from the pages of history books that used to contain the hard work and investigative skills of actual Historians… In the 60’s these professors were merely experimenting with the concept of a Marxist revisionism, but by the 80’s they were practicing it in Colleges, the 90’s in High schools and Now in Grade schools…
The Ward Churchill effect basically states that by garnering respected positions in Academia (Regardless of any valid qualifications), those professors concepts will trickle down into the lower levels of education where kids are at an impressionable age and often are testing the boundaries of authority (which IMHO is normal behavior), but these sleaze ball professors are taking advantage of this behavioral stage for their own gain and to continue their own unresolved vendettas.
Professors like Ward Churchill have been granted huge amounts of power, yet they are individuals that have never become rational and respectful adults, which is necessary to wield such power. They have become Predatory Chicken Hawks…
March 3rd, 2008 at 12:33 amJonnyMordant “Ward Churchill effect” - Sums it up beautifully. Get in an argument with any one of them esp. an educator, once they are cornered ask them to name one good thing America has done in all it’s history. They can’t name one because odds are they were never taught any. Go back as far as Columbus for that matter, same thing.
March 3rd, 2008 at 7:38 amThe aforementioned little person in the obscene t-shirt is one of the people my Berkeley High, pro-marine kid has any respect for. She has also stopped me to tell me that she likes him respects the intelligence and passion of his beliefs, even though she doesn’t agree with him on most issues.
I mention this because so many people expect her to act like a troll — when in fact other pinkos are troll-like while appearing “normal”. And then there’s Zanne Joi, who neither acts nor looks normal, and has a lot of trouble following conversations that stray from the soundbites she’s been taught. She seems nice enough, considering.
Just another reminder that people aren’t always what you expect from looking at them.
March 17th, 2008 at 10:54 am