Obama Takes Delegate Lead

February 11th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


(AP/CBS) Illinois senator Barack Obama finished a series of weekend primary and caucus contests undefeated as he bested Hillary Clinton in Maine today, according to CBS News estimates.

Obama’s victory in the Maine caucuses follow on the heels of his Saturday sweep in which he won Louisiana’s primary contest as well as caucuses in the states of Washington and Nebraska.

His winning margins ranged from substantial to crushing. In Maine, he led 59 percent to 40 percent with 99 percent of the precints reporting. In Louisiana, Obama defeated Clinton, 57 percent to 36 percent. He won in Nebraska by a 68 percent to 32 percent margin and in Washington 68 percent to 31 percent.

Obama’s victory in Maine — and the ease with which it came — actually exceeded expectations, even though he swept the caucuses held on Super Tuesday. Clinton had the backing of the state’s governor, John Baldacci, and its proximity to New Hamsphire and Massachusetts, both of which Clinton has already won this year, led some analysts to expect a close race.

Even Obama’s own campaign said they didn’t expect to win Maine, according to a document the campaign said was accidentally leaked earlier in the week.

In the delegate chase, Obama has pulled ahead of Clinton, even when the support of uncommitted super delegates is figured in. According to CBS News estimates, Obama holds a razor-thin lead with 1,134 delegates overall to 1,131 for Clinton.

The results in Maine came in the wake of a shake-up on the Clinton campaign. Sunday afternoon, Clinton campaign manager Patti Patti Solis announced she was stepping down from that post. She will be replaced by senior advisor and longtime Clinton confidant Maggie Williams.

Campaign spokesman Mo Elleithee said Solis Doyle was “not asked to step down,” reports CBS News’ Fernando Suarez. Elleithee said the change in leadership was not due to this weekend’s losses.

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6 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    HAH HAH!

    A truly empty briefcase is more popular than the hildabeast.

  2. Jeff

    Hilda will pull out the stops now. I cannot wait to see what she and Slick have planned over the next couple of weeks.

  3. POD1

    One step closer to getting the Dhimmi National Commitee’s nod.

    One step closer to this:

  4. POD1

    I just saw this on Drudge:


    This sounds all too familiar, Bill/Hill.
    Is Obama’s wife the one we should be watching out for?

  5. Steve in NC

    It will be fun to watch the attack on obama, they will hit on his hussein name, his lack of experience and will paint him too liberal, too naive in a time of war. If he does not end up in the arkansas river and gets the nomination he will have taken a lot of damage and will make many in the ‘center’ question his qualifications at this time in his career during the general election.

    Take note that hildabeast’s new campaign manager was involved in the Vincent Foster ’suicide’

  6. Rob

    If the Cems nominate that guy ti will be like taking candy from a baby in Nov. He is thw Black version of Jimmy Carter. We all know the White one sucked and if they think the black one will be better they are NUTS. He will get the crap kicked out of him.

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