Obama Suddenly Talks God And Guns

February 2nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


BOISE, Idaho - Democratic Sen. Barack Obama assured Western voters Saturday he believes in Jesus as well as the rights of gun owners.

The presidential candidate warned people about hoax e-mails they may get saying he’s secretly a Muslim who might want to destroy the United States.

“I’ve been going to the same church for 20 years, praising Jesus,” the Illinois senator told more than 10,000 people packed into Boise State’s basketball arena. He is a member of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

Obama’s crowd and his mention of God was notable in Idaho, one of the smaller prizes among the 22 states holding Democratic presidential campaign contests on Super Tuesday. Idaho’s caucuses offer 18 Democratic delegates to the national convention.

Obama urged those at the rally not to believe everything they hear about him.

“We’ve heard the usual sort of smear campaigns. I don’t know if they’ve trickled up to Iowa,” Obama said to laughter from the crowed, then quickly corrected himself. “Idaho. I know they were in Iowa.

“They send out these e-mails saying, `You know Obama, he’s a Muslim and he doesn’t pledge allegiance to the flag,’” he said. “Don’t try to just insult not just me but people of the Islamic faith by playing on people’s fears. I know who I am.

“And then there are people who say, `Well, he doesn’t believe in the Second Amendment,’ even though I come from a state—we’ve got a lot of hunters in downstate Illinois. And I have no intention of taking away folks’ guns.”

Obama didn’t mention that he does support gun control and has a record of voting for it in the Illinois Senate. He backed limiting handgun purchases to one a month, but he made no attempts to ban them. Today, he stands by his support for controls while trying to reassure hunters that he has no interest in interfering with their access to firearms.

A spokesman for Obama rival Hillary Rodham Clinton pointed out that 12 years ago when he was running for the state Legislature, Obama said in a questionnaire that he “supported banning the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.”

“Which one of Senator Obama’s positions do you think the Republican nominee will tout in the fall?” said Clinton spokesman Phil Singer.

The Republican National Committee wasn’t waiting until then. Party spokesman Alex Conant quickly put out a statement calling Obama’s statement “misleading” in light of his 1996 statement.


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4 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah Obama believes in Jesus and supports gun rights. This guy is a liar. he turns into someone else depending on who he is talking to. I heard him talking earlier and he said Republicans were whispering to him that they would vote for him. this is how things work, they try to make you believe everyone is doing it in hopes that you will follow the Made up “crowd”

  2. DC

    I’m in Idaho, and I can guarantee you, he is only saying these things so he doesn’t get lynched while he’s here.

    Then, again….Boise is full of liberals and fags, so……

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Oh this is fun.

    Osama: “They send out these e-mails saying, `You know Obama, he’s a Muslim and he doesn’t pledge allegiance to the flag,’” he said. “Don’t try to just insult not just me but people of the Islamic faith by playing on people’s fears. I know who I am.”

    Me Islamic faith? WTF is that? Those two words are exact opposites of one another magic boy.

    The flag? Oh you mean the one you won’t wear on your lapel? Or are talking about p-flag…your constituents?

    Osama: “And then there are people who say, `Well, he doesn’t believe in the Second Amendment,’ even though I come from a state—we’ve got a lot of hunters in downstate Illinois. And I have no intention of taking away folks’ guns.”

    ME: You come from the ME dickboy. That’s the first thing all dictators do… Representing a gun-owner state doesn’t make you a gun owner or supporter. Stop lying magic boy.
    You suck at it.

  4. evdw

    first generation kenyan from sandland what is he doing even running?

    check out the church and their published agenda plus check out the published agenda of the new black panthers, that osama accepted an endorsement from.

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